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OF FRESHWATER GASTROPODS. Bang. J. Bang. J. Zool., 2006, 34 (2), 269-274.
Zool., 2006, 34 (1), 13-34.
The population density and growth rate in
Nine species of freshwater gastropod snails, respect of gastropod fauna was explored in a
namely Bellamya bengalensis, B. dissimilis, Pila pond in the arid region of Rajasthan (Harsolao
globosa, Thiara tuberculata, Lymnaea acuminata, Pond, Bikaner). The gastropod comprised of
Luteola, L. stagnalis, Indoplanorbis exustus and four snail species, namely Gabbia orcula
Gyraulus convexiusculus were found to harbour Frauenfeld and Digoniostoma pulchella
monostome, amphistome;. gastrostome, distome, (Benson) (Prosobranchta), Indoplanorbis
furcocercous, microcercous, gymnocephalous, exustus (Deshayes) and Gyraulus rotula
rophalocercous, leptocercous, echimostome (Benson) (Pulmonata).The population density
cercartae, xiphidiocercous and opthalmocercous of prosobranch snails was far greater (over
cercariae in the freshwater bodies of Rajshahi 90%) than that of pulmonate snails. Both the
Metropolitan City Area. Incidence, developmental prosobranch snails showed an almost similar
periods, diagnostic characters, mode of emergence trend of population fluctuation, being the
and behaviour of miracidia and cercariae with the richest in summer and the lowest during
morphometrics of 12 types of the cercariae of the monsoon. I. exustus was a perennial and
mat trematode parasites of freshwater gastropods dominant form. Of the population growth rate
are presented. of the four gastropod species recorded, three,
namely D. pulchella, G. orcula and G. rotula
157 SARKER, N.J.; HUDA, S.M.Q.; presented high positive growth rate over
KHAN, S.I. (Dept. of Zoology, Dhaka monsoon months with r values as + 0,09, +
University, Dhaka) & HAQUE, M.N. 0.054 and + 0.11, respectively. Indoplanorbis
(Bangladesh National Museum, Dhaka). exustus, however, presented the highest
INVESTIGATION ON THE STATUS, population growth rate (+ 0.09) during summer.
DISTRIBUTION AND CONSERVATION Population growth rate in terms of total mollusc
PROBLEMS OF THE GHARIAL (GAVIALIS fauna revealed the greatest serge in late
GANGETICUS) IN BANGLADESH. Bang. J. monsoon (October, + 0.052) and the greatest
Zool., 2008, 36 (1), 1-9. drop at the onset of monsoon (July, - 0.031).
An investigation on the status, distribution and
conservation problems of the gharials (Gavialis 591.13 : ZOOLOGY : NUTRITION
gangeticus) was conducted In Bangladesh
during 2004 to 2006. Eight young gharials were 159 AHMED, H.M.M. (Goat Division, Nabin
recorded, and all but one of these, were killed Agro Farms Ltd., Gazipur); ABDIN, S.M.A.
by the fishermen. The maximum number of (Dept. of Animal Breeding & Genetics, Bangladesh
gharials were sighted in the Padma (Ganges) Agricultural University, Mymensingh).; HOSSAIN,
river system as compared to the Janmna and M.A. (Dept. of Poultry and Dairy Science, Govt.
Brahmaputra river systems. The young gharials
might have come from India during monsoon Veterinary College, Chittagong); RAHMAN,
when the floodgates of the Farakka Barrage M.M. & AZAM, M.T. (Dept. of Animal
were kept open. However, the Farakka Barrage Science, Bangladesh Agricultural University,
is considered to be the most important factor for Mymensingh). EFFECT OF FEEDING
the virtual extinction of the gharials from DIFFERENT COMBINATION OF ROUGHAGE
158 SINGH, Y. & SAXENA, M.M. WEATHER. Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2005, 34 (1 & 2),
(Dept. Zoology, Dungar College, India). 103-109.
AND GROWTH RATE IN A DESERT POND Sixteen Jamnapari weathers (about 11 months of
age and 17.7±1.20 kg live weight) were used to