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production and stored in polythene bag can retain    90.3-92.5 %, diglycerides from  2.5-3.2  %  and
             better seed quality, provided seed were dried to a   monoglycerides from 2.4-3.1% depending  on  the
             safe moisture level of 7.25 % to 8.46 %.             varieties and soil conditions of the areas on which
                                                                  the plant grow. Saturated  and  unsaturated  fatty
             125  RAHMAN, M.M.; BANU, L.A.;                       acids present in the oil were separated and varied
             RAHMAN, M.M. & SHAHJADEE, U.F.                       from 12.2-15,4 % and 82.9-85.8  %  respectively.
             (Institute of Food Science and  Technology,          The peccntage composition of fatty acids  was
             BCSIR, Dhaka). Changes of the Enzymes Activity       found to be linoleic acid 40.3, oleic acid  44.0,
             During Germination of  Different  Mungbean           stearic  acid 4.3, palmitic acid 9.0 and arachidic
             Varieties.  Bang.  J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2007,  42  (2),   acid 0.7.
                                                                  127  RAHMAN, M.S.; HOSSAIN, M.A.;
             The changes in the contents of enzymes activity of   AHMED,       G.M.;    UDDIN,      M.M.     &
             the  seed  of three varieties of nungbean were       YEASMIN, S.  (BCSIR Laboratories, Rajshahi).
             analysed at different hour of germination. Amylase   The effect of packing materials on the stability of
             and invertase activity were tremendously increased   sesame (Sesame indicum L.) seed oil during
             200-220 % and 165-175 % respectively at 24 hour      storage. Bang. J. Life Sci., 2007, 19 (2), 115-121.
             of germination and decreased gradually from 48-96
             hour of germination. Protease activity  was          The oil, extracted from sesame seed kernel  was
             remarkably  increased at 24 hour then further        stored in colourless, coloured (Deep blue,  Deep
             increased upto 48 hour (131-161%) and  then          green, Black) glass, tin  and  white  plastic
             decreased from 72-96 hour of  germination.           containers, at ambient temperature for 12 months
             BARlMung-3  variety showed the best result i.e.      in  terms  of free fatty acid (FFA), peroxide value
             the highest amount of enzymes activity among the     and iodine value. It was observed that the rate of
             three  varieties of mungbean at 24 hour of           increase in FFA was appreciably lower in the oils
             germinaton.                                          stored in deep green and black glass containers but,
                                                                  the rate was higher in the oils stored in plastic
             126  RAHMAN, M.S.; HOSSAIN, M.A.;                    containers.The rate of increase in peroxide value of
             AHMED, G.M. & UDDIN, M.M.  (BCSIR                    the oils was also found to be significantly lower
             Laboratories,  Rajshahi).   Studies   on   the       when  these  were kept in deep green and black
             Characterization,   Lipids   and     Glyceride       glass containers. Significant differences in storage
             Compositions of Sesame (Sesamum indicum linn.)       lives were observed in the oils stored in deep green
             Seed Oil. Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2007, 42 (2), 67-  and black glass containers. But, the iodine values
             74.                                                  of  the oils were not influenced by any of the
                                                                  packing containers.
             The  oil  of 3 different sesame  (Sesamum indicum
             linn.)  varieties were extracted.The physico-        581.9 :    BOTANY : FLORA
             chemical  characteristics, lipids and gtyceride
             compositions of oil were studied.The oil content of
             sesame  seed  kernels  grown under the soil and      128 KAMRUZZAMAN,  M.;  RAHMAN,
             climatic condition of Bangladesh varied from 42.5-   M.S.  (Dept. of Botany, Rajshahi University,
             46.2 % depending on the variety.The total  lipid     Rajshahi)  &  TARIQUE, M.H.  (Dept. of
             extracts  were  fractionated into three major lipid   Agronomy and Agricultural Extension,  Rajshahi
             groups    neutral   lipids,  glycolipids  and        University, Rajshahi). Phytosocial    investigation
             phospholipids   by    silicic   acid   column        on  the  local  flora of the industrial and non
             chromatography. The neutral lipids were averaged     industrial areas in the Rajshahi  City  Corporation.
             to 92.5 % of the total weight of the lipid applied.   Bang. J. Life Sci, 2008, 20 (2), 79-85.
             The  oils were fractionated into mono-, di-and
             triglycerides  by     silicic  acid    columb        A phytosocial investigation was carried out on the
             chromatography.  The triglycerides varied from       local flora in the Rajshahi  Silk  Factory  and  the
                                                                  Rajshahi University Campus during the three

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