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537 PHYSICS : ELECTRICITY plasma membrane. These cells were characterized
by comparatively large nucleus with scanty
026 CHOUDHURY, M.A. & AKHTER, S. cytoplasm. 2. Plasmatocytes showed a wide range
(Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka). STUDY OF THE of forms such as unipolar, bipolar or even oval.
The cells were characterized by the possession of
MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF Ni 1-XCu X Mn 0.02 electron dense granules of various sizes and forms
Fe 1.9O 4 FERRITES. J. Bang. Acad. Sci., 2007, 31
(2), 261-266. in the cytoplasm. Though most of the cells
possessed pseudopodial extensions, plasmatocytes
Copper substituted nickel ferrites have been without pseudopodia were also not uncommon. 3.
investigated by many worker (1-2) because of their Granulocytes were characterized by the presence
microwave applications. It is observed that of large number of granules in the cytoplasm and
incorporation of Cu in nickel-ferrite lowers the absence of conspicuous pseudopodial extensions.
firing temperature at which the system can be Binucleate granulocytes were also evident in the
sintered which in turn helps to avoid the second TEM studies.
phase formation. However, ferrites containing Cu
have shown interesting electrical and magnetic 028 HAQUE, M.M (Dept. of Electronics &
properties. (3-5) The rescarchers report here the Applied Physics, Islamic University, Kustia).;
studies on magnetization, Curie temperature, initial HUQ, M. (Dept. Physics, BUET, Dhaka) &
Hakim, M.A. (Materials Science Division,
permeability and FMR line width of the Ni 1-xCu x
Mn 0. 02 Fe 19 O 4 ferrite system for x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka). INITIAL
of Zoology, Calcutta University, India) & J. Bang. Acad. Sci., 2007, 31 (2), 181-190.
MAJUMDER, M.Z.R. (Institute of Food and
Radiation Biology, Atomic Energy Research Mn-substituted Mg 0. 35Cu 020Zn 0.45O(Fe 2. xMn xO 3) 0. 97
Establishment, Dhaka). TRANSMISSION (x=0.0, 0.02,0.04, 0.06, 0.08 and 0.10) ferrites
ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC STUDIES OF have been synthesized by standard double
HAEMOLYMPH CELLS OF CTENOLEPISMA sintering ceramic method and characterized by X-
LONGICAUDATA. Bang. J. Zool., 2006, 34 (2), ray diffraction. The single-phase cubic spinel
195-204. structure of all the samples has been confirmed
from X-ray diffraction analyses. Curie
Light microscopic study revealed the occurrence of temperatures T c of the studied ferrite system has
five morphologically distinct types of haemocytes, been determined from the µ i,-T curves where
viz. prohaemocyte. plasmatocyte, granulocyte, Hopkinson type of effect at the T c has been
spherule cells and oenocytoids. However, electron observed with the manifestation of sharp fall of
microscopy so far showed occurrence of permeability. The sharp decrease of µ i at T=T c
prohaemocyte, plasmatocyte and granulocyte only. indicates that the samples have high homogeneity
The recognition of haemocytes under Transmission according to Globus. The Curie temperature T c is
Electron Microscopy (TEM) was primarily based found to increase with increasing Mn content x.
on the size and shape of the cell, proportion of Saturation magnetization (M s) is found to
nucleus and cytoplasm, presence or absence or increase with increase in Mn content up to x =
abundance of cyloplasmic granules. It was not 0.06 and then slightly decreases with further
always possible to include some cells into a certain increase in Mn. Initial permeability value changes
type because the criteria employed for cell significantly with Mn addition. The values of
classification did not always match with either of relative loss factor (RLF) found in the
the cell types. In spite of the above difficulties the investigated ferrites are in the order of 10 , up to
following three types of cells were recognized and frequency 2 MHz which extends to higher
described as follows:1. Prohaemocytes were frequency range as the Mn content is increased.
nucleated cells, surrounded by a definite trilaminar