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source  of  pentosans and furfural, TLC and          infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy,  X-ray  diffraction
             conventional chemical test further confirmed  the    (XRD),  thermo gravimetric analysis (TGA) and
             presence of furfural in extracted solution.          differential thermal analysis (DTA). The surface
                                                                  area of the Al-sorbent  was  determined  by
             067 SHAJAHAN,  M.  (School of Chemical               adsorption  of  melhylene blue from aqueous
             Engineering  and Technology, Chonbuk National        solution. The results of FT-IR, XRD, TGA, DTA
             University,  Republic of Korea) &  KIBRIA,           analyses of the Al-sorbent are in good agreement
             A.K.M.F.  (Chemistry Division, Atomic Energy         with  literature data reported for boehmite type of
             Centre, Dhaka). Growth Phenomena of  Carbon          aluminum     oxyhydroxide     [AIO(HO)     or
             Nanotubes  Over  Co-Mo/MgO Catalyst from the         A1 2O 3.xH 2O, 1<x<1.5] with  differing  water
             Decomposition of Acetylene.  Bang. J. Sci. Ind.      content and crystalline size.
             Res.,  2007, 42 (2), 105-114.
                                                                  069   TAREQUE,       M.H.;    ISMAIL,     M.;
             Carbon  nanotubes  (CNTs) were grown over            CHAKRAVARTY, P.; RANA,  A.A.  &  SAHA,
             12Mo:18Co:70MgO catalyst at 500, 700 and 900°        M.  (Dept of Applied Chemistry and Chemical
             C from C 2H 2 decomposition for 30 minutes using     Technology,    Dhaka    University,   Dhaka).
             chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method. The          Benzylation of Phenol with Benzyl Alcohol in the
             highest  yield of CNTs was observed at 700° C.       Presence of Sulphuric Acid. Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res.,
             The lowest diameter of CNTs appeared at 900° C.      2006, 41 (3&4), 257-261.
             Quadruple mass spectroscopy (QMS) study on the
             species generated from the catalytic decomposition   Benzylphenol has been produced in high yield by
             of C 2H 2 identified that the catalyst consumed  C   the  benzylation of phenol with benzyl alcohol in
             species  during  the  growth stage of CNTs. The      the presence of sulphuric acid. The effect of
             consumption period of C varied with temperature      variation of temperature, molar ratio of phenol to
             and  showed  a close relationship with the carbon    benzyl alcohol, time of reaction, concentration and
             yield. At 500, 700 and 900° C, the consumption       amount of sulphuric acid have been studied on the
             periods were 12, 35 and 20 inin, respectively, and   reaction.
             the  corresponding  carbon yields were 7, 385 and
             89%.  From  the  XRD analysis of catalyst surface,   070  TAREQUE, M.H.; ISMAIL, M. ;
             and XRD and Raman analysis of the CNTs, it was       ISLAM, S.T.A; KAMRUZZAMAN, M. &
             realized  that  Co particles released from Co 30 4,   SAHA, M.  (Dept.  of Applied Chemistry and
             CoMoO 4 and CoO-MgO were  participated  in           Chemical Technology, Dhaka University, Dhaka).
             CNTs growth at 500, 700 and 900° C, respectively.    Reaction  of  Xylenes with Benzyl Chloride in the
             The Co particles acted as the transporting medium    Presence  of Anhydrous Aluminium Chloride.
             of carbon to grow CNTs. The tubes are MWNTs          Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res.,  2006, 41 (3 & 4), 251-256.
             and grown by tip growth mode.
                                                                  Reactions of ortho meta- and  para-xylenes  with
             068  SIMOL, H.A. ; MOLLAH, M.Y.A.                    benzyl  chloride in the presence of anhydrous
             (Dept. of Chemistry, University of Dhaka, Dhaka)     aluminium chloride as catalyst have been studied.
             &  MOTTALIB, M.A.  (Bangladesh College  of           The effects of variation of temperature, molar ratio
             Leather    Technology,    Hazarbag,    Dhaka).       of xylene to benzyl chloride, amount of catalyst
             ELECTROGENERATION OF AI-OXYHYDROXIDE                 and reaction time on the reactions have been
             AND ITS CHARACTERIZATION.  J. Bang.                  investigated.
             Acad. Sci., 2007, 31 (1), 143-149.
                                                                  548    CHEMISTRY : MINERALOGICAL
             Al-sorbent  was prepared by electrochemical                SCIENCES
             method    using  a   two-electrode  monopolar
             electrochemical  (EC) cell with Al as 'sacrificial   071 BEGUM, F. (Dept. of Chemistry, Dhaka
             anode' and sodium chloride as internal electrolyte.   University,  Dhaka).  X-RAY      CRYSTAL
             The sample was characterized by Fourier transform    STRUCTURES OF METAL  COMPLEXES  OF

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