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             and in the retro peritoneal  WAT,  the  Ki  (min }   Optimization of cultural condition for  the
             values were 3.1 ± 0.62 and 4.0 ± 0.17 for leptin-    production of Glucoamylase by  Rhizopus sp. in
             treated  and control rats respectively.Injection of   solid state fermentation.  Bang. J. Life Sci., 2008,
             leptin into the VMH produced the Ki (min ) value     20 (1), 37-44.
             in BAT was 4.6 ± 0.49 and that of the control was
             3.6 ±0.19. After surgical denervalion of BAT, the    Solid state fermentation was carried  out  with  20
             Ki (min ) value was 4.6 ± 0.34 and 3.5 ± 0.48 for    isolates of Rhizopus sp. to optimize the condition
             leptin-trcated and control rats  respectively.  No   for producing maximum  glucoamylase  activity.
             significant changes in the Ki values (P<0.l) among   The solid medium contains rice  husk  and  wheat
             the leptin-treated and control rats were observed in   bran as substratc. Among 20 isolates Rhizopus sp.
             the heart, spleen, WAT and  BAT  suggesting  that    RM  was  found  as effective enzyme producer in
             leptin stimulation on glucose uptake  is  partly     solid  state fermentation. Glucoamylase activity
             dependent  on the appropriate physiological          was observed for seven days  incubation  in  flask
             condition of the rats.                               culture. The maximum glucoamylase  activity
                                                                  1552.06 U/g was found after six days of
             102 KHATUN,          R.;    ISLAM,      M.N.;        inoculation using 10% potato  starch  and  70%
             BHUIYAN, A.A. & AZMAL, S.A.  (Poultry                moisture  contain. 0.4% urea was found better
             Production   Research   Division,  Bangladesh        nitrogen source for glucoamylase activity. It is also
             Livestock Research Institute, Savar, Dhaka). Effect   observed that glucoamylase activity was higher in
             of  enzyme  on growth performance and carcass        bigger flask than the smaller one. The  optimum
             quality of broiler. Bang. J. Life Sci., 2008, 20 (1),   temperature for maximum glucoamylase activity
             75-81.                                               was found to be 40°C.

             The experiment was conducted to study the effect     581 :  BOTANY : PLANT BIOLOGY
             of  enzyme  on growth performance and carcass
             quality of broilers and to  assess  the  economic    104  AREMU, M.O.; OLONISAKIN, A.;
             feasibility  of  enzyme  based diet. A total of 192   ATOLAYE, B.O. & OGBU, C.F.  (Dept. of
             straight  run  day old chicks were reared with 4     Chemistry, Nasarawa State University, Nigeria).
             dietary treatments (T 0: control,  T 1: containing   Some Nutritional Composition  and  Functional
             phytase, T 2: containing kemzyme, and  T 3           Properties of Prosopis Afracana. Bang. J. Sci. Ind.
             containing phytase ami kemzyme) for a period of      Res., 2007, 42 (3), 269-280.
             42  days.The  study revealed that the growth
             performance, carcass quality  (Dressing  yield,      The nutritional composition and  functional
             Breast meat, Wing meat and  Tibia  weight),  feed    properties of  Prosopis is Africana  were studied
             conversion ratio and profit of each kg broiler       using standard analytical techniques. The results
             production  was significantly (P>0.01) higher in     gave proximate composition as follows: moisture,
             phytase and kemzyme containing diet compared to      total  ash,  ether  extract, crude protein, crude fibre
             others. Even the diet had  positive  effects  on     and carbohydrate were 1.9, 4.4, 12.8, 23.6, 3.3 and
             dressing yield, breast meat,  shank  weight,  thigh   54.0g%  respectively. The predominant mineral
             meat, wing meat and tibia weight. Thus, it may be    was  K  (6l7.5mg/100g  sample) followed in the
             concluded  that the enzyme either alone or in        highest rank by Mg (420.1 mg/10mg sample).
             combination with phytase could improve the           Other minerals such as Na, Ca, P, Mn, Cu, Zn, Fe
             growth performance and carcass quality of broiler.   and Cr were 110.7, 362.5, 196.4, 36.2, 46.2, 22.4,
                                                                  15.5 and O.2mg/I00g sample respectively while Cd
             103  NAHAR, S.; HOSSAIN, F.; HALIM,                  and Pb were not detected. Amino acid  analysis
             M.A.  (Plant Physiology and Biochemistry             revealed  that  the sample contained nutritionally
             Laboratory, Dept. of  Botany,  Jahangirnagar         useful  quantities  of  most of the essential amino
             University, Savar, Dhaka) &  FEROZA, B.              acids. The first limiting amino acid was  Thr  and
             (Industrial Microbilogy Section, Institute of Food   predicted isoelectric point was  5.4.  Functional
             Science and Technology, BCSIR, Dhaka).               properties results were: foaming capacity, 3.9 %,

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