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extracts of L. perpusila (6.57 ppt)  >  Chloroform   Seeds of mungbean, cv. Barimung-2 were
             extracts of L. perpusila (7.28 ppt) > Petroleum ether   germinated  in different concentrations of lead
             extracts  of  U.  minor (12.24 ppt) > Petroleum ether   (Pb), viz. 0.01, 0.03, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1 & 3 mM to
             extracts of  A. pinnata  (25.52 ppt)  >  Chloroform   evaluate  germination behavior and growth of
             extracts of A.  pinnata  (25.98 ppt) > Methanol      seedlings  at early stage. Control seeds were
             extracts of L. Perpusila (28.55 ppt)  >  Methanol    treated with modified Hoagland solution.  The
             extracts of  C. fragilis  (30. 48 ppt) > Chloroform   germination of the seeds was monitored daily for
             extracts of U. minor (31.94 ppl) > Methanol extracts   four days.The seedling growth, water  content  as
             of S. polyrhiza (51.27 ppt) >Methanol extracts of U.   indicated by the ratio of fresh and dry weight of
             minor (52.91 ppt) > Methanol extracts of A. pinnata   seedlings, chlorophyll contents were measured on
             (66.52 ppt).
                                                                  the 7th day of the experiment.Different
                                                                  concentrations of Pb resulted in marked reduction
             581.14 :   BOTANY : GERMINATION                      in the percentage of seed germination, length and
                                                                  weight of root and shoot as well as survivality of
             108 AKHTER,         N.;    BEGUM,       M.F.;        mungbean seedlings. Contrary, fresh and dry
             ALAM, S. & ALAM, M.S.  (Dept. of Botany,             weights  of  root and shoot per unit length were
             Rajshahi University, Rajshahi).  INHIBITORY          increased.The  induction and growth of root
             EFFECT OF DIFFERENT PLANT EXTRACTS,                  systems  were seriously inhibited by Pb as
             COW DUNG AND COW URINE ON CONIDIAL                   compared to shoot growth.The water  content  of
             GERMINATION OF BIPOLARIS SOROKINIANA.                both root and shoot was  conspicuously  reduced
             Bang. J. Bio-Sci., 2006, 14 (1), 87-92.              by Pb. Total chlorophyll contents in leaves of the
                                                                  treated  seedlings were increased with the
             Inhibition of conidial germination of  Bipolaris     increasing levels of Pb up to 0.1 mM of Pb, and
             sorokiniana was tested using eight ethanolic plant   then decreased. Chlorophyll b was more affected
             extracts,  ten  aqueous    plant  extracts  in       than chlorophyll a by Pb. The results indicated
             combination  with  cow dung and five aqueous         that the tolerance level of Pb in relation to growth
             plant  extracts  in combination with cow urine.      of mungbean seedlings is lower than 0.01 mM.
             Hundred  percent of conidial germination was
             inhibited with the application of ethanolic          110  SULTANA, M.S.; HOSSAIN, F.;
             extracts of  Adhatoda vasica  (leaf) and  Zingiber   HOSSAIN,        M.T.      (Dept.of    Botany,
             officinale (rhizome) at 2.5% concentration. After    Jahangirnagir University, Savar, Dhaka) &
             the treatment with  Vinca  rosea, Piper  betle  and   KARIM, M. A.  (Dept. of Agronomy,
             Azadirachta indica  extracts in combination with     Bangabandhu     Sheikh    Mujibur     Rahman
             cow dung suspension showed 100% inhibition of        Agricaltural University, Gazipur). Effect of NaCl
             conidial germination; where the lowest was noted     on germination and seedling growth of mungbean
             in case of Rauwolfea serpentina (30%) extract at     varieties. Bang. J. Life Sci., 2007, 9 (2), 1-8.
             same concentration. At 2.5% concentration  of
             Calotropis procera extracts in combination with      Salinity tolerance at germination and early
             cow    urine,  91%    inhibition  of  conidial       seedling  stage  is  the most important factor for
             germination  was observed. In most cases,            crop  establishment  under saline conditions. In
             Ocimum sanctum extract exhibited less inhibitory     order to analyze salt  tolerance  behavior  of
             effect against B. sorokiniana.                       mungbean at early stages of growth, seeds of six
                                                                  recommended varieties, viz.  BARImung-2,
             109  HOSSAIN, M.T.; HOSSAIN, F.                      BARImung-4,     BARImung-5,     BARImung-6,
             (Dept.  of Botany, Jahangirnagar University,         BINAmung-5  and  BUmung-2, were placed for
             Savar, Dhaka) & KARIM,  M.A. (Dept. of               germination at different levels of NaCl solutions.
             Agronomy     Bangabandhu     Sheikh   Mujibur        The six NaCI levels were as 25, 50, 100, 150, 200
             Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur). Effect     mM and distilled water was used as the control.
             of lead on germination, growth and chlorophyll       The  experiment  was continued for 10 days.
             contents  in mungbean at early seedling stage.       Germination percentage, germination  index,
             Bang. J. Life-Sci., 2007, 19 (1), 41-48.

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