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foaming  stability  96.2 %; water absorption         production in  Rhizoctonia solani.  Bang. J. Life,
             capacity, 340.0; oil absorption capacity, 120.0 %;   Sci., 2006, 18 (1), 39-46.
             emulsion capacity 30.0 mLg ; emulsion  stability
             38.4 mLg ; least gelation capacity, 16.0% and        Variable responses of two virulent isolates
             bulk density 0.5268 mg . The protein solubility of   (BTB115 and DK64) of  Rhizoctonia solani  were
             the  P. Africana  was found lo  have  minimum        observed with different physiological  factors.  No
             solubility at pH 4.5.                                mycelial growth was observed at  5°C  and  no
                                                                  sclerotia were formed up to  10°C.The  optimum
             105 HOSSAIN,  M.A.          (Plant   Pathology       temperature  for  growth and sclerotia production
             Division, BRRI, Gazipur) & KHAN, M.R. (Dept.         ranged  from  25°  to 30°C.Both the isolates could
             of Botany, Dhaka University, Dhaka). Survival of     grow at a wide range of pH.Higher  growth  and
             Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae and Its Virulence.     higher number of sclerotia were recorded at pH 6
             Bang. J. Microbiol., 2005, 22 (1), 41-46.            to 8.Vigorous mycelial growth and higher colony
                                                                  density were observed in Czapeck's agar medium
             The  experiments  were  conducted to find out a      in presence of N, P, K, Fe, Mg, and C. Growth of
             simple,  easy  and cost-effective method of          R. solani was adversely affected in absence of C, N
             preservation of the bacterial blight  pathogen       and P in the medium while formation of sclerotia
             Xnthomonas oryzae  pv.  oryzae  having stable        was increased in absence of Mg. No sclerotia was
             virulence.  The  survival and virulence of the       formed and colony density was thin in absence of
             pathogen of bacterial blight pathogen tested were    C-source. Manitol was found most  suitable  for
             preserved  in  different substrate media. Clay       sclerotia production in both  the  isolates.  Radial
             suspension (CS) and modified clay  suspension        mycelial growth was favoured by dextrose, glucose
             media  (MCS)  were  found better for survival of     and sucrose white none of the isolates could grow
             the pathogen though the survivility and virulence    at all when glycrol was  used  in  the  medium.
             properties varied among the strains  tested.The      Peptone, NaNO 3 and NH 4NO 3 were found to be
             survival of all the strains in CaCl 2  was better and   good sources of nitrogen for mycelial growth and
             virulence most strains but BXo373 (67.0 %) was       sclerotia production in both the isolates tested.
             less  affected.  A disadvantage of this method of
             preservation was that the bacterium could not be     107 RAHMAN,  G.M.S.  (Faculty of life and
             isolated  beyond  two years. The bacterium could     Earth Science, National  University,  Gazipur);
             survive in CS and MCS for more than 7 years but      HOSSAIN, M.I. ; AMEEN, M.U.  (Dept. of
             the virulence was not very much affected up to 3     Zoology, Dhaka University, Dhaka) &  ISLAM,
             years  of preservation. Survival of the bacterium    S.N.  (Institute of Nutrition and Food Science,
             in peptone water (PW) was only about one year.       Dhaka  University, Dhaka). EFFICACY OF
             The  bacterial population dynamics during            AQUATIC  PLANT EXTRACTS ON THE
             preservation in different substrate media, CS and    LARVAE OF  CULEX QUINGUEFASCIATUS
             MCS, gradually decreased from an initial  count      SAY (DIPTERA:  CULICIDAE).  Bang. J. Zool,.
             of 10  cfu/ml to a final count  10  cfu/ml.          2006, 34 (1), 1-5.
             Virulence property of the bacterium was affected
             by  prolong preservation in different substrate      Various  extracts  of five different aquatic plants
             media  that  might be due to mutation at the         namely. Lemna Perpusila,  Spirodela polyrhiza,
             virulence genes.                                     Azolla pinnata. Chara fragilis and Utricularia minor
                                                                  with methanol. chloroform and petroleum ether were
             106 KHANDAKER, M.M. (Dept. of Botany,                tested against the late 3  or early 4  instar larvae of
             Govt. Saadat College,  Tangail);  BHUIYAN,           Culex quinquefasciatus  Say at room  temperature  in
             M.K.A.  (Plant Pathology Lab.,  Bangabandhu          the laboratory. The LC 50 values of the plant extracts
             Sheikh Mujibur Rahman  Agricultural  University,     were  in  the  following order of toxicity: Petroleum
             Gazipur) &  KHAIR, A.  (Dept. of Botany,             ether extracts of  S polyrhiza  (2.50 ppt)> Petroleum
                                                                  ether extracts of C. fragilis (3.22 ppt) > Chloroform
             Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka).  Effect of         extracts of  C. fragilis  (3.84 ppt)  >  Chloroform
             Physiological  factors on the growth and sclerotia   extracts of S. polyrhiza (5.53 ppt)> Petroleum ether

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