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REACTIONS     WITH   M΄CN (M΄ = Cu, Ag) TO           Catalysed Condensation  Reaction.  Bang. J. Sci.
             FORM   CLUSTER   COMPLEXES. J. Bang. Acad.           Ind. Res.,  2007, 42 (1), 9-14.
             Sci,.  2006, 30 (2),203-212.                         Propanone  (acetone)  was dimerised to obtain 4-
                                                                  hydroxy-4-melhylpentanone-2 (diacetone  alcohol)
             Thiomolybdate (VI) and thiotungstate (VI) anions,    in  reasonably good yields in presence of metal
             [MS 4] , react with Cu(l)halides in 1:1 molar ratio   catalyst viz aluminium, iron,  tin  and  zinc  at
             at the boiling point of MeOH to give insoluble red-  different  catalytic  conditions—pure   metal,
             brown and orange-yellow solids  of  polymers         activated metal and amalgamated metal. Yields of
             [Me 4N][CuMoS 4]  1 and [Me 4N][CuWS 4]  2,          the product was found to decrease exponentially
             respectively. Similarly, with Ag(I)halides  they     with  the increase of proton number of the metal
             form Mo(W)-Ag polymers [Me 4N][AgMoS 4] 3 and        catalyst.
             [Me 4N][AgWS 4] 4, respectively.  Undergoing
             polymeric chain breaking reactions with metal (I)    065 SALEH-E-IN,         M.M.      (Dept.   of
             cyanides,  M'CN  (M' = Cu, Ag), [Me 4N][CuMS 4]      Chemistry,  Govt. Bangla College, Dhaka);
             form   reported   soluble  cluster  complexes,       AHSHAN, M.  (IGCRT, BCSIR, Dhaka) &
             [Me 4N] 2[MS 4  (CuCN 2] (M = Mo, W).  The  same     ROY, S.K.  (Chemical Research Division, BCSIR
             clusters are prepared from the  reactions  of        Laboratories, Dhaka). CHEMICAL  ANALYSIS
             (Me 4N][AgMS 4] wiih CuCN.  [Me 4N][AgMS 4]          OF THE ELEMENTS PRESENT IN ANETHUM
             form known clusters [Me 4N] 2[MS 4(AgCN)] with       SOWA ROXB. EX. FLEM (DILL) SEED BY X-
             AgCN. The complexes have been characterized on       RAY FLUORESCENCE SPECTROMETRY.  J.
             the basis of elemental analysis, infrared, DTA and   Bang. Acad. Sci. 2006, 30 (1), 111-116.
             X-ray diffraction studies.
                                                                  The qualitative and quantitative analyses  of  the
             063  RAHMAN, M.M.; KHAN, M.M.R. &                    elements present in the seeds of  Anethum sowa
             HOSAIN, M.M. (Dept. of Chemistry, Shah Jalal         (Dill) showed that the  maximum  amount  of
             University of Science & Technology, Sylhet).         elements were  (in g/100g) O (38.12), Ca (26.11),
             Analysis of Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) Contents in    K  (17.3835),  P (9.84), Mg (6.68), S (6.4302), Al
             Various   Fruits  and   Vegetables   by   UV-        (0.72), Fe (0.65) and Na (0.36). Trace amount of
             spectrophotometry. Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res.,  2007,   Ti,  Ni,  Cu, Y, Zr and Ba were found in the
             42 (4), 417-424.                                     samples. However, Co, Pb, As and Hg could not be
                                                                  detected in any of the samples.
             Total vitamin C (ascorbic acid + dehydroascorbic
             acid)   has    been   determined    by    UV-        066 SATTAR,  M.A.;  CHAKRABORTY,
             spectrophotometric  method  in various fruits and    A.K.; AL-REZA, S.M. & ISLAM, M.S.
             vegetables. In this method bromine water oxidizes    (Dept. of Applied Chemistry and Chemical
             ascorbic acid to dehydroascorbic acid in presence    Technology,   Islamic   University,  Kushtia).
             of acetic acid. After coupling  with  2,4-           Extraction and Estimation of Furfural  from
             dinitrophenyl  hydrazine  at 37°C temperature for    Decorative Plans Grown in Bangladesh.  Bang. J.
             three hours, the solution is treated with 85% H 2SO 4   Sci. Ind. Res.,  2007, 42 (4), 495-498.
             to produce a red color complex and the absorbance
             was spectrophotometrically measured at 521  nm.      An investigation on some decorative plants widely
             The content of vitamin C were 10 mg/l00g to 80       grown in Bangladesh has been carried  out.  The
             mg/l00g in fruits and 16 mg/l00g to 42 mg/l00g in    plants Mimusops elengi, Madhuca indica, Hiptage
             vegetables. A loss of 64% at-10°C and 76% at 5°C     benghalensis and Polyalthia longifolia  have been
             was  observed  after two months storage period of    analyzed for their furfural contents by colorimetric
             one leafy vegetable "Enhydra fluctuans" (Helencha    spectrophotometry  after  hydrolysis in 13 percent
             shak).                                               HC1 and extraction with 50 % ethanol. The results
                                                                  revealed that the  furfural concentration in these
             064  SAHA, P.K. & BAHAR,  M.H.  (Dept. of            plants  is  in  the range of 3.9-10.3 percent,
             Chemistry, Dhaka University, Dhaka). Metal           indicating the potential of these plants as good

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