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             coli  and  Citrobacter  and the major  fungal        analyses, infrared,  H NMR,  P { H} NMR and
             contaminants were  Aspergillus flavus  and           mass spectroscopic data.
             Penicillium  sp. Irradiation dose of 8 kGy was
             required to decontaminate the mixed spices used in   043 KABIR,        M.H.;     KHAN,       A.R.;
             this snack.                                          AKHTER, M.Z. & MALEK, M.A. (Dept. of
                                                                  Microbiology,    University    of     Dhaka);
             041  FAKHRUDDIN, A.N.M. & HARUN-                     CHOWDHURY, N.A. (Institute of Food  &
             OR-RASHID,  (Microbiology &  Industrial              Radiation Biology (IFRB), Atomic Energy
             Irradiation  Division, Institute of Food and         Research Establishment (AERE), Savar, Dhaka) &
             Radiation Biology, Atomic Energy  Research           CHOWDHURY, N. (Bangladesh Atomic Energy
             Establishment,   Ganakbari,   Savar,   Dhaka).       Commission (BAEC), Dhaka). Effect of Radiation
             Comparative Study of Different  Methods  for  the    Sterilization on the Physiochemical Properties and
             Measurment of the Growsh  of  a  Floc-Forming        Microbial  Load of Dexamethasone Sodium
             Bacterium on  Monochlorophenols.  Bang. J.           Phosphate Powder. Bang. J. Microbiol., 2005, 22
             Microbiol , 2005, 22 (1), 24-33.                     (1), 68-71.

             Pseudomonas putida  CPl  formed clump of cells       Dexamethasone sodium phosphate powder  was
             when grown on all the three kinds  of                irradiated at different does (0.5 to 10.0 Mrad) and
             monochlorophenol isomers.  Ethylenediaminetetraacetic   subsequent changes were observed. A dose of 1.0
             acid (EDTA) caused no dispersion of flocs. High      Mrad  was  found  to be enough to sterilize the
             power (100 W output) sonication caused dispersion    powder, which had an initial microbial count of 3.0
             of the floc and it also caused cell lysis. Sonication   x 10   cfu/g.  No  significant change in colour and
             at low power (50 W output) for 30 sec caused         pH  was observed in powdered dexamethasone
             dispersion   and   no   cell   lysis.  Sodium        sodium  phosphate with the increase in radiation
             tripolyphosphate  had  no significant effect on      dose.  The spectrophotometric measurement and
             dispersion  of  the flocs. Monitoring growth of the   high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
             organism by a direct microscopic count technique     analysis of irradiated dexamethasone  sodium
             was found to be more representative  than  other     phosphate showed no marked loss of potency even
             methods  including optical density measurements;     up to the dose of 10.0  Mrad.  No  degradation
             dry weight measurements and the plate count          product and extra peak was found at a dose of 10.0
             technique.                                           Mrad.  The  results indicate that dried powder of
                                                                  dexamethasone sodium phosphate is stable after
             042  HASSAN, M.R.; KABIR, S.E.; SAHA,                sterilization by irradiation.
             M.S.    (Dept.  of   Chemistry,  Jahangirnagar
             University, Savar, Dhaka)  &  Begum, N.  (Dept.      044 KARIM, M.R. (Dept. of Zoology, Faculty
             of    Agricultural  Chemistry,   Sher-e-Bangla       of Biological Sciences, Jahangirnagar University,
             Agricultural  University, Dhaka). TRIOSMIUM          Savar, Dhaka); FAKHRUDDIN, A.N.M. (Dept.
             CLUSTERS BEARING BRIDGING DPPM AND                   of   Environmental   Sciences,   Jahangirnagar
             TeAr (Ar = C 6H 4OEt-4) LIGANDS. J. Bang. Acad.      University, Savar, Dhaka) &  RASHED, H.
             Sci., 2007, 31 (1), 17-24.                           (Institute of Food  & Radiation Biolody,  Atomic
                                                                  Energy Research Establishment, Ganakbari, Savar,
             Treatment of [Os 3(CO) 10(µ-dppm)]  1 with  two      Dhaka). SHELF LIFE EXTENSION OF CONVENIENCE
             equivalents of ArTeTeAr (Ar  =  C 6H 4OEt-4) in      FOOD ''FISH KEBAB'' BY IRRADIATION, ACIDULANT
             refluxing toluene gave the tetranuclear compound     AND  COMBINATION TREATMENT AT AMBIENT
             [Os 4(CO) 10(µ-TeAr) 2(µ 2-C 6H 3OEt-4)]3, two isomeric   TEMPERATURE . J. Bang. Acad. Sci., 2007, 31 (2),
             trinuclear compounds 2 and 4  with  the  formula     223-230.
             [Os 3(CO) 8(µ-TeAr) 2(µ-dppm)]  and the trinuclear
             orthometalleted compound [Os 3(CO) 7(µ 3-Te) (µ-     The aims of the project were to develop a ready to
             TeAr) {(µ 2-η -Ph 2PCH 2Ph (C 6H 4)}] 5. All the new   eat convenience food (fish kebab) and extension of
             compounds have been characterized  by  elemental     shelf life of the fish kebab by radiation, acidulant

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