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deciphering the aquifer. The geoelectric sounding Chitlagong stations by 0.259, 0.061, 0.104, 0.08
results are in good agreement with the geological and 0.021%/year, respectively. Only decreasing
and hydrogeological information of the area. trend was observed in Dhaka region. During the
study period annual average relative humidity was
077 MAZUMDER, M.I.H.; HAQUE, M.N. statistically significant at 1% level for Rajshahi
& UDDIN, M.J. (Dept. of Electronics & and Barisal stations. It has an increasing trend over
Applied Physics, Islamic University, Kushtia). the country and increased at a rate of 0.078%/year
GEOELECTRIC SURVEY IN DECIPHERING during the studied period. The highest regional
THE GROUNDWATER ZONES IN THE average of relative humidity was recorded over
TRIBENI UNION OF JHENAIDAH DISTRICT. Barisal station while lowest value over Dhaka
J. Bang. Acad. Sci., 2007, 31 (1), 7-16. station during 1972-2001.
The results of geoelectric survey carried out in 079 PAUL, D.; BASU, P. (Dept. of Botany,
Tribeni Union under Sailokupa Upazila of North Bengal University, Darjeeling, India) &
Jhenaidah district have been discussed. Eight PAUL, N.K. (Dept. of Botany, Rajshahi
Schlumberger soundings were carried out in the University, Rajshahi). INFLUENCE OF SOIL
middle of March, 2005. The data have been MOISTURE ON SOME PHYSIOLOGICAL
interpreted as a multilayer step function resistivity CHARACTERS AND ROOT AND ALKALOID
model by an automatic iterative process. An YIELDS OF RAUVOLFIA SERPENTINA. J.
equivalent model of minimum layers have been Bio-Sci., 2006, 14, 73-76.
constructed for each location. The transverse and
longitudinal resistivities as well as co-efficients of Relative leaf water content of the irrigated plants
anisotropy have been studied. Groundwater Table of Rauvolfia serpentina was significantly higher
has been delineated from the analysis of the co- than that of the rainfed plants. Soil moisture
efficients of anisoiropy of different formations and effect was found to be significant for chlorophyll
the measured values of the groundwater a, b and total chlorophyll. Rainfed plants had
conductivity. From a knowledge of geology, significantly higher proline and sugar content
hydrogeology and co-efficients of anisotropy, the than the irrigated plants. Main root length, total
results of the Vertical Electrical Soundings (VES) alkaloid and reserpine contents were unaffected
have also been used in deciphering the aquifer. The by soil moisture, but-air-dried root yield
geoelectric sounding results are in good agreement gradually increased with the increase of
with the geological and hydrogeological irrigation frequency.
information of the area.
080 PAUL, N.K. (Dept. of Botany, Rajshahi
078 MOUMITA, C.; BATEN, M.A. (Dept. of University, Rajshahi) & QAIYYUM, M.A.
Environmental Science, Bangladesh Agricultural (Bangladesh Sericultural Research and Training
University, Mymensingh) & ISLAM, M.T. Institure, Rajshahi). Effect of Soil Moisture on
(Graduate Training Institute, Bangladesh Agricultural Leaf Yield and its Quality of Some Mulberry
University, Mymensingh). VARIABILITY OF Varieties (Morus alba L.). Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res.,
RELATIVE HUMIDITY IN BANGLADESH. J. 2007, 42 (4), 483-488.
Bang. Acad. Sci., 2006, 31 (2), 173-180.
Influence of soil moisture on leaf yield and leaf
Mean relative humidity is analyzed over quality characters of five mulberry varieties were
Bangladesh using 30 years climatic data from 1972 studied. Soil moisture treatments were well-
-2001 at six stations. The study includes annual watered and water-stressed. Leaf yield and yield
trends, five-years moving average, regional components, such as plant height, branch
average and anomalies of relative humidity of number/plant, leaf number/branch were higher in
different stations. It reveals that increasing trends the well-watered plants. Soil moisture had signif-
of annual average relative humidity were recorded icant effect and higher values were found for leaf
in Rajshahi, Sylhet, Barisal, Khulna and moisture, crude protein, total sugar, reducing