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effect is observed in low pressure  large  area      024 UDDIN,  A.H.M.Z.  (Research and
             microwave  discharge helium plasmas. Probe           Receiving Centre, Bangladesh Betar, Shabag,
             characteristics measured in helium plasmas have      Dhaka) &  HOSSAIN, M.  (Dept. of Physics,
             been analyzed in order to study the spatial plasma   Bangladesh  University of Engineering and
             properties and to explore the cause of dips found    Technology, Dhaka). THEORETICAL MODEL
             in the probe characteristics. The results show that   STUDY OF LIQUID PHASE  EPITAXIAL
             the dips observed in the probe characteristics are   GROWTH         KINETICS        OF      InGaP
             believed to be by the secondary electron emission    SEMICONDUCTOR. J. Bang. Acad. Sci., 2007,
             from  the probe surface due to the interaction of    31 (2), 155-162.
             metastable  atoms  with the metal probe. The
             density of helium metastable atoms has been          A one-dimensional diffusion limited equation
             determined   from   the   metastable  induced        for  Liquid Phase Epitaxial growth of InGaP is
             secondary   electron  emission   current  and        studied   using    numerical   method     and
             compared with the model calculation. Density of      crystallization path. Concentration profiles, solid
             mhetastables increases with increasing  pressure     mole  fraction, layer thickness as a function of
             because of increasing  electron-neutral  collision   time and temperature are constructed. A good
             frequency  to metastable level with pressure. But    agreement is found when the theoretical findings
             it  is decreased with distance because of            are compared with the reported values.
             decreasing  energy  of microwave field. Electron
             temperature decreases due to increasing electron-    025 ULLAH,         A.K.M.S.      (Dept.    of
             neutral collision frequency with pressure. The       Mathematics and Natural Sciences, BRAC
             density of electrons  increases  with  increasing    University,  66 Mohakhali, Dhaka);  AHSAN,
             pressure  because of increasing ionizing events.     M. H.  (Dept. of Physics, Shahjalal University
             Measured and calculated values of  electron
             temperature and metastable density are  found  in    of Science and Technology, Sylhet); AHMED,
             approximate agreement.                               F. U. (Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission,
                                                                  Dhaka) &  KAMAL, I.  (Institute of  Nuclear
             023  UDDIN, M.A.; MORTUZA, M.G. &                    Science & Technology, Bangladesh Atomic
             BASAK, A.K. (Dept. of Physics, University of         Energy Commission, Dhaka). STUDY  OF
             Rajshahi, Rajshahi).  STUDY OF ELECTRON              SANS DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION  FOR
             CHARGE q > 2. J. Bang. Acad. Sci., 2006, 30 (1),     CONDITIONS. BRAC Univ. J., 2008, V (1), 9-
             101-109.                                             17.

             The total electron impact single ionization  cross-  The size and shape of a particle can he found out
             sections of light ionic targets  (q > 2) are         by the analysis of form factor distributions in
             evaluated employing a simpler version of  the        small  angle neutron scattering. In the present
             modified binary-encounter dipole (MBED)              work, the form factors were calculated
             model. The proposed model, referred to as            theoretically  by computer program and their
             QBED,  also embodies the modification of the         plots were analyzed to find out the  size  and
             Burgess denominator and an ionic correction. The     shape of the particles. The structure factor, on
             analytic fit procedure is used to obtain the         the  other hand was found to be very useful to
             differential continuum oscillator strength as done   find out the particle separation and concentration
             in MBED. They report here the application of the     of the particles. The structure factors  were
             QBED model to various targets  e.g., C , N ,         calculated for three potentials (i)  Screened
             O , Ne , Ne , Ar , and Cu  and our theoretical       Coulomb  Potential  (ii) Hard Sphere Repulsion
             results are compared with other available            and (iii) Baxter Hard Sphere Model and their
             theoretical and experimental findings. The QBED      plots were analyzed to see the  effects  of
             model  is  found to work much better than its        structure  factor   on   particle  separation,
             parent  BED and perform at least as good as its      concertration particle charge, potential  height,
             sister MBED model.                                   potential width and temperature.
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