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Pollen  stainability was found to be more or less    115 ZAMAN,         W.;    BISWAS,       S.K.;
             similar in long petioled form (LPs)  and  short      HELALI, M.O.H.; IBRAHIM, M. (Fruits
             petioled form (SPs) of water hyacinth but the size   and Food Processing and  Preservation  Research
             of both oval and round pollen grains was bigger in   Division, BCSIR Laboratories, Rajshahi) &
             SPs in comparison to the LPs, the difference         HASSAN, P.  (Institute of Biological  Sciences,
             being    statistically  significant.  In  seed       Rajshahi  University,  Rajshahi).  PHYSICO-
             development,    significant  differences  were       CHEMICAL       COMPOSITION       OF    FOUR
             observed between LPs and SPs at  1%  level  only     PAPAYA       VARIETIES       GROWN        AT
             in respect of their average number of capsules and   RAJSHAHI. J.Bio-Sci., 2006, 14, 83-86.
             seeds  in  case of natural pollination. However, in
             case of artificial self and cross-pollinated flowers,   A study was carried out on four papaya varieties
             significant differences were observed between        namely, Bombai, Deshi, Shahi (Yellow) and
             LPs  and  SPs  at 1% level in respect of their       Shahi   (Red)   for   their   physico-chemical
             average number of capsules,  seed-bearing            composition  grown  at Rajshahi. The results
             capsules and also number of seeds per capsule.       showed that maximum fruit weight was observed
                                                                  in Bombai and lowest in Shahi (Red). It was also
             114 RAHMAN, M.S. (Dept. of Microbiology,             found that  recovery  of pulp, TSS and total sugar
             Chittagong       University,      Chittagong).       were 80.46-87.41 %, 9.0-13.0% and 6.96-10.50%
             Antimicrobial activity of various  crude  extracts   respectively.
             from flower of Vernonia cinerea  (Roxb.)  Lees.
             Bang. J. Life Sci., 2008, 20 (2), 111-116.           581. 48 :  BOTANY : FLOWERS,

             Crude extracts of Petroleum ether,  chloroform,                       FRUITS & SEEDS
             ethyl acetate and ethyl  alcohol  of  Vernonia
             cinerea  flowers were studied for  their             116 ADEYEYE,  E.I.  (Chemistry Dept.,  Ado-
             antimicrobial  activities against eleven human       Ekiti University, Nigeria) &  AGESIN, O.O.
             pathogenic bacteria [Shigella dysenteriae, S.        (Home Economics Dept., College of  Education,
             sonnei, Salmonella typhi, S. paratyphi, Bacillus     Nigeria).  Dehulling  the African Yam Bean
             subtilis,   B    megaterium,     B.    cereus,       (Sphenostylis stenocarpa Hochst. ex A.  Rich)
             Staphylococcus      aureus,      Pseudomonas         Seeds : Any Nutritional Importance? Note I. Bang,
             aeruginosa Escherichia coli and         Vibrio       J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2007, 42 (2), 163-174.
             cholerae]  and four human pathogenic fungi
             [Aspergillus niger, A. ustus  and Candida            The flour from three colour  varieties  of  dehulled
             albicans] using disc diffusion and poisoned food     seeds  and hull of the African Yam bean (AYB)
             method resphclvely. Elhyl alcohol and  ethyl         (Sphenostylis stenocarpa)  were analysed  for
             acetate extract exhibited good antibacterial  and    proximate composition, ash  solubility  and
             antifungal activity against all the pathogens        alkalinity  and  the mineral composition. The
             tested herein. The ethyl acetate extracts            dehulled seeds were labelled A 2, B 2 and C 2 while
             exhibited the largest zone of inhibition (18 mm      the corresponding hulls were labelled A 3, B 3 and
             in diameter with 2000 µg/disc extract) against E.    C 3  respectively. Both protein and  carbohydrate
             coli.  The highest inhibition of fungal  radial      were highly concentrated in the dehulled samples
             mycelial growth (50.0% with 100 µg extract/ml        while  crude  fat  and crude fibre were more
             medium) was recorded against  A. ustus  with         concentrated in the hulls. The ash was more than
             ethyl  alcohol extract. Minimum inhibitory           90 % soluble in dilute mineral acid and significant
             concentrations (MICs) were determined by broth       correlation existed (0.99) in  the  ash  solubility
             macrodilution  technique. The ethyl acetate          characteristics. With the exception of  phosphorus
             extracts exhibited the lowest MIC  (750  (µg/ml)     and potassium, other minerals determined (Cu, Zn,
             against  E. coli.  However, for fungi, the  lowest   Co, Na, Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe) were found to be more
             MIC was 500 µg/ml against A. ustus with crude        concentrated in the hulls than in dehulled samples
             extract of ethyl acetate and ethanol.                and correlation coefficients were significantly high
                                                                  among  the samples with values ranging between

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