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142  TOYUB, M.A.; MIAH, M.I. &                       study revealed that H. auropunctatus spent most of
             HABIB, M.A.B.  (Bangladesh Agricultural              its  active  time in foraging (39%) while least in
             University,  Mymensingh). Change in Some             playing  (2%).  This  species also spent time in
             Chemical  Parameters of two Environment              different  activities such as running, feeding,
             Polluting Waste (Fertilizer Factory Effluent and     resting, grooming etc. Activity  patterns  of  this
             Sweetmeat Factory Waste) Media After Culture         species  varied significantly in different hours of
             of Three Important  Microalgae.  Bang. J. Sci.       the day, months and seasons.
             Ind. Res., 2007, 42 (3), 299-310.
                                                                  144  AHMED, S. & SARKER, N. J.  (Dept.
             Some  chemical parameters of fertilizer factory      of  Zoology, Dhaka University, Dhaka). food
             effluent (FFE) and sweetmeat factory waste (SFW)     consumption of barking deer  (muntiacus muntjak
             were analyzed before and after culture  of  three    zimmermann) in captivity. Bang, J. Zool., 2006, 34
             important   microalgae   (Spirulina  platensis,      (1), 127-131.
             Chlorella ellipsoidea  and  Scenedesmus obliqaus)
             to make the waste environment friendly and to        The  daily food consumption of a barking deer.
             develop their economic use. Among the two wastes     Muntiacus muntjak, in captivity was 6.48 kg. per
             significantly  (P<0.05)    higher    phosphate       day. The consumption was the highest in  winter
             phosphorus  (116.09 mg/l), ammonia nitrogen          (6.60 kg/day) followed by summer  (6.50  kg/day)
             (17.39), total suspended solids (TDS, 949.00 mg/l),   and monsoon (6.35 kg/day).It  was  observed  that
             total dissolved solids (28924.67 mg/l), total solids   this species preferred grasses followed by granular
             (30009.00 mg/l) and chemical  oxygen  demand         food  and  then vegetables.The individuals were
             (7892.00 mg/l) were in raw SFW.On  the  other        found  to take their food in the morning and
             hand significantly higher pH(7.51), nitrite nitrogen   evening more eagerly than the rest of the time. The
             (19.65) and dissolved oxygen (0.33) were             male  was  more active than the female during
             significantly higher in collected raw FFE.  Before   feeding and they did not quarrel with each other.
             culture of S. platensis TDS of the prepared media    After feeding they took rest under a shaded place
             were very high (10200.00 mg/l) due to addition of    within the enclosure.
             NaHCO 3. Before inoculation of C. ellipsoidea and
             S. obliquus  the  highest  TS, TSS, TDS and COD      145  AKHTAR, S.; KABIR, M.M. ;
             were recorded 867.28, 49.67, 771.33 and 1424.33      HASAN, M.K. & BEGUM, S.  (Dept. of
             mg/l, respectively in prepared media. But after the   Zoology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka).
             culture of all the three microalgae, the amount of   Activity pattern of pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis) at
             TS, TSS, TDS and COD were significantly              Jahangirnagar University campus.  Bang. J. Life
             (P<0.05)  lower  in all the media. The cultured      Sci., 2007, 19 (1), 49-58.
             microalgae were nutritionally rich.
                                                                  Among the 12 kingfisher species of Bangladesh 4
             590 :   ZOOLOGY                                      species are found in Jahangirnagar  University
                                                                  Campus. The study was conducted on the activity
             143  AFRIN, S.; FEEROZ, M.M.; AZIZ,                  pattern of pied kingfisher  (Ceryle rudis)  at
             M.A. & BEGUM, S.  (Dept. of Zoology,                 Jahangirnagar University Campus between March
             Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka). Activity    2006 and January 2007. Scan  sampling  method
             Patterns  of small Indian Mongoose,  Herpestes       with  5 minutes intervals was followed for the
             auropunctatus   in   Jahangirnagar  University       study.  Pied  kingfisher spent most of their active
             campus, Bangladesh.  Bang. J. Life Sci., 2008, 20    time  in  resting  (34.76  %) with a resting peak at
             (1), 45-49.                                          1300h. They spent 29.79 % of their active time in
                                                                  foraging and feeding, 12.55 % for flying, 11.55 %
             Activity patterns of Small Indian  Mongoose,         for calling and 11.35 % for social activities. Prey
             Herpestes auropunstatus  (Hodgson, 1836) were        catching techniques involved hover-plunge (48.58
             studied  between  April 2006 and May 2007 in         %) and perch-plunge (51.42 %) but skimming was
             Jahangirnagar University campus, Bangladesh. The     absent. Prey catching success was higher in perch-

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