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029  RAHMAN, M.J.; CHOUDHURY, S.                     Sylhet).   VARIATIONAL      MONTE      CARLO
             (Dept. of Physics, Dhaka  University,  Dhaka);       CALCULATIONS    FOR   THE   BINDING   ENERGY
             BHUIYAN, A.H. (Dept. of Physics, BUET,               DIFFERENCE OF THE HYPERNUCLEAR ISO-DOUBLET
                                                                  H ^ - He ^. J. Bang. Acad. Sci., 2006, 30 (2), 159-165.
             Dhaka);   RAHMAN, S.N.  (Industrial Physics
             Division, BCSIR, Dhaka) &  KHAN, A.H. (Dept.         The  binding energies of hypernuclear iso-doublet
             of Physics, Jahangirnagar University, Savar,         4 H ^ - He ^.have been calcutated variationally  taking
             Dhaka).   ELECTRICAL       PROPERTIES      OF        the hypernuclei as the (Λ+p+n+n) and (Λ+n+p+p)
             CERIUM DOPED BARIUM TITANATE.  J.                    four-body models, respectively. Two  different
             Bang. Acad. Sci., 2007, 31 (1), 137-141.             types  of  potentials  such as Gaussian and Urbana
                                                                  were used in each case. A three-body Wigner-type
             Barium titanate (BaTiO 3) and cerium (Ce) doped      potential was also taken into account with each of

             barium titanate samples with general formula Ba 1-   the  above  two  potentials. The calculated binding
             xCe x  TiO 3 (where x = 0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and  0.4)   energy difference came as 0.33 and 0.33  MeV,
             were prepared by solid-solid ceramic method at the   respectively for the Gaussian and  Urbana  type
             sintering temperature of  1250°C.  1-V characteristics   potentials  as against the experimental value of
             of  pure and Ce-doped BaTiO3 show ohmic              0.34±0.07  MeV. Results are within  acceptable
             behavior  with two distinct slopes. At the higher    limits. Results also compare  well  with  other
             voltage region receptivity of the samples is of the   theoretical calculations. The binding  energy
             order of 10 Ω-cm. The de receptivity variation of    difference obtained in the present work reflects the
             BaTiO 3 with temperature shows a transition from     charge symmetry breaking in the Λ N interation.
             tetragonal to cubic structure at about 120°C.  The
             Curie temperature of Ba 1-xCe xTiO 3 decreases       032  CHOWDHURY, M.Z.A. & SHYAM,
             linearly with the increase of Ce.                    L.K.  (Dept. of Chemistry, University  of
                                                                  Chittagong, Chittagong).  EFFECT OF SAME-
             539  PHYSICS : NUCLEAR SCIENCE                       SYMMETRY ATTRACTION ON THE  BOND
                                                                  LENGTH OF AB 3 MOLECULES. J. Bang. Acad.
             030 ALAM,  M.K.  (Institute of Nuclear               Sci,, 2006, 30 (2), 225-231.
             Science  & Technology, Atomic Energy Research
             Establishment,  Savar, Dhaka). NEW HORIZON           The three A-B bonds in both pyramidal and planar
             OF LANGMUIR WAVE AND ALFVEN WAVE.                    AB 3 molecules are found to the equal in length and
             J. Bang. Acad. Sci., 2006, 30 (1), 1-7.              this equality is explained by the attractions of those
                                                                  valence  orbitals which have the same-symmetry
             The effects of dust charge fluctuation on a          properties. The central atoms in  such  molecules
             Langmuir wave, the symmetry of electrosound          employ s and (P x, p y) orbitals for bonding where the
             speed and torsional Alfven speed have studied. In    s orbital is at a lower energy than the (p x, p y) set. In
             that case the dispersion relation has been deduced   the pyramidal AB 3 molecules, a non-bonding  p z
             in presence of massive dust  grains.  For  the       orbital has the same symmetry property (a 1) as the
             presence of stationary and charging-discharging of   bondling s orbital. The symmetry attraction of this
             dust grains the researchers have analyzed growth     P z orbital elevates the energy of S orbital so thai it
             rate/damping rate of Langmuir wave. It is observed   comes  closer  to that of (p x, p y) set This energy
             that due to the presence of dust particles, at the cut-  elevation is expected to be responsible for making
             off condition the electrosound speed must be equal   the three bonds equal in all pyramidal  AB 3
             to the speed of torsional Alfven wave.               molecules. Similarly, in the planar AB 3  molecules
                                                                  of  transition  metals, a non-bonding (d xy, d x2 - y2)
             031 ALAM,  M.K.  (Institute of Nuclear               set  has the same symmetry property  (e)  as the
             Science & Technology,  Bangladesh  Atomic            bonding (p x, p y) set.  The  symmetry-attraction  of
             Energy Commission, Dhaka);  ZAMAN, M.A.              this non-bonding set causes a depression on  the
             (Dept. of Physics, Jahangirnagar University, Savar,   bonding set so that (p x,p y) comes closer to  the  s
             Dhaka)  &  AHSAN, M. H.  (Dept. of Physics,          orbital to form ihrce equal A-B bonds in the planar
             Shahjalal University of Science & Technology,        AB 3  molecules  which have transition metals in

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