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hemicrytophytes   were   recorded  higher   as       AHAMED, K.U.  (BARI, Gazipur).  Effect of
             compared to other classes during all the seasons. In   different dates of planting on the growth, yeild and
             summer and rainy seasons hemicryptophyte alone       yeild contributing characters of Banana at Ishurdi
             was with the highest number of species.              region. Bang. J. Life Sci., 2008, 20 (2), 101-109.

             582 :    BOTANY : PLANT TAXONOMY                     An investigation was conducted to find out the
                                                                  effect of suitable planting date on growth and yield
             131  ABDULLAH, S.; SULTANA, N.;                      of Banana cv. sabri during 2005-2006. Six dates of
                                                                  planting, viz., 15  September, 15  October, 15
             HOSSAIN,       M.    (Dept.  of   Horticulture,      November, 15    February, 15   March and 15
             Bangabandhu      Sheikh    Mujibur    Rahman         April were used. The tallest pseudostem of Banana
             Agricultural University,  Gazipur);  SAHA, S.R.      (311.20cm)  was obtained from 15  November
             (Horticulture  Research   Centre,  Bangladesh        planting and the shortest pseudostem (299.60cm)
             Agricultural Research Institute,  Gazipur)  &        was from 15th April planting. The maximum crop
             ISLAM, A.K. M.A. (Dept. of Genetics and Plant        duration (495.30 days) was recorded from  15
             Breeding, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman          April planting, while it was  minimum  (386.66
             Agricultural University, Gazipur).  Morphological    days) from 15  September planting.Significantly
             variation in thirteen sweet  pepper  (Capsicum       the highest bunch weight (17.96 kg) and number of
             annuum L.) genotypes. Bang, J, Life Sci,, 2007, 19   fingers per bunch (92.83) were obtained from 15th
             (1), 95-100.                                         October plantings which resulted the highest yield
                                                                  (44.90t/ha). Single fruit weight (191.9g), weight of
             Morphological characters among  thirteen  sweet      flesh (138.40g) and total soluble  solid  (27.46%)
             pepper genotypes were studied. Wide variations       were found highest from 15   October planting.
             were  observed among the genotypes.The stem
             pubescence was found glabrous in seven genotypes     133   BASHAR,      M.A.;     BELAL,      S.I.;
             and intermediate in four genotypes. Five genotypes   CHOWDHURY, S.F.N.  (Dept. of  Zoology,
             were found to have  glabrous  leaf  pubescence.      Dhaka University, Dhaka); ASLAM,  A.F.M.
             Some of the genotypes had the calyx with dentate,    (Dept.  of Zoology, Jahangirnagar University,
             intermediate  and smooth calyx margin.Three          Savar, Dhaka) & CHOWDHURY, A.K.M.
             categories  of  fruit length were found among the    (National University, Gazipur).  SEASONAL
             genotypes under study. Fruit color at the immature   ABUNDANCE        OF    A   PYRALID      PAST
             stage  was  found  green and deep green. Nine        AFFECTING DUCKWEED PRODUCTIVITY IN
             genotypes  had  the  red color fruits turned at the   POND ECOSYSTEM.  Bang, J, Zool,, 2007,  35
             mature stage and others were yellow to red. Three    (1), 39-47.
             categories  of  fruit shape were found among the
             accessions  under  study i.e. elongate, conical and   Severe infestation caused by a pyralid insect pest
             bell shaped. There were four kinds of fruit shape at   on duckweeds was recorded from July  2004  to
             peduncle attachment i.e. obtuse,  truncate,  lobate   February 2005 in some duckweed  farms  of
             and cordate.Two categories of fruit shape at         Bangladesh. The larval and pupal case-making
             blossom end were reported and they were pointed      stages were identified as mechanical key  factors
             and sunken. Four genotypes had  the  fruit  cross    for bringing the pyralid insect to its pest status.In
             sectional  corrugation  which   was    'slightly     Mirzapur station-1. larval abundance was in the
             corrugated  and  rest of the genotypes produced      peak in September and October. Larval abundance
             fruits of 'intermediate' corrugation.Eight genotypes   was diminished to zero state in January. Maximum
             had the purple node color and rest of the genotypes   number of pupa was recorded in September 2005.
             had the green node color.                            The  pest  population was virtually absent in
                                                                  December and January. Larval  abundance  in
             132 ARA,  N.  (Regional Agricultural  Research       Mirzapur station reached to its peak in September
             Station,  BARI, Ishurdi, Pabna);  KABIR, W.          anti came to zero during  the  second  half  of
             (BARC,     Dhaka),   KAISAR,       M.O.     &        December. The absence of larval case was found to
                                                                  continue up to the second  half  of  January.  The

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