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highest abundance of pupae was observed  during      higher rate.However satisfactory result was
             September and October.                               observed in both cases when field dose of Furadan
                                                                  was    applied    practically.In  this   case,
             134 ISLAM,  A.B.M.W.  (Dept. of Botany,              heterotrophically grown cultures were  more
             Govt.   B.L.   College,  Daulatpur,   Khulna);       tolerant  to  pesticides with respect to growth and
             MANIRA,         M.S.      (Refrigeration    &        nitrogen fixation.
             Airconditioning, Satkhira Polytechnique Institute,
             Satkhira,    Khulna);     Rahman,       M.M.         136  JAHANGIR, A.A.; MONDAL, R.K.;
             (Environmental   Sciance   Discipline,  Khulna       NADA, K.; AFROZE, R.S. & HAKIM,
             University, Khulna)  &  ZAMAN, M.  (Dept. of         M.A. ( BCSIR Laboratories, Dhaka). Response of
             Botany, Rajshahi University,  Rajshahi).  Blue-      Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fertilizer  and  Plant
             Green Algae (BGA) of Two Shrimp Ghers at             Spacing on Growth and Yield  Contributing
             Khulna, Bangladesh. South Asian J. Agric., 2007, 2   Character of Sunflower.  Bang. J. Sci.  Ind.  Res.,
             (1 & 2), 123-128.                                    2006, 41 (1 & 2), 33-40.

              BGA  of  two Ghers has been studied monthly         The plant spacing of 20, 25 and  30 cm were
             round  the  year.  In Gher-I  11  genera of          used for the study. The doses of nitrogen and
             cyanophytes,  was recorded by  Oscillatoria,         phosphorus were 80, 100, 120 and 45, 60, 75
             Anabaena, Nostoc, Aphanocapsa, Microcystis phormidium   kg/hectare respectively. The experiment was
             Merismopedia, Lynbya, Gleothee, Gloeocapsa and       carried out in a randomized block design with
             Spirulina.In Gher-2 The 8 genera of cyanoobytes      three replications 20 cm plant spacing
             was identified which were Oscillatoria, Anabaena,    produced the highest plot yield. Maximum
             Aphanocapsa,Glococapsa, Lynbya, Merismopedia,        number of seeds per head and yield were
             Microcystis and Phormidium.                          produced by the application of 120 kg N +75
                                                                  kg p 2O 5 per hectare. In case of plant spacing x
             135 ISLAM,  M.Z.  (ITDG); BEGUM, S.                  fertilizer interaction effect, 20 cm plant
             (Environmental   Science   Discipline,  Khulna       spacing with 120 kg  N +  75  kg P 2O 5 per
             University, Khulna); ARA, H. (FMRT Discipline,       hectare treatment produced the highest head
             Khulna  University, Khulna) &  WALIULLAH,            diameter and seed yield.
             T.M.  (Institute  of Biological Sciences, Rajshahi
             University, Rajshahi). EFFECT OF  FURADAN            137  KHATUN, R.; NOOR, P.; AKHTER,
             ON    THE     GROWTH       AND    NITROGEN           N.; JAHAN, M.A.A.; HOSSAIN, M. &
             FIXATION BY BLUE GREEN  ALGAE.  J. Bio-              MUNSHI, J.L.  (Biological Research Division,
             Sci., 2007, 15, 23-34.                               BCSIR Laboratories, Dhaka). Spirulina Culture in
                                                                  Bangladesh XI Selection of a Culture Medium,
             The study was carried out to determine the effects   Suitable for Culturing a Local Strain of Spirulina.
             of pesticide on the growth and nitrogen fixation by   Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2006, 41 (3&4), 227-234.
             blue  green  algae (BGA) that isolated from three
             different soils of Bangladesh  viz.,  saline soil,   Large scale  Spirulina  culture is possible  in
             calcareous soil and red soil. Furadan 5G, one of the   Bangladesh  inspite of unpredictable climatic
             most commonly used pesticides was selected  for      condition. Effect of different culture media on the
             the study of eighteen taxa of blue green algae       growth  of  a local strain of  Spirulina (Spirulina
             (BGA) which brought under the unialgal culture in    platensis)  was  studied. Bangladesh medium (Bd,)
             the selected soil types. Variations  observed  in    was found to be more favourable for the growth of
             growth and nitrogen fixation among the isolates of   the  alga. All together three culture media were
             a  particular  type of soil. The culture resulted as   included in this study.
             BGA grow slow under heterotrophically grown
             cultures than that of autotrophically grown          138 PAUL,  N.K.  (Dept. of Botany, Rajshahi
             cultures. On the other hand, nitrogen  fixation  in   University, Rajshahi). Growth and  leaf  yield  of
             heterotrophically grown cultures was observed  at

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