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rate of technical change has been obtained to be 530 PHYSICS
4.5 per cent over the whole period of estimation.
012 SARKER, M.S.A. & AZAD, M.A.K. M.T.; RAHMAN, S.B. (Industrial Physics
(Dept. of Mathematics, Rajshahi University, Division, BCSIR Laboratories, Dhaka); ALAMGIR,
Rajshahi). Decay of Temperature Fluctuations in M. & JALAL, A.B.M.S. (Dhaka College,
Homogeneous Turbulence before the Final
Period for the Case of Multi-Point and Multi- Dhaka). Study of Thermal Conductivity of
Time in a Rotating System. Bang. J. Sci., Ind. Hexamethylene Tetramine and Nitrobenzene along
Res, 2006, 41 (3 & 4), 147-158. with NaOH Doped Paperboards and their use in
Electronic and Electrical Devices as Insulator.
Using Deissler's approach the decay of Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2006, 41(1 & 2), 55-62.
temperature fluctuations in homogeneous
turbulence before the final period for the case of Thermal conductivity of hexamethylene tetramine
multi-point and multi-time in a rotating system and nitrobenzene along with NaOH doped papers
in presence of dust particle is studied and have were prepared from Bangladesh jute and their
considered correlation between fluctuating thermal properties were studied by Lee's disc
quantities at two and three point. Two and three method. The thermal conductivity (K) of paper
point correlation equations in a rotating system boards containing HMTA along with 16 % NaOH
is obtained and the set of equations is made to decrease with the concentration of HMTA up to
determinate by neglecting the quadruple 0.3% and then increase with the concentration of
correlations in comparison to the second and the compounds. The highest value of K=3.028×10
third order correlations. The correlations are sec degree C concentration for 0.5%
converted to spectral form by taking their HMTA and the lowest value of K=2.5×10
Fourier transforms. Finally integrating the sec degree C concentration for 0.3% HMTA but
energy spectrum over all wave numbers, the the addition of NB contens show the reverse
energy decay law temperature fluctuations in phenomenon.
homogeneous turbulent before the final period
for the case of multi-point and multi-time in a 015 ANSARY, M.A. (Dept. of Mathematics,
rotating system is obtained. Rajshahi University, Rajshahi). WAVE MECHANICS
013 SHARMA, S. (Dept. of Mathematics, TYPE-D VACUUM BACKGROUNDS. J. Bang.
Madhav Science College, Ujjain-456001, India) Acad. Sci., 2007, 31(1), 61-65.
& DESHPANDE, B. ( Dept. of Mathematics,
Govt. Arts-Science P. G. College, Ratlam, A decoupled ordinary differential equation
India). DISCONTINUITY AND WEAK obtained from Rarita-Schwinger equation in all
COMPATIBILITY IN FIXED POINT type-D vacuum backgrounds is considered and
CONSIDERATION IN NONCOMPLETE NON- transformed to one dimensional wave equation
ARCHIMEDEAN MENGER PM-SPACES. J. with a short range potential. The wave mechanics
Bang. Acad. Sci., 2006, 30 (2), 189-201. of supergravity particles is analyzed. It is found
that the Rarita-Schwinger field does not manifest
In this paper, the researchers prove some superradiance phenomena. The result obtained in
common fixed point theorems for weakly all of these studies generalize the studies of some
compatible mappings in N. A. Menger PM- other authors.
spaces, without using the condition of continuity
and give a set of alternative conditions in place 016 HOSSAIN, M.T.; ISLAM, S.;
of completeness of the space. They also give an MONDAL, M.H. (BCSIR Laboratories, Dhaka)
application of their main result. They improve & KHAN, A. H. (Dept. of Physics, Jahangirnagar
the results of Cho, Ha and Chang and many University, Savar, Dhaka). Studies on Anomalous
others. Behaviour at Curie Point, T c of Some Classes of