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RHIZOSPHERE       BACTERIA      AND    THEIR         Studies  were carried out on the characterization
             EFFECT ON GERMINATION OF RICE SEEDS                  and   glyceride  compositions   of   safflower
             AND GROWTH OF SEEDLINGS.  J. Bio-Sci.,               (Carthamus tinctorius)  seed oil.It was observed
             2007, 15, 77-82.                                     that  safflower seed grown under the soil and
                                                                  climatic condition of Bangladesh contains 32 % of
             Rhizosphere bacteria were isolated from root zones   golden yellow coloured  oil.The  physicochemical
             from rice fields. These were cultured in laboratory   characteristics of the oil were studied by the con-
             conditions and investigated the effects  on          ventional  methods  and the fatty acid composition
             germination  and growth of rice seedlings. They      by GLC.From the results it is revealed that the oil
             inhabit around the roots and live on root exude and   can  be  used suitably in paint, varnishes and soap
             benefit  the plants by altering the solubility and   manufacturing industries on account of  its  high
             availability of mineral nutrients and protecting the   linoleic acid content (75 %),  iodine  value  (148)
             roots  from  invasion  of pathogens by creating an   and  saponification  value (190).The oil was
             antibiotic barrier around the root. It has been found   fractionated into mono-, di-, and  triglycerides  by
             that rhizosphere bacteria have no effect  on         silicic  acid   column     chromatography.The
             germination  of  rice seeds. Both the rhizosphere    triglycerides were accounted for over 90 % of total
             bacteria and the Agrobacterium have been found to    weight of the oil. Fraction of lipids into three major
             produce  better  growth of rice seedlings in pot     lipid  groups,  neutral lipids, glycolipids and
             cultures but later is less effective than the former.   phospholipids was carried out by  silicic  acids
             Rhizosphere bacteria are mixtures of many e  g.      column  chromatography. The neutral lipids were
             Actimomyces, Proteobacteria,  Pseudomonas  etc.      averaged to 94 % of the total weight of the lipid
             but Agrobacterium sp is single.                      applied. The percentage composition of individual
                                                                  fatty acids were found to be linoleic  acid  (75.0),
             122  PAUL, N.K. & BEGUM, N.  (Dept. of               oleic (12.6), palmitic acid (8.4), stearic acid (2.6)
             Botany,  Rajshahi University, Rajshahi). Influence   and myristic acid (1.4).
             of Root and Leaf Extracts of Argemone mexicana
             on  Germination and Seedling Growth of               124 RAHMAN,  M.A.  (Dept. of  Agronomy,
             Blackgram,  Rapeseed and Wheat.  Bang. J. Sci.,      Hajee   Mohammad      Danesh    Science   and
             Ind. Res., 2007, 42 (2), 229-234.                    Technology University, Dinajpur).  Effect of
                                                                  Sulphur,  Bradyrhizobium Inoculation, Initial
             Allelopathic  effect of different concentrations (0,   Moisture Content of Seed and Storage Container
             20,  40  and  60%)  of root and leaf extracts of     on the Germination Percentage of Groundnut Seed.
             obnoxious   weed    Argemone    mexicana   on        Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2007, 42 (2), 175-186.
             germination and seedling growth  of  blackgram,
             rapeseed and wheat varieties  was  studied.          The study was aimed at determining the effect of
             Percentage of germination and lengths of main root   sulphur and  Bradyrhizobium  fertilized seed  at
             and shoot and seedling dry weight  were  highly      different initial moisture content of seed and
             significantly  decreased  with the increase of both   storage  container,  to improving the germination
             root and leaf extracts. In some cases, root extract   percentage of groundnut seed. The germination test
             was more inhibitory, but in others leaf extract was   was carried out after storing  the  seed  for  five
             more inhibitory. Among the varieties,  Dhali  of     months. Results revealed that seeds obtained from
             rapeseed and Akbar of wheat were most sensitive      60kg S/ha. stored in polythene bags retained the
             to the aqueous extract of Argemone mexicana.         germination percentage up to the standard level of
                                                                  ISTA for 5 months efficiently.  Least  initial
             123  RAFIQUZZAMAN, M. ; HOSSAIN, M.                  moisture content of seed (7.25 %) produced from
             A. & HASAN, A.J.M.M  (BCSIR Laboratories,            the above doses of fertilizer elements also played a
             Rajshahi). Studies on the Characterization  and      vital  role  in keeping the quality of stored seed.
             Glyceride Composition of Safflower  (Carthamus       Results in the respect of storage  performance  in
             tinctorius) Seed Oil. Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2006,   terms of percentage of germination indicated that
             41 (3 & 4), 235-238.                                 groundnut  seed obtained from sulphur and
                                                                  Bradyrhizobium   fertilizer  elements  during

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