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and combination treatment at ambient temperature.    (COQUELLETT). (DEPTERA : TEPHRITIDAE).
             Total bacterial count of the unfried kebab was 4.2   Bang. J. Zool., 2006, 34 (1), 87-94.
             x 10  cfu/g. The effect of irradiation doses of 5 and
             10 kGy and combination of  irradiation  and          The  effects of gamma radiation on the post
             ascorbic  acid  for  extending the shelf life of fish   embryonic  development of melonfly,  Bactrocera
             kebab were studied at ambient  temperature  (25  -   cucurbitae  Coq.  (Diplera : Tephritidae) were
             30°C) up to 5 weeks. Kebab irradiated at 5 kGy at    studied  to  assess the possibilities of sterile insect
             ambient temperature could be stored more than 35     release technique for its practical implementation.
             days compared to 12 days for unirradiated sample     Radiation had detrimental effects  on  all  the
             and  14  days  for ascorbic acid treated sample      developmental stages of the melonfly. The young
             considering total bacterial load 10 cfu/g, total     eggs were more susceptible to radiation  than  the
             volatile nitrogen 25 mgN/100g and organoleptic       old  eggs.  The  length of larval period increased
             score 5, as the acceptable limit. Although  no       upto 1 1 days at 50 Gy radiation. The larvae were
             microbial  counts  were recorded in both untreated   more  sensitive  than the pupae. No adult emerged
             and ascorbic acid treated kebab irradiated at 5 and   from  the  pupae  irradiated  at 20 Gy or more. The
             10 kGy up to 35 days but organoleptic criteria was   LD 50 values of the larvae were 113.41. 251.85 and
             the determining factor.                              319.44 Gy for first, second and third instar larvae,
                                                                  respectively. The LD 50 values for 24,  48,  72,  96
             045  KHAN, H.S. &  ISLAM,  M.S.  (Dept. of           and 120 hrs old pupae were recorded at the doses
             Zoology,  Rajshahi University, Rajshahi).  EFFICACY   of  9.06. 15.61. 52.32. 99.69 and 345.48 Gy.
             OF  GAMMA RADIATION AGAINST HOUSEFLY                 respectively.
             SURVIVAL  II. ADULT TREATMENT.  J.Bio-Sci.,          047  RAHMAN, M.M. & HUQUE, R.
             2006, 14, 25-30.                                     (Institute of Food and Radiation Biology, Atomic
                                                                  Energy Research Establishment, Dhaka)  &
             Gamma     radiation-induced  changes  in   the       BEGUM, M (Dept. of Zoology, Dhaka University,
             reproductive parameters have  been  investigated     Dhaka). SOME ASPECTS BIOLOGY OF  THE
             using  0-10 Gy doses on adult houseflies  Musca      BEAN BEETLE,  CALLOSOBRUCHUS PHASEOLI
             domestica L..  Inheritance of the parameters  was    (GYLLENHAL) (COLEOPTERA : BRUCHIDAE).
             recorded in the parents and subsequent progenies     Bang. J. Zool., 2007, 35 (2), 311-317.
             up to F 3 generations. Compared to the untreated
             controls,  irradiations  significantly  increased    The biology of the bean beetle.  Callosobruchus
             oviposition, sterility and immature mortality,  and   phaseoli (Gyllenhal) (Coleoptera : Bruchidae) was
             diminished adult and female eclosion in the treated   studied under laboratory condition at 29 ± 1°C and
             lines.  Sterility reached 100% above 8 Gy levels     65 ± 5% RH using the seeds of Lablab perpureus
             and  males were readily radiosterilized than the     Medik. (syn. Dolichos lablab L.) as normal food.
             females. Dose mortality (LD 50) and sterility (LD 50)   Incubation period varied from 4-7 days with a total
             responses of the test insects were determined to be   hatching period of four  days.  Average  hatching
             10.04  Gy and 6.23 Gy, respectively. Results are     was 74% with a range from 70 to 80%. There were
             promising in connection with a  sterile  insect      four  larval instars and a pupal stage in the life
             technique (SIT) for this pest species.               cycle of the beetle. The duration of 1 , 2 , 3  and
                                                                  4  instar larvae was 5-7, 5-7. 3-4 and 4-5 days,
             046 NAHAR,  G.  (Institute of Food and               respectively. The duration of pupal stage was 5-6
             Radiation Biology, Atomic Energy  Research           days. The total developmental period from egg to
             Establishment, Dhaka) &  HOWLADER, A.J.              adult was 26-36 days. A female  on  average  laid
             (Dept.  of Zoology, Jahangirnagar University,        59.2 eggs in its lifetime. Oviposition period ranged
             Savar, Dhaka).  EFFECTS OF RADIATION  ON             from 1 to 9 days. The longevity of the beetle was
             THE POST EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT OF                    found to be dependent on their mating conditions.
             MELONFLY, BACTROCERA CUCURBITAE                      Sex ratio showed female dominance.

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