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their  centers.  The planar compounds of boron       without Bi 2O 3 addition, have been  achieved.  The
             which  exhibit similar bond distance but have no     Curie temperatures were found to be unaffected on
             symmetry-attraction are mentioned as exception.      bismuth concentration. The  room  temperature
                                                                  resistivity increases with increasing of  bismuth
             033  CHOWDHURY, M. Z.A. & SHYAM, L.K.                addition.
             (Dept. of Chemistry, University of  Chittagong,
             Chittagong).  EFFECT OF SYMMETRY-REPULSION
             TETRAHEDRAL AB 4 MOLECULES,  J. Bang. Acad.
             Sci., 2006, 30 (2), 233-237.
                                                                  035 ALAM, M. K (Institute of Food Radiation
             The reason for the equality of  four  A-B  bond      Biology,  Atomic Energy Research Establishment.
             distances in tetrahedral  AB 4 molecules is          Dhaka).   DOSE    LIMIT   FOR    MEASURING
             investigated  with  the help of group theory. This   GAMMA RADIATION INDUCED  FORMATION
             investigation indicates that the  equality  of  these   OF  8-OXOGUANINE  IN THE DNA LEVEL.  J.
             bonds is caused by the  repulsion  between  the      Bang. Acad. Sci., 2007, 31 (1), 97-102.
             valence  orbitals which have the same symmetry
             properties. In the molecules of both transition and   Gamma radiation induced formation  of  8-
             non-transition central atoms, ns and np orbitals are   oxoguanie was demonstrated in  the  Chinese
             involved in bonding and (n+l)d,  nd or (n-l)d        hamster ovary cell line (CHO-K1)  and  E. coli
             orbitals, remain in the non-bonding level. Since the   DNA by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
             triply degenerate  d  orbitals have the same         (ELISA) using monoclonal antibodies against 8-

             symmetry property  t 2 as the triply degenerate  p   oxoguanine. From the dose response study, it was
                                                                  observed that there is some maximum level of dose
             orbitals, their repulsion is expected to depress the
             energy of p orbitals to bring them closer to that of s   beyond which the 8-oxoguanine cannot  be
             orbital. This closeness in  energy  may  be          detected, which is observed due to the strand
                                                                  breaking of the DNA molecules.
             responsible for making the four bonds  equivalent
             in all tetrahedral AB 4 molecules.
                                                                  036  ALAM, M.K. & BEGUM, S.  (Institute
             034  SAHA, D.K. & HAKIM, M.A.                        of  Food and Radiation Biology, Atomic Energy
             (Materials Science Division,  Atomic  Energy         Research   Establishment,  Dhaka).   GAMMA
             Center, Dhaka). EFFECT OF Bi 2O 3 ADDITION ON        IRRADIATION INDUCED FORMATION  OF  8-
                                                                  HYDROXYDEOXYGUANINE AT DNA  LEVEL  IN
             OF Ni-Cu-Zn FERRITE. J. Bang. Acad. Sci., 2006,      CHO-K1 CELL LINE. Bang. J. Zool. 2006, 34 (1),
             30 (1), 55-63.                                       41-46.

             Effect of Bi 2O 3 addition (0-2.0 wt.%)  to  lower  the   A dose response of radiation against 8-
                                                                  hydroxydeoxyguanine residue of the DNA
             sintering temperature, T s  of  Ni 0.35 Cu 0.15 Zn s0.50Fe 2 O 4   molecule of Chinese hamster (Cricertulus griseus)
             ferrite  has been investigated using conventional
             ceramic technique. X-ray diffraction study confirmed   ovary  cell line (CHOK1) by enzyme linked
             the single-phase spinel structure of all   the  samples   immunosorbent assay using monoclonal  antibody
             under investigation. It was found  that  the  sintering   was investigated. The differences of absorbencies
             temperature could be reduced by 250°C as compared    by the antigen-antibody complex indicate that the
             to Ni-Cu-Zn ferrite when Bi 2O 3  (>1.2 wt.%) was    EL1SA technique can be applied  to  observe  the
             added to it. Post sintering density  and  the  initial   radiation shock of the CHO Kl cell line.
             magnetic permeability of the   sintered  ferrite  are
             strongly dependent on Bi 2O 3 content and sintering   037  ALAM, M. K.  (Institute of  Nuclear
             temperature. With the addition of 2.0 wt.% Bi 2O 3,   Science  & Technology, Atomic Energy Research
             97.5% of the theoretical density (T s=1000°C) and    Establistment, Dhaka).;  ISLAM M.N &
             permeability of 600  (T s=1200°C) compared with      ZAMAN, M.A. (Dept. of Physics, Jahangirnagar
             that of 94% and  339,  respectively,  at  T s=1200°C   University,  Savar,  Dhaka).   STUDY    OF

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