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084 RAHMAN, M.M. (Institute of Biological            that policy makers and  protected  area  managers
             Sciences,   Rajshahi   University,   Rajshahi);      need to recognize and acknowledge the importance
             ISLAM, W. & AHMED, K.N.  (BCSIR                      of local knowledge of biodiversity  issues  in  park
             Laboratories, Rajshahi). EFFECT OF  TEMPERATURE      management.
             (REUTER)     (HEMIPTERA:     ANTHOCORIDAE)           086  HAQUE, M.S. & HAQUE, M.N.
             FEEDING ON CRYPTOLESTES PUSILLUS (SCHON.             (Institute of Fual Research & Development,
             (COLEOPTERA: CUCUJIDAE).  J. Bio-Sci., 2007,         BCSIR, Dhaka). Studies on the Effect of Urine on
             15, 41-46.                                           Biogas Production. Bang. J. Sci., Ind. Res., 2006,
                                                                  41 (1 & 2), 23-32.
             Xylocoris flavipes (Reuter) is one of the dominant
             predators of many stored  product  insect  pest      Only 20 % of our rural households in Bangladesh
             including  Cryptolestes pusillus.  The influence  of   have more than 4 cattle heads and 21 % have more
             temperature on predator development, survival and    than 2 cattle heads. A 5-8 members family needs 4-
             some  selected life history parameters was           6 cattle to run a biogas plant  to  meet  their  daily
             determined. Eggs laid/female (27.27±2.52) and egg    cooking energy. For wide spread dissemination of
             hatching  rate (%) (88.25±2.19) were highest at      biogas technology throughout the country  it
             30 C  and lowest at 20 C (5.43±1.19 and              becomes imperative to increase  the  number  of
             30.79±4.63%) respectively but no eggs laid  at       biogas plant users by increasing the gas production
             15 C. Mortality among immature stages (%)  was       rate with the present available cattle  heads.It  has
             highest (51.71±1.48) at  35 C and lowest             been found that with the addition of urine lo cow-
             (24.25 ±1.14) at 25 C. Developmental times           dung gas production has been increased upto 30%
             decreasing  with  the increasing of temperature.     at a proportion of dung, urine and water (50.35:15)
             Maximum     numbers    of   progeny/female/day       which will reduce the number of cattle heads and
             (3.55±0.76) were produced at 25°C and minimum        plant  size  and hence the construction cost. This
             (0.83±0.04) were at 20 C.The sex ratios (%           will certainly increase the technology users up to
             female) of X. flavipes were 47.04, 56.68, 51.66 and   41%  with the present available cattle  heads  and
             50.07  for 20, 25, 30 and 35 C respectively.         hereby solve the cooking fuel and organic fertilizer
             Survivorship of ovipositing females was highest at   crisis and maintain the hygienic condition.
             25 C but lowest at 35  C respectively.
                                                                  087  SHILPI, R.Y. & HIRSHFIELD, I.N.
             574 : BIOLOGY                                        (Dept. of Biological Sciences, St. John's
                                                                  University, New York, USA). The  influence  of
             085  AZIZ, M.A. ; FEEROZ, M.M.  (Dept.               high temperature and low  oxygen  tension  on  E.
             of  Zoology, Jahanirnagar University, Savar,         coli proteome: Two-dimensional  gel  analysis.
             Dhaka)  &  SULTANA, S.  (Dept. of  Zoology,          Bang. J. Life Sci., 2007, 19 (2), 17-23.
             Jessore   Govt.   Mohila   College,   Jessore).
             Perceptions on biodiversity issues among the local   Using of Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis
             people living in and around the Lawachara            technique  total proteins were electrophoreses and
             National Park, Bangladesh.    Bang. J. Life Sci.,    polypeptides spots were visualized by  silver
             2008, 20 (1), 15-22.                                 staining.  Escherichia coli  K.-I2 strain MC4100
                                                                  were cultured aerobically and anaerobically  at
             This  study assessed traditional knowledge- and      36 C and temperature shift up at 43 C for 10
             perceptions  on  biodiversity issues among local     minutes. Higher number of polypeptides were
             people  and its importance to protected area         found to express at  43 C, 10 minute heat-shock,
             management. The people living in and around the      than in the 36 C controls for both aerobically and
             park who critically depend on forest resources for   anaerobically  grown    cultures.Upon   closer
             their livelihood and ther day-to-day needs have a    inspection with silver staining it was found  that
             good stake of knowledge and perceptions on the       some proteins spots which are  present  in
             issues. The lessons learned from  this study suggest   experimental conditions (10 min heat shock at

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