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insect orders were identified from the food content   April. Sexual activities started in May and
             of the alimentary canal of the frogs.  They          continued upto September in nature, whereas  it
             consumed more insect species from  the  order        was  from March to October in captivity. The
             Hemiptera (21%) than any other orders, followed      nesting height was 8.9 ± 1.2 m in nature and 3.1 ±
             by the order Coleoptera (20%), Orthoptera (18%),     0.11 m in captivity. The outer diameter of the nest
             Lepidoptera (13%), Hymenoptera (13%), Diptera        was 27.15 ± 5.8 cm in nature, and 20.86 ± 1.86 cm
             (5%) and Odonata (5%). They consumed 25%             in captivity. The depth of the nests was 5.4 ± 1.4
             insects injurious to crops,  fruits  and  vegetables;   cm in nature and 4.78 ± 0.73 in captivity. The nest
             12% insects injurious to trees; 9% were house hold   building time was 10.85 ± 1.98 days in nature and
             pests; 6% were disease vector; 15% were useful       12.75 ± 2.31 in captivity. The clutch size was 3.75
             insects; 3% useful annelids and 9% economically      ± 0.8 in nature and 2.33 + 0.65 in captivity. The
             important  fishes.                                   egg dimension was 4.5 x 3 cm in nature and 4.1 x
                                                                  2.48 in captivity. Incubation period was 17.3 ± 2.1
             598 :   ZOOLOGY : BIRDS                              days in nature but in captivity no egg hatched.

             205 KHAN,  M.M.H.  (Dept. of Zoology,                207 RAHMAN,          A.;     NAHAR,       T.;
             Jahangirnagar   University,  Savar,    Dhaka).       HOSSAIN, S.  (Dept.  of Biochemistry and
                                                                  Molecular Biology, Jahangirnagar  University,
             DENSITY OF THE  LESSER  ADJUTANT                     Savar, Dhaka) ; PAUL, A.K.; MUNIRA, S. &
             LEPTOPTILOS       JAVANICUS     (HORSFIELD,          CHOUDHURI, M.S.K.  (Ethnopharmacology
             1821) IN THE SUNDARBANS EAST WILDLIFE                Labroratory, Dept. of Pharmacy, Jahangirnagar
             SANCTUARY OF BANGLADESH. Bang. J. Life               University,   Savar, Dhaka). EFFECTS OF
             Sci., 2006, 18 (2), 45-50.                           CHRONIC ADMINISTRATION OF ASOKARISTA
                                                                  ON      THE      BLOOD        BIOCHEMICAL
             The activity pattern and population density of the   PARAMETERS OF MALE RATS.  Bang. J. Life
             lesser adjutant  Leptoptilos javanicus  in the       Sci., 2007, 19(2), 83-89.
             Sundarbans East Wildlife Sanctuary of Bangladesh
             were  studied  from September 2002 to February       Asokarista,  an    Ayurvedie    gynaecological
             2003  and  October 2005 to March 2006 by scan        preparation,  has  traditionally been used as a
             sampling  and  modified strip transect sampling      remedy for menorrhagia, vaginal pain and
             methods. The lesser adjutant spent most of its time   leucorrhoea. In the present study, the effect of this
             resting  and foraging. The bird was seen solitary,   drug on the liver and kidney functions of  male
             but  pairs  or small family groups were also seen.   Sprague-Dawley rats were evaluated by measuring
             The principal food items were fish and crabs.        a wide spectrum of plasma  biochemical
             Young birds were seen during October-November.       parameters. Asokarista at a dose of 20 mg/kg body
             The population density was estimated  at  0.9        weight significantly increased the plasma levels of
             individuals/km , excluding the deep water areas.     alanine  amino transferase (ALT), aspartate amino
                                                                  transferase (AST), alkaline phosphate (ALP), uric
             206  NAHER, H. & SARKER, N.J. (Dept. of              acid, total cholesterol  (TC)  and  low  density
             Zoology,   Dhaka     University,  Dhaka).   A        lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C). These results
             COMPARISON OF SOME ASPECTS  OF                       suggest that the drug exerts adverse effects on the
             BREEDING OF THE LITTLE  CORMORANT                    male rats, mainly involving the  liver  function
             (PHALACROCORAX  NIGER) IN NATURE                     activity.
             AND IN CAPTIVITY.  Bang. J. Zool., 2008,  36
             (1), 101-110.                                        208  SARKER, N.J. & NAHAR, H. (Dept. of
                                                                  Zoology,  Dhaka  University, Dhaka). NEST AND
             A comparative study of the breeding biology of the   NEST BUILDING BEHAVIOUR OF  THE
             little cormorant (Phalacrocorax niger) was studied   LITTLE CORMORANT, PHALACROCORAX
             from January 2003 to December 2004. Breeding in      NIGER. Bang. J. Zool., 2007, 35(2), 269-274.
             nature started in June, but in captivity it stared in

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