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plunge (51.42%) than hover-plunge (48.58  %)         nifedipine was not equal to the sum of lowering of
             technique.  Pied  kingfisher mainly feed on small    blood pressure by individual  drug.  Concurrent
             fishes and occasionally ate small frogs and snake    administration of ketotifen fumerate and potassium
             hatchlings. Breeding activity was found  between     nitrate with diltiazem or with  nifedipine  did  not
             December and April and social  activities  were      make a significant change on the antihypertensive
             increased during that time. In  preening  activities   activity of diltiazem or  nifedipine.  Further
             64.17 % was self preening and only 35.83 % was       considerations and monitoring are to be practiced
             social preening.                                     during  concurrent  therapy of diltiazem and
                                                                  nifedipine to avoid untoward pharmacological and
             146 AMRAN,  M.S. (Dept. of  Pharmacy,                therapeutic actions related to drug-interactions but
             Rajshahi University, Rajshahi); RAHATUZZAMAN,        coadministration of ketotifen  fumerate  and
             M.    &     HOSSAIN,      M.A.     (Dept.   of       potassium nitrate with either diltiazem  or
             Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Dhaka  University,         nifedipine might be regarded as safe and effective.
             Dhaka). Influence of ketotifen fumerate  and
             potassium nitrate on the  antihypertensive  activity   148 BASHAR,       M.A.;    AZIZ,     M.A.;
             of nifedipine in rabbit. Bang. J. Life Sci., 2007, 19   HOSSAIN, F.R. & CHOWDHURY, M.A.K.
             (1), 89-94.                                          (Dept. of Zoology, Dhaka University, Dhaka). The
                                                                  Fig Wasp  Blastophaga Masoni And Relationship
             An in vivo study has been carried out to evaluate    With Its Host Plant  Ficus Bengalensis.  Bang. J.
             the influence of ketotifen fumerate and potassium    Zool., 2007, 35 (2), 185-192.
             nitrate  on  the antihypertensive activity of
             nifedipine. The studies have been performed  by      The  biology  and  morphology of the fig wasp.
             using    a    mercury    manometer.Concurrent        Biastophaga masoni Saunders and its relationship
             administration of ketotifen fumerate and potassium   with the host plant  Ficus bengalensis  (locally
             nitrate with nifedipine did not  make  a  significant   known as bot plant) was studied. The features of
             change  on the antihypertensive activity of          different larval and other stages of the life cycle of
             nifedipine.So concurrent therapy of nifedipine with   the wasp and different phases in the development
             ketotifen fumerate and potassium nitrate might be    of receptacles of the host plant are described. The
             regarded as safe and effective and it would  not     four  larval  and  one  pupal stages of the fig wasp
             change the pharmacological  and  therapeutic         were completely associated with the  five
             actions.                                             developmental stages of the fig of  bot  plant,  F.
                                                                  bengalensis. which is a classic example mutaulism.
             147 AMRAN,  M.S.  (Dept. of  Pharmacy,
             Rajshahi University, Rajshahi); RAHATUZZAMAN,        149  BASHAR, M.A.; MAMUN, M.A.;
             M.    &     HOSSAIN,      M.A.     (Dept.   of       CHOWDHURY, A.K.  (Dept. of Zoology,
             Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Dhaka  University,         Dhaka University, Dhaka) &  ASLAM, A.F.M.
             Dhaka).The  Synergism Of Diltiazem And               (Dept.  of Zoology, Jahangirnagar University,
             Nifedipine In Their Antihypertensive Functions In    Savar, Dhaka). Biodiversity  Maintenance  And
             The Animal Model And The Case  Of                    Conservation  Of Butterfly Plant Association In
             Coadministration  Of Ketotifen Fumerate And          Some Forests Of Bangladesh. Bang. J. Zool., 2006,
             Potassium Nitrate With Them.  J. Bio-Sci., 2006,     34 (1), 55-67.
             14, 61-67.
                                                                  The  abundance  of  the wild and semi-wild plants,
             An in vivo study has been carried out to evaluate    e.g. herbs, shrubs, grasses, vines, climbers, trees in
             the synergism of diltiazem and nifedipine on the     the  forests of Chittagong and Cox's Bazar was
             antihypertensive activity and the effect of ketotifen   recorded throughout the year during 1999-2000.It
             fumerate   and   potassium   nitrate  on  this       was found that out of 85 plant  families  57  were
             phenomenon  of  synergism in rabbit.It has been      with only one or two species per family. The rests
             found that the lowering of blood pressure by         showed less than 10 species and only one or two
             concurrent administration of diltiazem and           were with more than 11 species per family.

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