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mortality was measured by surface film treatment     Contact and fumigant toxicity of the three essential
             method at different doses of  the  complexes.  The   oils, viz., cardamom  (Elletaria cardamomum
             results showed that the LD 50 values as recorded     Maton), Cinnamon  (Cinnamomum aromaticum
             after 24 hours of treatment were  0.6173,  0.4500,   Nees), and  Clove  (Syzygium aromaticum  (L.)
             0.5697 and 0.6188 mg cm  for Ni(II)-cystine,         Merr. and petry) were tested against the red flour
             Cd(II)-cystine, Hg(II)-cystine and  Pb(II)-  cystine   beetle,  Tribolium castaneum  (Herbst) larvae and
             respectively as compared with 0.2416 mg cm  for      adults. Residual film bioassay was employed  in
             the standard  insecticide  λ-cyhalothrin. Still lower   Petri dish (5 cm dia.) for contact toxicity studies
             LD 50 values were obtained when recorded after 48    and 6cm x 1.8cm glass vials were used for testing
             hours of treatment. These metal-cystine complexes    fumigation  actions.  Three  day old adults and 10-
             were found to be biodegradable and their half-lives   day old larvae were equally susceptible to  the
             varied approximately from 60 to 110 hours when       contact toxicity of cinnamon oil, with LD 50 values
             dissolved  in  aqueous medium. These compounds       of 0.074 and 0.196 mg cm  respectively.
             may, therefore, be used as effective insecticides.   Cardamom oil provided higher toxicity to 14-day
                                                                  and 18- day old larvae having LD 50 value of
             182  KHALEQUZZAMAN,  M. & SULTANA,                   0.10mg cm . In fumigation bioassay cinnamon oil
             S.  (Institute of Biological Sciences, Rajshahi      provided the highest toxicity to adult and 10-, 14-,
             University, Rajshahi).  INSECTICIDAL ACTIVITY        and 18-day old larvae, with LD 50 values of  0.03,
             OF ANNONA SQUAMOSA L. SEED EXTRACTS                  0.05,  0.088  and 0.09 mg cm  respectively.
             AGAINST      THE    RED    FLOUR     BEETLE,         Furthermore, 10-day old larvae were more tolerant
             TRIBOLIUM CASTANEUM (HERBST).  J. Bio-               than the adults to the contact toxicity of  the
             Sci., 2006, 4 , 107-112.                             essential oils, but 14- day old larvae had the same
                                                                  susceptibility as the adults, In  contact  and
             Insecticidal activity of the seed extracts of custard   fumigation toxicity adults and all stages of larvae
             apple,  Annona squamosa  L.  in petroleum spirit,    were more resistant to clove oil.
             ethyl  acetate, acetone and methanol against Raj,
             CR 1, FSS II and CTC-12 strains of the red flour     595.77    ZOOLOGY : DIPTERA
             beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) was studied.
             The  seeds were dried, powdered and extracted in     184  AHMED, T.U.; BANU,  N.N.  (IEDCR,
             Soxhlet's apparatus in the solvents below  60 C.     Dhaka) ; RAHMAN, G.M.S. ( Dept. of Zoology,
             Extractions  were applied on larvae and adult        National University); SHAMSUZZAMAN, M.
             beetles in film-residue methods and mortality was    (Dept.  of Zoology, Feni Govt. College, Feni) ;
             recorded after 24 h. For larval bioassay the highest   BASHAR, K.  ( Dept. of Zoology, Jahangirnagar
             toxicity was recorded for petroleum spirit extract   University, Savar, Dhaka); SAMAJPATI, S.
             (LD 50=0.03µg cm )  in Raj strain and the lowest     (Jagannath University, Dhaka); SULTANA,  S.
             toxicity was for methanol extract (LD 50=15.697µg    (Eden College,  Dhaka); Hossain, M.I.  (West
             cm )  in FSS II strain. In adults petroleum spirit   Moad  Hospital, Dept. of Medical Entomology,
             extract offered highest toxicity  (LD 50=58.697µg    Sydney University, Australia) & RAHMAN, M.S.
             cm )  in CTC 12 strain and  the  lowest  toxicity    (Dhaka City Corporation,  Dhaka).  SEASONAL
             (LD 50=22004.710µg cm ) was for acetone extract      PREVALENCE        OF    DENGUE      VECTOR
             in CR 1 strain. LD 50, 95% confidence limits and     MOSQUITOES         IN     DHAKA        CITY,
             regression equations are presented.                  BANGLADESH. Bang. J. Zool., 2007, 35(2), 205-
             183  MONDAL, M. & KHALEQUZZAMAN,
             M.  (Dept. of Zoology,  Rajshahi  University,        The seasonal prevalence of Aedes aegypti and Ae.
             Rajshahi).  TOXICITY  OF ESSENTIAL OILS              albopictus was studied in Dhaka city, Bangladesh,
             AGAINST  RED FLOUR BEETLE,  TRIBOLIUM                from December 2001 to August 2002. The larvae
             CASTANEUM (HERBST) (COLEOPTERA  :                    of the mosquitoes were collected from both indoor
             TENEBRIONIDAE). J. Bio-Sci., 2006, 14 , 43-48.       and outdoor of all types of houses in the urban area
                                                                  of Dhaka city. Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus were

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