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FROM STORED  COFFEE BERRIES. J. Bio-Sci.,            Group,   Dhaka).   Optimization   of  cultural
             2006, 14, 39-41.                                     parameters under solid state fermentation  for  the
                                                                  production  of   xylanase   by   Thermomyces
             A  new  species  of predatory mite of the family     lanuginosus. Bang. J. Life Sci., 2006, 18 (1), 85-
             Phytoseiidae viz., Amblyseius (Amblyseius) coffeae   90.
             sp. nov. is described from stored coffee berries.
                                                                  The    thermophilic    fungus    Thermomyces
             576.8 :  BIOLOGY : MICROBIOLOGY,                     lanuginosus  was studied under  solid  state
             BACTERIOLOGY & PARASITOLOGY                          fermentation  (SSF)  using wheat bran for the
                                                                  production of xylanase. The optimum temperature
                                                                  and moisture content for xylanase production was
             092 AKHTER,         M.Z.;    HUSSAIN,      A.        found to be  55°C  and 80% respectively.The
             KHAN, S.N.  (Dept. of Microbilogy, University        highest  enzyme  activity  was observed at pH 6.5
             of Dhaka, Dhaka).Plasmid-Mediated Multi-Drug         and was exhibited after 7 days of incubation. For
             Resistance of  Escherichia coli Isolated from        increased  xylanase production mineral solution
             Urinary  Tract Infections: A Preliminary Study.      was not necessary and among the different natural
             Bang. J. Microbiol., 2005, 22 (1), 55-58.            lignocellulosic carbon sources, wheat bran  was
                                                                  found lo be most effective.
             The present study was a preliminary investigation
             of   plasmid-mediated   drug    resistance  of       094 ALAM,  M.J.  (Dept. of Environmental
             Escherichia coli isolates from patients with urinary   Hygine, Faculty of Pharmaceutical  Science,
             tract infection (IJTI). The techniques used were     Okayama  University,  Okayama, Japan). Low
             antibiogram, extraction of plasmid  DNA  and         Abundance of Vibrio cholerae with ctx Gene in the
             curing of plasmids. Among the 50 isolates studied,   Seto-Inland Sea, Japan. Bang. J. Microbiol., 2005,
             41 were found to be multi-drug resistant exhibiting   22 (1), 47-49.
             resistance to eight out of ten antibiotics used,
             namely, ampicillin, amoxycillin,  ceftazidime,       Toxigenic  Vibrio cholerae is  a pathogenic
             ceftriaxone, cephalexin, cloxacillin,  tetracycline   bacterium, naturally occurring in the estuarine
             and gentamicin. All of these isolates were sensitive   and marine environments throughout the
             to  imipenem and nitrofurantoin. plasmid DNA         world. The incidence of  this organism in an
             bands  of various sizes were observed in 34          aquatic environment varies depend upon many
             isolates, which ranged from 1 to 16 kbp. Twenty-     ecologic factors. Seawater and organic
             five  of  these isolates showed multiple plasmid     materials (live and/or dead plants and animals)
             bands, many of which had bands with similar sizes.   were collected during cool and warm weather
             The  most  common and prominent band was             seasons from 5 areas of the Seto-lnland  Sea,
             observed in the 16-kbp position.  plasmid  curing    and analysed to detect the toxigenic  V.
             experiments  were performed with three different     cholerae,  defined as those possessing the
             conenrations  of  SDS (5, 8 and 10%), acridine       cholera toxin gene  (ctx)  by the polymerase
             orange (20, 30 and 50 µ.g/ml)  and  ethidium         chain reaction (PCR),  using isolated DNA
             bromide (50, 70 and 100 µg/m1) as curing agents.     from enrichment culture of the samples. About
             Acridine orange (50 µg/ml) and ethidium bromide      8% samples were positive for toxigenic  V.
             (100 µg/ml) were found to be effective for plasmid   cholerae with densities of 3 to 11 cells/100 ml
             curing.  Cured  cells became ampicillin sensitive    water or 10 g organic samples by most-
             and showed no plasmid bands, which proved that       probable-number (MPN)-PCR technique. The
             the ampicillin resistance property of the multi-drug   results of this study  demonstrated the low
             resistance (MDR)  E. coli  isolates were plasmid-    number of the toxigenic  V. cholerae  in an
             mediated.                                            important seafood production area.The finding
                                                                  indicates the potential infection risk associated
             093  AKHTAR, N.; HOSSAIN, F. (Dept. of               with  seafood harvested from this subtropical
             Botany, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka)      aquatic environment.
             &  MOHIUDDIN, G.  (International Study

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