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cfu/ml, the culturability extended for more than 20   University of  Dhaka, Dhaka); HAQ, J.A. (Dept.
             days.In all cases, the strain became nonculturable   of Microbiology, BIRDEM,  Dhaka)  & KHAN,
             after 7 to more than 20 days depending on initial    M.R. (Dept. of Botany, Dhaka University, Dhaka).
             inoculum density and type of water but remained      Bancroftian Microfilariae in Human  Blood
             viable  which  was determined by fluorescence        Samples  from Rangpur, Bangladesh.  Bang. J.
             microscopy using DAPI staining and the Shigella      Microbiol., 2005, 22 (1) 64-67.
             spp. specific gene amplification by PCR.
                                                                  Uttam  Union,  Rangpur, is endemic for the
             099  UDDIN, M.N.; KHAN, A.R.  (Dept. of              mosquito  borne disease, lymphatic filariasis,
             Microbilogy,  University of Dhaka, Dhaka);           caused by nematode parasite dwelling  in  the
             ABDULLAH-AL-MAHIN & BEGUM, R.                        lymphatic system. To detect the young parasite,
             (Microbiology & Industrial Irradiation  Division,    microfilaria  (mf),  a total of 185 venous blood
             Institute  of Food & Radiation Biology (IFRB),       (nocturnal) samples were screened.  Among  the
             Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC),          volunteers, 117 were males and 68 were females.
             Dhaka). Assessnent  of Microbiological Quality of    Mf positive individuals were found to be 28 among
             Some  Fast  Foods  in Relation to Safety and         which, 23 were males and 5 were females. Stained
             Hygiene. Bang. J. Microbiol., 2005, 22 (1), 72-75.   blood smears and sediments of osmolysed  blood
                                                                  were studied under microscope. Maximum mf
             The  microbiological quality of ten different        count was 40 per 100  µl of blood for stained
             varieties of fast foods collected  from different    smears and total number of mf positive individuals
             shops in Dhaka city was assessed. On the basis of    was 18. After osmolytic  treatment  (concentration
             total viable bacterial count (TVBC), total coliform   technique),  maximum  number of mf was 264 per
             count (TCC) total faecal coliform  count  (TFCC)     100  µl of blood and total mf positive individuals
             and total Staphylococcus count (TSC), respectively   were 24. Thus the osmolytic procedure was found
             10, 60, 10 and 90% fast foods collected from high-   to  be  more effective to demonstrate mf in blood.
             class shops were found be unsatisfactory. No food    The length of the microfilariae  (mfs)  obtained
             items were found to be unsatisfactory on the basis   ranged from 230-360µm. Morphology of  the
             of total  Aeromonas  count (TAC) or total  fungal    microfilarae revealed the presence of bancroftian
             count (TFC).The amount of unsatisfactory             filariasis in the study area and this was supported
             samples, obtained from middle-class shops, on the    also by immunochormatographic test (ICT).
             basis of TVBC, TCC, TFCC, TSC and TAC were
             40,  80, 60, 100 and 10% respectively. The most      101  HAQUE, M.S. ; KARIM, M.R.  (Dept.
             alarming results were obtained from the food items   of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Rajshahi
             collected from lower class shops where 100% food     University, Rajshahi) & SHIMAZU, T. (Dept. of
             samples were found unsatisfactory on the basis of    Medical Biochemistry, Ehime University School of
             TVBC, TCC, TFCC and TSC.  On  the  basis  of         Medicine, Japan).  Peripheral glucose uptake after
             TAC and TFC, 10 and 30% samples respectively         injection  of leptin into the ventromedial
             were found unsatisfactory. Some food items were      hypothalamus of anesthetized  rat.  Bang. J. Life
             found to be contaminated  with  pathogenic           Sci., 2006, 18 (1), 131-138.
             microorganisms regardless of the sample area. The
             safety and hygienic status of fast  foods  of  high-  The  rate constant of 2-[ H]DG uptake (Ki) was
             class restaurants were found to  be  comparatively   calculated in the heart, spleen, white adipose tissue
             better than those of middle-class and  lower-class   (WAT)  and brown adipose tissue (BAT) of
             shops.                                               anesthetized  rats in response to microinjection of
                                                                  leptin into the VMH. Total time  of  leptin
             577.1 :  BIOLOGY : BIOCHEMISTRY                      stimulation was 75 minute. In the heart and spleen,
                                                                  the Ki (min ) values were 171.6 ± 20.0 and 39.6 ±
             100  ELAHI, M.; YASMIN, L. SULTANA,                  2.5  for the leptin-tread group and that of the
             S.; NAVID, A.F.;  (Dept.  of Biochemistry &          control rats were 162.9 ± 37.9 and  32.5  ±  2.6
             Melecular Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences,   respectively. Similarly, in the epididymal WAT,
                                                                  the Ki (mi  ) values were 2.8 ± 0.59 and 2.4 ± 0.45

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