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0.94 (r A2A3, r B2B3)and 0.95 (r C2C3) at α=0.05. Error   of Powerful Phenyl from Petuli Seed Oil. Bang, J.
             of prediction of relationship between dehulled and   Sci., Ind. Res., 2006, 41 (3 & 4), 203-206.
             hull samples was low in  the  seed  fractions,  ash   Studies were carried out on  the  preparation  of
             analysis and mineral composition. These  results     powerful phenyl from petuli  (Trewia nutdiflora
             showed that dehulling of AYB can  cause  a           linn) seed oil. It was found that petuli seed contains
             reduction in its nutritional qualities.              22 % of pale-yellow coloured oil. The physical and
                                                                  chemical characteristics of the oil were determined
             117  AHMED, G.M.; RAHMAN, M.S.;                      by the conventional methods and the fatty acid by
             HOSSAIN, M.A. ; ZAMAN, M.R.; UDDIN,                  gas liquid chromatography (G.L.C). From  the
             M.M. & YEASMIN, S.  (BCSIR Laboratories,             results ilt is evident that  the oil can be used
             Rajshahi).  Studies  on the preparation of herbal    suitably for the preparation of powerful phenyl on
             phenyl by using neem (Melia azadirachta L.) seed     accounts of its high  α-elaeostearic acid (38  %)  a
             oil. Bang, J. Life Sci.,  2008, 20 (1), 149-152.     major fatty acid component content and higher
                                                                  saponification value (185). This phenyl  was
             Seed oil of Melia azadirachta L. grown under the     applied on bacteria and found effective result.
             soil and climatic condition of Bangladesh contains
             about 45% of acrid yellow coloured  inedible  oil.   120  MOZUMDER, S.N. ; SULTANA, N. ;
             The oil can be used suitably for the preparation of   HOSSAIN, M.M.  (Dept. of Horticulture,
             herbal  phenyl  due  to its high percentage of oleic   Bangabandhu   Sheikh    Mujibur     Rahman
             acid (55.5%) and higher saponification  value        Agricultural University, Gazipur). AHMED, J.U.
             (198). The prepared phenyl was applied on bacteria   (Dept. of Crop Botany, Banghabandhu  Sheikh
             and found effective results.                         Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur)
                                                                  &  KHAN, A.A. (Dept. of Plant Pathology,
             118  KHAIR, A.; DEB, S.C. & AHMED,                   Bangabandhu     Sheikh    Mujibur     Rahman
             F.A.  (Dept.  of Botany, Jahangirnagar University,   Agricultural University, Gazipur). Effect of growth
             Savar, Dhaka).  Field disease incidence and seed     regulators and seed rate on seed germination  and
             health status of aromatic rice varieties in          biomass  production of Bangladhonia (Eryngium
             Bangladesh. Bang, J. Life Sci.,  2008, 19 (2), 9-16.   foetidium L). Bang., J. Life Sci.,  2007, 19 (2) 91-
             A survey was conducted on  40  rice  varieties
             comprised of thirty-seven aromatic and three non-    Application of gibberellic  acid  (GA 3) and kinetin
             aromatic from home and abroad to investigate their   individually  and in combination significantly
             field disease incidence and seed health  status.     increased  seed germination as well as biomass
             Eight  fungal  diseases  recorded in order of their   production  of    Bangladhonia.    Maximum
             average incidence were Curvularia leaf  spot,        germination (28.54%) and number  of  seedlings
             sheath rot, brown leaf spot, leaf  blast,  narrow    (188/m ) obtained from the  mixed  application  of
             brown leaf spot, sheath blight, false smut and leaf   GA 3) (500ppm) and Kinetin (50ppm).  More
             scald respectively. Twelve major seed borne fungi    number of seedlings per unit area was obtained in
             were isolated and identified of  which  six          higher seed rates but germination percentage was
             pathogenic fungi namely  Bipolaris oryzae,           higher  in  lower seed rates with GR treatment.
             Curvularia   lunata,   Fusarium   moniliforme,       Individual plant weight and  leaf  size  were
             Microdochium oryzae, Pyricularia  oryzae  and        unaffected  with  different  levels of GR and seed
             Sarocladium oryzae  showed relatively grater         rates. Maximum fresh yield (56.53 t/ha)  and  dry
             values for average disease incidence. Kernel smut    biomass (7.59t/ha) were obtained  from  mixed
             was  recorded in 19 rice varieties with a range of   hormone (GA 3 500ppm+Kinetin50ppm)  application
             0.25 to 2.25% seed infection.                        with 30 kg seed /ha.

             119  MONDAL, M.I.H.; KHALEQUE, M.A.;                 121  NASRIN, S. & RAHMAN, M.A. (Dept.
             HOSSAIN, M.A. & HYE,  M.A.  (BCSIR                   of Botany, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi).
             Laboratories, Rajshahi). Studies on the Preparation   ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF

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