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051 AHMED, M.G.; ROMMAN, U. K. R.; were typically between 0.02 and 0.2 mg/cm for a
AKHTER, K.; HALIM, M.E.; 10 minutes irradiation time. The multi-element
SALAUDDIN, M. (Dept. of Chemistry, Dhaka capability of PIXE coupled with PIGE enabled to
University, Dhaka) & AHMED, S. M. (Faculty use these elemental concentration measurements
of Science, American International University for fingerprinting of varitous coarse and fine
Bangladesh (AIUB), Dhaka). A Study on the particle sources. Principal component analysis
Synthesis of 5, 7-Diaryl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-2,4- method was applied to find out the fingerprint of
dioxo-5H-pyrano [2,3-d]pyrimidines. Bang. J. Sci. different sources, responsible for polluting the
Ind. Res., 2006, 41 (3 & 4), 119-128. atmospheric air. These firgerprints included
anthropogenic sources such as motor vehicles,
5.7-Diphenyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-2,4-dioxo 5H- biomass burning/brick kiln as well as natural
pyrano [2,3-d1 pyrimidine (4a) has been sources such as sea spray and soil dust.
synthesized in single-step by the condensation of
barbituric acid (1) with benzylideneacetophenone 053 BEGUM, N.; ISLAM. M.K.; KABIR,
(2a) in glacial acetic acid in ihe presence of S. E. & HASSAN, M. M. (Dept. of Chemistry,
phosphorous penloxide. Reaction of barbituric acid Jahangirnagar, University, Savar, Dhaka).
(1) with arylideneacetophenoncs (2h-d) which BENZOTHIAZOLIDE TRIOSMIUM CLUSTERS:
gave the corresponding adducts of 5-(13-diaryl- 1- X-RAY STRUCTURE OF [L-H) Os 3(CO) 9{µ 3-
oxopropyl) pyrimidine (1H, 3H, 5H)-2,4,6-triones 1,7-η -C 7H 3(2-CH 3)NS}] J.Bang. Acad. Sci., 2006,
(3a-c) previously in 50 % aqueous ethanol which 30 (1), 75-84.
on further reflux in gl. acetic acid in the presence
of phosphorous pentoxide also gave the correspon- The reaction of [Os 3(CO) 10(MeCN) 2] with
ding pyranopyrimidines 5,7-diaryl-1,2,3,4 benzothiazole al room temperature leads to two
tetrahydro-2,4-dioxo-5H-pyrano[2,3-d]pyrimidines new isomeric compounds [(µ-H)Os 3 (CO) 10(µ-1,2-
(4b-d). The structures of the compounds 4a-d were η -C 7H 4NS] 5 and [(µ-H)Os 3(CO) 10(µ-1,7-η -
characterized by their UV, IR, H NMR and C C 7H 4NS)] 6.Treatment of [Os 3(CO) 10(MeCN) 2]
NMR spectral data. with 2-methylbenzothiazole at ambient
temperature gives only [(µ-H)Os 3(CO) 10{µ-1,7-η -
052 BEGUM, B.A.; JOLLY, Y.N. & C 7H 3 (2-CH 3)NS}] 7. Compound 5 is formed by
BISWAS, S.K. (Chemistry Division, Atomic activation of C(2)-H bond while 6 and 7 are
Energy Centre, Dhaka). ELEMENTAL formed by activation of C(7)-H bond of the
ANALYSIS OF AIR PARTICULATE MATTER ligands. Thermolysis of 6 and 7 al 98 C gives the
AND APPLICATION TO SOURCE electron-deficient clusters [(µ-H)Os 3(CO) 9{µ -η -
FINGERPRINTING. J. Bang. Acad. Sci., 2006, 30 C 7H 4NS)] 8 and [(µ-H)Os 3(CO) 9{µ -η -C 7H 3(2-
(1), 85-93. CH 3)NS}] 9, respectively in high yields. All the
new compounds have been characterized by
Ion beam analysis (IBA) technique, namely proton elemental analysis, IR H NMR and mass
induced X-ray emission (PIXE) in conjunction spectroscopic data together with a single crystal X-
with proton induced gamma emission (PIGE) ray diffraction analysis for 9. Compound 9
technique has been used to measure about 20 crystallizes in the triclinic space group PI with a =
different elements present in coarse (PM 10-2.2) 8.641(3), b = 8.672(2), c = 15.14.405(3) Å, α =
and fine (PM 2.2) particels in atmospheric air 92.22(3), β= 96.18 (2), γ = 101.11(2)°, V =
samples. PIXE provided data for selective 1051.1(5) Å and Z=2. The compound consists of
elements from Al to U while PIGE provided an isosceles triangle of osmium atoms with nine
information on elements lighter than Al such as F terminal carbonyl ligands and a 2-
and Na. These elements cover the most commonly methylbenzothiazolide ligand, which is bound to
occurring compounds in coarse and fine the metal core in a µ -η fashion.
atmospheric particles at concentration levels above
about 1 ng/m of air sampled. Detection limits for 054 HAQUE, M.Z. (BCSIR Laboratories,
the ion bean techniques on polycarbonate filters Rajshahi) & Ali, M. U. (Dept. of Chemistry,