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HIV  infection through the implementation of         specific and accurate than ultrasonography  in
             communication and education programs aimed  to       detecting HCC.
             change high-risk behavior. However, the disparate
             number  of HIV/AIDS prevention programs              286 HOQUE,  R.  (Dept. of Cardiac Surgery,
             independently operating in  Bangladesh  combined     Banghabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical  University,
             with  the difficulty in adequately targeting this    Shahbag, Dhaka); RASHID, Z. & SARKAR,
             unique population of IDUs and sex workers            S.K. (Dept. of Cardiac Surgery, National Intitute
             establishes a complex situation where attaining      for Cardiovascular Diseases, Dhaka).  Antibiotic
             behavior  change  extremely difficult. This paper    sterilization of cadaveric homograft aortic  valve
             proposes adoption of the FOMENT model  to            for clinical use.  Bang. Med. Res. Counc. Bull.
             design a health communication campaign targeting     2007, 33 (2), 69-72.
             the high-risk populations in Bangladesh.
                                                                    Since the first cardiac valve  replacement  in  the
             285  HOQUE, H.W.; AHSAN, S.; ISLAM,                  early sixth decade of the last  century,  the  search
             M.N.  (Dept. of Radiology and Imaging,               continued for ideal cardiac valve  substitute  with
             Bangabandhu      Sheikh     Mujib     Medical        proven structural durability over a period of 10 to
             University,  Shahbag, Dhaka)  & ALAM, S.             20 years, central flow orifice without transvalvular
             (Dept. of Hepatology, Bangabandhu Sheikh  Mujib      gradient, absence of host reactivity deleterious  to
             Medical     University,   Shahbag,     Dhaka).       valve function, non-thrombogenecity without the
             Ultrasonography   and   computer   tomography        use of anti-coagulant,  resistance to infective
             evaluation of hepatocellular  carcinoma  with        endocarditis, availability with cost efectiveness and
             cytohistopathological correlation.  Bang. Med.       ease of surgical implantation  .The experience with
             Res.Counc. Bull.,  2007,  33 (2), 73-77.             prosthetic tissue valves commenced  almost
                                                                  simultaneously with the silastic ball valve and the
             The prevalence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)     aortic homograft valve. Homograft aortic  valves
             in Bangladesh is 35% among  all  liver  diseases.    have been used either as fresh, antibiotic sterilized
             Sonolgraphic examinations were performed for the     or cryo-preserved, as a  replacement  for  mitral
             evaluation of 38 cases of  HCC;  then,  CT           valve,  aortic  valve,  aortic root replacement, or a
             examinations   were   done   of   these  cases       conduit between the light ventricle  and  the
             subsequently.  Expert opinion was taken in each      pulmonary trunk.
             case  for both modalities. Age, sex, clinical
             features,  location  of  the   hepatic  lesion,      Homograft cardiac valve or valve conduit is used
             multiplicity,  echo-character, CT density, and,      in  correcting  some congenital malformation in
             contrast enhancement were evaluated in all cases.    childhood,  in  old  age because of higher rate of
             Histocytopathology reports were  collected  from     complication    of    either   bleeding    or
             the patients and were correlated  with  the          thromboembolism from anticoagulant used along
             ultrasonography and CT findings. Thirty five cases   with mechanical valves, in women wanting a child
             were detected as HCC on ultrasonography and 36       because of the risk of embryopathy or CNS defect
             cases in CT scan. In ultrasonograpy, most  of  the   from warfarin anticoagulant, patients  with  risk  of
             lesions  (82.9%) were found in right lobe,           hemorrhage from chronic liver disease,  active
             maximum lesions (45.7%) were hypoechoic  and         peptic ulcer, bleeding diathesis, in refractory cases
             lesion showed mosaic pattern in 68.6% cases,         of  prosthetic valve endocarditis or native valve
             lateral shadowing in 34.3% and posterior acoustic    endocarditis.
             cnhancement    in  45.7%    cases.  Significant      Fresh sterile homograft is difficult to procure so a
             difference found between mosaic  pattern  and        method  of sterilizing contaminated heart valve
             lateral shadowing (p<0.05). On CT scan, majority     from autopsy specimen using low concentration of
             of lesions (50%) were hypodense,  91.7%  lesions     antibiotic cocktail is needed before its storage by
             were contrast enhanced. Pattern of enhancement       cryo-preservation method.
             was mostly heterogeneous. Both of the modalities
             found sensitive but CT was found  more sensitive,

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