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Rajshahi, University, Rajshahi). Synthesis  and      Dhaka).   A Mathematical Model for the
             biological activities of some  new  azidine          Benzylation  of p-Cresol with Benzyl Alcohol.
             derivatives from  1-Substituted-3-N-Aleuritamido     Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2007, 42 (2), 187-194.
             Thiocarbamides.  Bang. J. Life  Sci.,  2008,  20  (1),
             61-67.                                               The reaction of p-cresol with benzyl alcohol in the
                                                                  presence of perchloric acid produces  only  2-
             Some new  4-N-aleurityl-2-N-aryl-6-arylimino-3-      benzyl-4-methylphenol   in  high   yield,   A
             thiono-l-thia-2,4,5-triazidine derivatives have been   mathematical model has been developed for the
             synthesized  by  reaction of different N-aryl-S-     process by Yates pattern experimental design.
             chloroisothio-carbamoyl  chloride   with    1-
             Substitued-3-N-aleuritamido thuiocarbamides in       057  ISLAM, M.F. & RAHMAN, M.M.
             benzcne  medium.  The later being prepared by        (Dept. of Applied Chemistry and Chemical
             reaction between aleurilyl  hydrazide  (prepared     Technology,  Rajshahi University, Rajshahi).
             from aleuritic acid, lac product) and  different     Arsenic Removal Efficiencies a Few Impregnated
             isothiocyanates.  Antibacterial activities of the    Silicate Materials.   Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2006,
             synthesized compounds have also been determined      41 (1 & 2), 1-14.
             qualitatively against different pathogenic bacteria
             and found most of them highly active.                The commonly available brick particles  ware
                                                                  impregnated with selected compounds  and  tested
             055 HOSSAIN, M.Z. (Soil Science Discipline,          for As absorption propertice. The materials tested
             Khulna University, Khulna);  ULLAH, S.M.;            are FeSO 4 treated roasted brick particles, Fe 2(SO 4) 3
             AHAD, S.A. & ULLAH, M.B. (Dept. of Soil,             treated roasted brick particles FeSO 4 and Na 2CO 3
             Water and Environment,  Dhaka  University,           treated brick particles, Fe 2(SO 4) 3  and Na 2CO 3
             Dhaka).Transfer of Cadmium from  Soil  to            treated brick particles, ZaSO 4  and Na 2CO 3 treated
             Vegetable Crops. Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2007, 42   brick particles, FeSO 4 and Na 2HPO 4 treated brick
             (3), 327-334.                                        particles and waste cement plaster as such. It was
                                                                  observed that the substances showed different
             A pot experiment was conducted in order  to          behavior of As absorption on short and long time
             study  the  transfer  of Cd from soil to the         contact.On long time  contact  periods  the
             vegetable crops namely Lettuce  (Lactuca sativa      absorption capacities are much incteased with high
             L.), Spinach  (Spinacia oleracea  L.), Lal sak       concentrations of As in solution However  with
             (Amaranthus tricolor  L.) and Data  sak              short time contact with low As concentration, the
             (Amaranthus spinosis  L.). The mean transfer         materials  show  saluration or no absorption after
             factors  (concentration in plant dry weight /        certain time period. Thus variable capacitics for As
             concentration  in soil dry weight) varied from       absorption are shown depending on conceatration,
             2.030 to 6.785 in root and 0.166 to 0.525 in         time of absorption and interval time between two
             shoot. The following mean  Cd-transfer  factors      contact periods.
             (DW /DW) were obtained; Lettuce (root: 6.785,
             shoot:  0.271), Spinach (root: 4.775, shoot:         AS (III) absorption was studied in the  pH  range
             0.385), Lal sak (root: 2.03, shoot: 0.166) and       2.15-7.0 The  data also show that with a contact
             Data sak (mot: 3.445, shoot: 0.525). The transfer    time of 3 hrs of more the level of As is reduced to
             factor of Cd in roots of vegetables decreased in     the acceptable limit of 0.05 ppm in water.
             the order: Lettuce>Spinach>Data sak>Lal sak;
             while     in     shoots    it    was     Data        High conceatration of phosphate in water decreases
             sak>Spinach>Lcttuce>Lal sak.                         as  absorption as phosphate is also strongly
                                                                  absorbed  by  iron oxide impregnated brick
             056  ISMAIL, M. ; JAMAL, M.S.; ISLAM,                particles.
             S.T.A; ALAM, M. Z ; ASHADUZZAMAN,
             M. & SAHA, M.  (Dept. of Applied Chemistry           Leaching of loaded arsenic form  brick  particles
             and Chemical Technology, Dhaka University,           using different common chemicals  was  also
                                                                  studied  for ferrous sulfate treated roasted brick

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