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095  HAQUE, M.M.; SHEIKH, M.A.;                      of Environmental Science and  Management,
             KHANAM, M.  (Dept.  of Microbiology, Dhaka           Independent   University  Bangladesh   (IUB),
             University, Dhaka) & NAHAR, N. (Badrunnessa          Dhaka). Determination and acquisition of  anti-
             Govt.   Girl's  College,  Dhaka).   α-Amylase        microbial  compounds    secreted  during  the
             Production from  Streptomyces griseoloalbus and      interaction between  Nostoc sp. and other
             Some  Factors  Influencing the Enzyme Activity.      microorganisms.  Bang. J. Life Sci.,  2008,  20 (1),
             Bang. J. Microbiol., 2005, 22 (1), 76-78.            51-56.

             Three indigenous Streptomyces species, namely, S.    In a survey of microbes from field grown terrestrial
             microflavus, S. griseoloalbus and S, kunmingensis,   cyanobacterium,  Nostoc  sp, was collected from
             were selected for their  α-amylase production.       Dhaka city. Fifteen microbes were isolated with
             Among the three species studied, S. griseoloalbus    cyanobacterial sample and those were  separately
             (S-21) showed highest  α-amylase activity.The        subjected  to  shaking culture. The culture broths
             effect of pH and temperature on α-amylase activity   were  then  assayed for anti-microbial activities
             and stability was determined. The pH and             using  Staphylococcus aureus  as a test organism.
             temperature optima of  α-amylase from  S.            Among  them  three isolates showed strong anti-
             griseoloalbits were 7.0 and 45 C, respectively. The   microbial activity against S. aureus. A dual culture
             enzyme was stable at temperature up to 50 C, and     for  Nostoc  sp. and  Paenibacillus glynilyticus  was
             above that the activity sharply reduced. The         performed in microcosm to elucidate  the  anti-
             enzyme was most stable at pH 7.0.                    bacterial  compounds    secreted  during  the
                                                                  interaction between those two tests organisms. The
             096  KHANUM, H.; KABIR, R.; DAY,                     bioactive compound released in the medium  of
                                                                  dual culture were isolated and identified as anti-
             R.R. ; FARHANA R.  (Parasitology Branch,             microbial compound, which showed pronounced
             Dept. of Zoology, Dhaka University, Dhaka)  &        toxicity against S. aureus.
             MASUM, M.A.  (Parasitology Dept. Institute of
             Epidemiology, Disease Control and  Research).        098  SULTANA, M.; RAHMAN, M.Z.;
             TEST AND ALDEHYDE TEST IN SERODIAGNOSIS              KHAN, S.I.  (Dept. of Microbiology,  University
             OF VISCERAL LEISHMANIASIS.  Bang. J.                 of Dhaka, Dhaka) & BIRKELAND, N.K. (Dept.
             Zool., 2008, 36 (1), 93-99.                          of Microbiology, Bergen  University,  Norway).
                                                                  Survival of Shigella Flexneri Cells in  Laboratory
             Direct  Agglutination Test (DAT) and Aldehyde        Microcosms. Bang. J. Microbiol., 2005, 22 (1), 19-
             Test (AT) were assessed and compared in              22.
             serodiagnosis of the visceral leishmaniasis (VL) of     The survival of  Shigella flexneri  was studied in
             400 suspected cases from different parts of
             Bangladesh. Trypsin treatment of  Leishmania         laboratory microcosms to assess their culturability.
             donovani promastigote antigen proved to  be          Laboratory  microcosms  were set up using water
                                                                  from tap, pond and lake. In each series,  three
             indespensible in the direct agglutination test for the                        6   7        8
             diagnosis of VL. Significant titers were  found in   different densities,  e.g.,  10 , 10  and 10  cfu/ml
             220 (55%) sera by the DAT and 260 (65%)  sera        were used. The findings of  the  present  study
             formed anti-leishmania antibodies by the AT.  A      showed that survivility of  Shigella  flexneri
             titer of > 1: 3200 was considered indicative  for    increases with the increase of inoculum  density.
             visceral leishmaniasis. The sensitivity  and         Survival potential of the cells was higher in case of
             specificity  of  the DAT were 100% and 98.6%.        tap water followed by pond and lake water. With
             respectively, whereas, the AT showed  84%            the initial inoculum density of 10  cfu/ml,  the
             sensitivity and 64.3% specificity.                   strain became nonculturable after 7, 8 and 10 days
                                                                  in lake, pond and lap water respectively. When the
                                                                  initial inoculum was 10  cfu/ml, culturability of the
             097 MAHMUDA,  S.  (Dept. of Botany,                  strain increased up to 10 days in  lake  and  pond
             Jahangirnagar   University,  Savar,    Dhaka);       waters  whereas  it  was 12 days with tap water.
             DEBNATH, R.K. & HAQUE, M.M. (School                  However with the highest inoculum  level  of  10

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