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protein, neutral detergent fibre, and acid Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka).
detergent fibre contents in these foliages were ENDOHELMINTH INFESTATION IN CHANNA
similar (P>0.05) but organic matter (OM) in PUNCTATUS (BLOCH, 1794). Bang. J. Life Sci.,
Gliricidia was significantly higher (P<0.05) than 2008, 20 (2), 17-25.
other foliages. The content of Ca in Gliricidia
was higher (P<0.01) compared to lpil-ipil-1, The investigation was conducted to determine the
Ipil-ipil-2 and Calliandra foliages while the P prevalence and intensity of endohelminth parasites
content was not significantly different (P>0.05). in Channa Punctatus from November 2001 to
The concentration of total phenols in these four October 2002. A total of 90 host fish were
tree foliages were similar (P>0.05). Total examined in which 46.7% were infected with 4 species
tannins in lpilipil-1 and condensed tannins in of endohelminths such as Ancistrocephalaus
Calliandra were found higher (P<0.01) than microcephalus, Haplonema immulatum, Camallanus
other foliages, the concentration of condensed anabantis and Pallisentis ophiocephali.The
tannins was less than the predicted value of 5% infestation was higher in male (63.9%) than
to cause deleterious effect on animal. The female (35.2%). Among the identified
estimated in vitro OM digestibility in Gliricidia endohelminths, highest (33.3%) and lowest (3.3%)
was higher (P<0.01) compared to Ipil-ipil-l, Ipil- prevalence showed by the P. ophiocephali and A.
ipil-2 and Calliandra foliages. There was no microcephalus, respectively.A total of 105
difference in metabolisable energy content of parasites were collected in which 48, 39, and l8
four foliages. The results suggest that these parasites were collected from intestine, body
foliages are of higher nutritional values and may cavity and liver, respectively and their intensity
be used to feed ruminants. were 2.3±1.7, 1.8±1.6, and 3.6±2.4l, respectively.
The intensity of parasites was highest (3.6±2.4l) in
595.1 : ZOOLOGY : HELMINTHES the liver whereas, highest prevalence (23.3%)
occurs both in intestine and body cavity.Among
164 ALAM, M. R.; KAMRUJJAMAN, the length groups, highest prevalence (50%) found
in both 14-16 cm and 20-22 cm length groups and
M. (Dept. of Zoology, Jahangirnagar highest intensity (3.6±2.l) observed in 20-22 cm
University, Savar, Dhaka) & BHUIYAN, A.I. length group.
(Dept. of Zoology, Dhaka University, Dhaka).
Sci., 2006, 18 (2), 51-57.
Zoology, Dhaka University, Dhaka). HELMINTH
Helminth parasites found in Notopterus notopterus PARASITES IN ANABAS TESTUDINEUS
(BLOCH, 1792). Bang. J. Zool., 2006, 34 (1), 35-
were examined. In total, 4 of such parasites were
recorded in this study. These were, one from 40.
Nematoda and three from Trematoda. One species A total of seven species of helminth parasites of
of Nematoda i.e., Spirocamallanus notopteri and
two species of Trematoda i.e., Phyllodistomum Anabas testudineus was collected among which
folium and Singhia thapari were found in the three species were trematodes: Neopecoelina
intestine. Whereas, Ancylodiscoides notopterus, an saharanpurensis, Ptychogonimus megastomus,
only monogenea trematoda was collected from the Brevicreadium congeri; and four species were
gills of the host. It is believed that the later species nematodes: Zeylanema anabantis, Z. bidigitalis,
is the first report from Bangladesh. Metaquimperia madhuai, and Gnathostoma
spinigerum. Most of the parasites were found in
165 KHANUM, H.; NAHAR, S.; the intestine. Only G spinigerum were collected
from the liver. The overall prevalence of infection
FERDOUS, Z. (Dept. of Zoology, Dhaka of the parasites of A. testudineus was 90% and the
University, Dhaka); UDDIN, M.H. (Laboratory intensity was 3.33. The prevalence was higher
Science Division, ICDDR, B, Dhaka) & (100%) in male fishes than in female fishes (84%)
KAMRUJJAMAN, M. (Dept. of Zoology, the intensity was equal in both the male and female