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INTERNAL       DEFECTS       AND      WATER          amount of water absorption was observed  in
             ABSORPTION BEHAVIOR OF SINGLE                        both HC and its composite.
             LAYER ITALIAN  TILES USING NEUTRON                   039  BEGUM, N.; HYDER, M.I.; KABIR,
             RADIOGRAPHY  FACILITY OF 3 MW                        S.E.; MOLLAH, M.M.; (Dept. of Chemistry,
             TRIGA MARK II RESEARCH REACTOR.                      Jahangirnagir  University, Savar, Dhaka) &
             J. Bang. Acad. Sci., 2007, 31 (2), 213-222.          HOSSAIN, G.M.G.  (Dept. of Chemistry,
                                                                  Cardiff. University, Cardiff, U.K). REACTION OF
             Neutron radiography (NR) technique has been          [Os 3(CO) 11(MeCN)]  WITH INDOLE: X-RAY
             adopted  to study internal defects and water         STRUCTURE OF  [Os 3(CO) 11(η1-NC 8H 7)].  J.
             absorption behavior of building materials, like      Bang. Acad. Sci., 2006, 30 (1), 47-53.
             single layer Italian tiles obtained from Concord
             Real Estate & Building Products, Unit II, Salna,     The reaction of [H 7 (CO) 11(MeCN)] with indole at
             Gazipur, Bangladesh. Measurements of  optical        room temperature gave [Os 3(CO) 11 (η -NC 8H 7)] 1
             density   differences   between    the    film       in 20% yield. Compound 1 has been characterized
             background and radiographic images of  the           by elemental analysis, infrared and  mass
             dry/wet samples were used for investigation of       spectroscopic data together with single crystal X-
             the present work. Little variation in  optical       ray crystallography. It crystallizes  in  the  triclinic
             density  values  of the radiographic image was       space group PĪ with a = 8.9731(12), b = 10.009(2),
             observed.  The rate of water absorption of the       c = 12.670(2)Å , α = 101.99(2), β= 94.07(2), γ=
             tiles  decreases with increase of water              100.87(2)°,  Z = 2  and  V =  1085.9(3) Å . This
             absorption time. No internal defect could  be        compound consists of an approximate isosceles
             found in the tiles through the investigation of      triangle of osmium atoms in which the  indole
             radiographic image and subsequently analyzing        ligand is coordinated through the imino nitrogen
             the line profiles at different  levels  (including   atom and occupies an axial coordination  site  on
             center position) of it.  Thus  elemental             Os(3).
             distributions of the tiles are found to be almost
             homogeneous.                                         040 FAKHRUDDIN,  A.N.M.  (Dept. of
                                                                  Environmental      Sciences,     Jahangirnagar
             038  ALAM M.K. & KHAN, M.A.
             (Institute  of Nuclear Science & Technology,         University, Savar, Dhaka) &  RASHID, H.
                                                                  (Institute of Food & Radiation Biology,  Atomic
             BAEC,      Dhaka).   STUDY      OF    WATER
             ABSORPTION AND INTERNAL DEFECTS  IN                  Energy Research Establishment,  Ganakbari,
             TECHNIQUE. J. Bang. Acad. Sci., 2006, 30 (1),        THE MARKET. J. Bang. Acad. Sci., 2007, 31 (1),
             29-37.                                               1-6.

             Water absorption behavior and internal defects       Microbiological status of a kind of snack  food
             of jute reinforced Biopol® composites were           consisting  mainly  of cooked pea, potato, egg,
             studied by adopting CCD camera based digital         tamarind  water  etc, mixed with spices sold in
             neutron radiography (NR) technique.  The             Dhaka city by the way-side shops was investigated.
             surface  of jute (HC) was pretreated with 2-         Total aerobic bacterial count of snack was 3.7  ×
             hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) before              I0 /g, and contained 1.8  × 10 /g coliform, 2.5  ×
             composite fabrication. Some internal  defects        10 /g fecal coliform, 4.4 × 10 /g staphylococci and
             (very small voids or cavity)  were  observed         4.0  × 10 /g fungi. Raw spices (onion and green
             within the composites by analyzing the neutron       chilli)  were  the most potential sources of
             radiographic    images.   Nevertheless,    the       contamination. Utensil washing water was heavily
             dispersion of polymer (Biopol) in the composite      contaminated with spoilage and  pathogenic
             was observed homogeneous. From  the  neutron         microbes. Major bacterial contaminants  were
             transmission  profile measurements, negligible       Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas,  Bacillus
                                                                  cereus, Bacillus subtilis, Klebsiella, Escherichia

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