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INTERACTION MODEL.  J.  Bang. Acad. Sci.,            ALLOY.  J. Bang. Acad.  Sci.,  2006, 30 (2), 177-
             2007, 31 (1), 45-59.                                 187.

             The A-B distances in regular, tetragonally distorted   A detailed study of the crystallization behavior of
             and trigonally distorted octahedral AB 6  molecules   soft magnetic metallic  glass  Fe 73.5Au 1Nb 3Si 13.5B 9
             are studied theoretically applying  the  Symmetry-   has  been  carried  out  ty means of Differential
             Interaction (SI) model where the different energies   Scanning Calorimetry (DSC),  X-ray  diffraction
             of orbitals in the valence level are assumed to      (XRD)  and  theromagnetic measurements, Two
             become closer by the interaction of those orbilals   distinct crystallization peaks corresponding  to
             which have the common symmetry properties. The       Fe(Si) and Fe-B phases were  determined  from
             experimental bond  lengths of about one hundred      DSC  traces  and temperature dependence of
             AB 6 molecules are collected from the literatures. In   magnetization.  The  crystallization  onset
             all regular octahedral AB 6  molecules, formed by    temperature  and the nanometric grain size of
             both the transition as well as  the  non-transition   Fe(Si)  phase has been determined from XRD
             elements, the A-B distances are found to be exactly   pattern of the samples annealed  at  different
             equal and this equality is explained by proposed SI   temperatures. Crystallization activation energies of
             model. In case of transition metal complexes, sp-sp   the Fe(Si) and Fe-B phases were found to be 2.36
             and  pd-pd  interactions  in  the valence levels are   and 4.26 eV. A satisfactory coincidence  of  the
             found to be responsible for the orbital  energy      results  of  crystallization processes by DSC,
             rearrangements in  the  inner-d  and  outer-d        thermomagnetic measurements and XRD  is
             compounds respectively, in the complexes of non-     obtained.
             transition elements, the orbitals of the post valence
             state, known as virtual orbitals, are assumed (with
             some uncertainty) to take part in minimizing large   550 GEOLOGY
             energy  differences of the bonding orbitals.
             Different configurations  of tetragonally distorted   076 MAZUMDER,          M.I.H.;     HAQUE,
             AB 6 molecules have different sets of bond           M.N.& UDDIN, M.J.  (Dept. of Electrionics &
             distances and the reason for these variations  was   Applied Physics, Islamic University,  Kushtia).
             shown previously to be  the  Jahn-Teller  effect     GEOELECTRIC SURVEY IN DECIPHERING
             which  bases  on  the electronic interactions in the   THE  GROUND  WATER ZONES IN THE
             valence levels.The theoretical calculations on these   TRIBENI  UNION OF JHENAIDAH DISTRICT.
             configurations by using the SI model are found to    J. Bang. Acad. Sci., 2006, 30 (2), 213-223.
             be unsuccessful in explaining the relative variation
             of  bond  in most cases and hence the Jahn-Tellcr    The results of geoelectric survey carried out  in
             theorem is considered as a better explanation. The   Tribeni  Union  under Sailokupa Upazila of
             trigonally distorted octahedral AB 6 molecules with   Jhenaidah District have been discussed in this
             antiprismatic geometry being structurally  less      article. Eight Schlumberger soundings were carried
             stable, are too rare to record in the literature. But   out in the middle of March, 2005. The data have
             bond distances in a few prismatic complexes with     been interpreted as a  multilayer  step  function
             bidentate ligands are available in literature and are   resistivity model by an automatic iterative process
             found to be equal. This equality is attributed to the   proposed by Zohdy, 1989. An equivalent model of
             energy averaging of the bonding orbitals by the d-   minimum  layers has been constructed for each
             sd interactions. Thus the SI model is found to have   location.The transverse and longitudinal resistivities as
             nearly equal success and failure in explaining the   well as co-efficients of  anisotropy  have  been
             bond distances in AB 6 molecules.                    studied. Groundwater table has  been  delineated
                                                                  from the analysis of the co-efficients of anisotropy
             075  SAHA, D.K. & HAKIM, M.A.                        of different formations and the measured values of
             (Materials  Science Division, Atomic Energy          the  groundwater  conductivity. From a knowledge
             Centre,    Dhaka).      CRYSTALLIZATION              of  geology,  hydrogeology and co-efficients of
             BEHAVIOR OF  Fe 73.5Au 1Nb 3Si 13.5B 9 AMOR          anisotropy,  the results of the Vertical Electrical
             PHOUS-NANOCRYSTALLINE SOFT MAGNETIC                  Soundings  (VES)  have also been used in

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