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active in both dry and wet seasons with a peak in immature stages. Different larval instar (1 , 2 ,
July, when the rainfall was the highest. From 3 and 4 ) and pupae prefers different water
September to April, the larval population level media for their rapid development. So, quality of
remained low. The reduction of the population water media has some effect on the
during the winter months was related to the low developmental periods of immature stages of
rainfall. Aedes aegypti.
185 AKHTER, U.S.R. (Dept. of Zoology,
Eden Girls College, Dhaka). THE LIFE 187 BASHAR, K. (Dept. of Zoology, Jahangirnagar
Bang. J. Zool., 2006, 34 (1), 117-126. FAUNA IN JAHANGIRNAGAR UNIVERSITY
(JU) CAMPUS. Bang. J. Life Sci., 2006, 18 (2),
Mating, oviposition, eggs, different larval instars 35-44.
and duration of the larval period of Ceriagrion
coromandelianum (Fabricius) collected from An entomological surveillance was carried out
Ramna Lake, Dhaka city, Bangladesh, are (May-05 to April -06) to record the mosquito
described. faunas and their status at Jahangirnagar University
(JU) campus. A total of 14 species of mosquito
186 AKTER, T. & AHMED, S. (Dept. of under 5 different genera were identified. The
Zoology, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka). recorded genera were Anopheles (An.). Aedes
INFLUENCE OF VARIOUS WATER MEDIA (Ae.), Armigeres (Ar.), Culex (Cx.), and Mansonia
ON THE DEVELOPMENTAL PERIODS OF (Mn). The collected species were An. anularis, An.
IMMATURE STAGES OF AEDES AEGYPTI (L.) culicifacies, An. vagus, Ae. aegypti, Ae. albopictus,
(DIPTERA: CULICIDAE). Bang. J. Life Sci., Ae. vaxans, Ar. subalbatus, Cx. fuscocephala, Cx.
2006, 18 (2), 77-85. quinquefasciatus, Cx. tritaeniorhynchus, Cx.
vishnui, Cx. gelidus. Mn. annulifera and Mn.
A study was conducted to determine the influence uniformis. During the study period, 7169 (49.78
of various water media on the developmental pmh) adult mosquitoes and 8303 (27.54 per dip)
periods of immature stages of Andes aegypti larvae were collected from the study area. Among
(L.). The inter-moult period of 1 instar larvae the adult mosquitoes. Ar. Subalbatus (26.04%)
was the shortest in straw infused water (20.96 showed the maximum and An. vagus (0.08%) the
hours) and longest (22.07 hours) in rain water. minimum density. In case of collected larvae, the
For the 2 instar larvae, inter-moult period was maximum and minimum density were found in Ae.
the shortest in natural breeding place water albopictus (34.04%) and An. culicifacies (0.08%)
(19.84 hours) and longest in normal tap water respectively. The maximum percentage of adult
(21.62 hours). The inter-moult period of 3 mosquitoes and larvae were found in forest areas.
instar larvae was observed shortest (12.73 hours) The minimum percentage of adult mosquitoes
in straw infused water and longest (17.73 hours) (3.78 %) and larvae (5.85%) were collected from
in normal tap water. For 4 instar larvae, the rice and cattle field and residential halls and its
inter-moult period was shortest in stored tap surrounding areas within the JU campus. Average
water (45.72 hours) and longest in normal tap number of Ae. albopictus recorded from the study
water (53.64 hours). For larval life, the duration area, which is the secondary vector of dengue
of larval developmental period was observed viruses.
shortest (97.68 hours) in natural breeding place
water and longest (114.24 hours) in normal tap 188 BASHAR, K. (Dept. of Zoology,
water. The developmental period of pupae was Jahangirnagar Unverisity, Savar, Dhaka);
observed shortest in straw infused water (41.49 SHAMSUZZAMAN, M. (Dept. of Zoology, Feni
hours) and longest in rain water (42.04 hours). Govt. College, Feni) & CHOWDHURY, M.A. K.
Among all the immature stages, 4 larval instar (Dept. of Zoology, National University, Gazipur).
takes more time than others. So, 4 inter-moult CONTAINER BREEDING MOSQUITOES IN
perid is the longest developmental period of