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particles. Out of the solutions of  common           (OMe) on the para position of the C-2 aryl moiety
             chemicals (10% caustic soda,  20%  sodium            (substrates  Ib  and 2b) accelerates the reaction to
             chloride, 10% sodium carbonate, 10% postassium       give 80 % conversion and 50 % isolated yield of
             dihydrogen phosphate,  10% TSP and 5%    NH 3)       single diastereomer after 5 min and 8:1 mixture of
             only 10% caustic soda leach~95%. As from As          diastcreomers  on  complete conversion after 10
             loaded brick particles and  others  much  less.      min.
             Ordinary  water  within  pH 4-7 leach very little
             arsenic  from iron oxide impregnated brick           060  PALMA, B.S.; AZIM, M.A.; ISMAIL,
             particles.                                           M.; SAHA, D.; KADER, M.A. & SAHA, M.
                                                                  (Dept. of Applied Chemistry and Chemical
             058 KIBRIA, A.K.M.F. (Chemistry Division,            Technology, Dhaka University, Dhaka). A
             Atomic    Energy   Centre,   Ramna,    Dhaka);       Mathematical Model for the Indanylation  of  m-
             SHAJAHAN, M. & NAHAM, K.S. (School of                Cresol with Indene in the Presence  of
             Chemical Engineering & Technology,  Chonbuk          Benzenesulphonic acid.  Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res.,
             National  University,  Chonju, Republic of Korea).   2007, 42 (1), 1-8.
             AND      FIELD      EMISSION      PROPERTY           A mathematical model has been developed for the
             MEASUREMENT  OF CARBON NANOTUBES.  J.                reaction of m-cresol with indene in the presence of
             Bang. Acad. Sci., 2007, 31 (2), 239-245.             benzenesulphonic  acid  as a catalyst using Yates
                                                                  pattern  experimental design and indanyl m-cresol
             Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were synthesized over        has been obtained in high yield.
             15 Co: 15 Mo:70 MgO impregnated  catalyst  at
             800°C from thermal decomposition of C 2H 2 for 0.5   061 QUAYUM,  M.E.  (Dept. of Chemistry,
             h. The yield of CNTs was 335%. The grown tubes       Dhaka University, Dhaka).  ELECTROLESS
             are MWNTs and were grown by tip growth mode.         DEPOSITION OF GOLD  ONTO  HYDROGEN
             The gown tubes were purified and characterized. It   TERMINATED n-Si(111) ELECTRODE. J. Bang.
             was  observed  that acid leaching successfully       Acad. Sci.,  2006, 30 (2),151-157.
             removed the impurities from the as-grown CNTs.
             The diameter of the tubes is around 10 nm. In field   Electroless deposition of gold  on  hydrogen
             emission display (FED) study, the grown tubes        terminated Si(lll) electrode has been investigated in
             showed turn on voltage at the electric field of 3.17   O.1 M H 2SO 4  solution  containing 0.5 mM of
             V/µm. The calculated field enhancement factor (β)    AuCl 4 ions hy using attenuated total reflection
             is 5054 which indicates better  suitability  of  the   Fourier  transform  infra-red  (ATR  FT-IR)
             lubes for the FED application.                       spectroscopy    and    X-ray     photoelectron
                                                                  spectroscopy) (XPS) Gold deposits on Si(111)
             059  NURNABI, M. & ISMAIL, M.  (Dept.                surface  without the influence on any external
             of Applied Chemistry and Chemical  Technology,       potential i.e., at Open Circuit Potential (OCP).  It is
             Dhaka    University,  Dhaka).   Syntehsis   of       interpreted that gold deposition  takes  place  via
             Biologicaly   Important   Chiral   Morpholine        hole  injection  into  the valence band (VB). The
             Derivatives. Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2007, 42 (2),   formation  of  gold film and oxide layers on H-
             135-146.                                             Si(111) surface proceeds simultaneously.

             Electrophile (Br 2) induced cyclization of optically   062 RAHMAN,        A.B.M.S.     (Dept.   of
             pure N-allyl-β-aminoalcohols la, 1b, Ic and 2a, 2b   Chemistry, Janahgirnagar University,  Savar,
             gave chiral morpholines  (2R,  5S)-3a, 3b, 3c and    Dhaka) &  BOLLER, H.  (Dept. of General &
             (2S,  5R)-4a, 4b  respectively. Quenching of the     Inorganic   Chemestry,    Johannes    Keppler
             reaction with Na 2CO 3  after 5 min afforded 60 %    University,   Linz,   Altenberger,   Austria).
             conversion with 100 % de, whilst a 2:1 mixture of    POLYMERS  OF   [MS 4]  (M = Mo, W) WITH Cu(I)
             two  diastereomers was obtained upon complete        AND Ag(I): SYNTHESIS  AND  CHARACTERIZATION
             conversion. However, electron donating substituent   OF [Me 4N][CuMS 4] AND [Me 4N][AgMS 4] AND
                                                                  THEIR    POLYMERIC       CHAIN     BREAKING

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