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seasons (viz., winter. summer and rainy) from July   Agricultural Extension, Rajshahi University,
             2002 to June 2003. A total number of 20 and 38       Rajshahi). Phytosocial investigation on  the  local
             species were recorded in the industrial and  non-    flora of four microhabitats in response to seasonal
             industrial areas respectively. It  was  observed  that   variations.  Bang. J. Life Sci., 2006,  18 (2), 121-
             in the industrial area  2  species viz.  (Cynodon    129.
             dactylon and Oplismenus compositus  were
             dominants with high IVI (importance value index)     A phytosocidsl investigation was carried out on the
             during  all  the  3 seasons. On the contrary, in the   local  flora in the Rajshahi University Campus on
             non-industrial area 4 species  viz.  Cynodon         four microhabitats (viz. sunny dry, sunny  wet,
             dactylin,  Clerodendrum     viscosum,   Oxalis       shady  dry  and shady wet) during three seasons
             corniculoata  and Oplismenus compositus  were        (viz. winter, summer and  rainy)  from  November,
             found to be dominant. As  regards  the  life  form   2000  to October, 2001. A total number of 52
             categories the percentage of  hemicryphytes  were    species were recorded during the study  period.In
             maximum during all the seasons in both the areas.    the  rainy season both the number of species (47)
             In terms of diversity index values, the flora of the   and  diversity index were higher as compared to
             industrial area showed relatively low index values   winter and summer seasons. During winter season
             as compared to that of the non-industrial area.      Centella asiatica  (L.) Urban.,  Cynodon dactylon
                                                                  Pers. and  Imperata cylindrica  (L.) P.Beauv. were
             129  KHAN, Z.U.M.; MUBASSARA, S. &                   co-dominants with high important  value  index
             SHANTA, N.A. (Dept. of Botany, Jahangirnagar         (IVI) values in the sunny microhabitat.In the shady
             University, Savar, Dhaka). Effect of  Azospirillum   one,  Axonopus cimicinius  Beauv.,  Colocasia
             inoculation on growth and yield of foxtail  millet   esculenta  (L.) Schott.,  Centella asiatica  (L.)
             (Setaria italica L.). Bang. J. Life Sci., 2006, 18 (1),   Urban,  clerodendrum viscosum  Vent.,  Aerva
             63-67.                                               lantana  (L) Juss.,  Altrnanthera phyloxeroides
                                                                  (Mart.) griseb. and  Cynodon dactylon  Pers. were
             A field study was conducted to ascertain the effect   important  as  competing species. During summer
             of Azospirillum inoculation on growth and yield of   season, Aerva Lantana (L.) Juss., Centella asiatica
             Setaria italica L.The results revealed that          (L.) Urban,  Eclipta alba  (L) Hassk.  and  Piper
             Azospirillum inoculation significantly increased the   Iongum  L. were found as co-dominants  in  the
             growth of the plants and also the yield of seed and   sunny dry microhabitat. In the  sunny  wet
             hay.The  highest increase of panicle weight was      microhabitat,     however,       Alternanthera
             observed with the plant inoculated with strain S-5   philoxeroides  (Mart.) Griseb.,  Centella asiatica
             whereas the lowest increase was with the strain S-   (L.) Urban.,  Cynodon dactylon  Pers.,  Oplismenus
             4.  In  case of seed yield, the maximum weight of    compositus  (L.) P.Beauv.,  Piper longum  L.,
             100 seeds was 0.261 g for the plants treated with    Polygonum hydropiper L. and Vitis trifolia L. were
             S-6 and S-5 strains, and the minimum was found in    commonly found. In the shady one, eight species
             uninoculated   control  plant.Similarly  highly      including  Commelina benghalensis  L.,  Eclipta
             significant increase was found in hay yield because   alba  (L.) Hassk.,  Oplismenus compositas  (L.)
             of inoculation treatments. Among the collected       P.Beauv. and  Oxalis corniculata  L. were  well
             Azospirillum  strains,  S-3 treated plants gave      distributed. During rainy season  most  of  the
             highest quantity of hay per plot whereas the lowest   species including  Centella asiatica  (L.) Urban.,
             quantity  of hay per plot was obtained from          Colocasia esculenta  (L.) Schott.,  Cynodon
             uninoculated control plot. Of all the  selected      dactylon Pers.. Cyperus rotundus L., Eclipta alba
             strains, S-3 was found to be best one in enhancing   (L.) Hassk.,  Ludwigia adscendens  (L.) Hara and
             the growth and yield of foxtail  millet  (Setaria    Vitis trifolia L. were found to grow well with high
             italica).                                            IVI values. In all the microhabitats five  species
                                                                  namely,  Centella asiatica  (L.) Urban.,  Cynodon
             130  SHAMSI, A.; RAHMAN, M.S.  (Dept.                dactylon  Pers.,  Eclipta alba  (L.) Hassk.,  Sida
             of Botany, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi)  &         cordifolia L. and Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott.
             TARIQUE, M.H.  (Dept. of Agronomy and                were found as common  species  during  three
                                                                  seasons. The  %  number of phanerophytes and

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