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Medical   University,  Shahbag,   Dhaka) &           prevalence  of  enteric fever along with its related
             CHOUDHURY, A.M. (Dermatology and                     factors among the children in  Arichpur  area  of
             Venereology, Bangabandhu Sheikh    Mujib             Tongi, Gazipur.
             Medical     University,    Shabag,     Dhaka).
             Clinicopatholgical correlation of blistering diseases   Data were collected during June. 2005  to  May.
             of skin. Bang. Med. Res. Counc. Bull.,  2008, 34     2006 from a sample of 48 patients who  attended
             (2), 48-53.                                          with fever more than seven days in out  patient
                                                                  department  of paediatrics of Moulana Bashani
             Blistering diseases are alarming skin  conditions    Medical College and Hospital (MBMCH), Uttara,
             where blister formation occurs in various ways and   Dhaka.  Detailed history comprehensive physical
             cannot    be   differentiated  clinically.  For      examination    and other relevant information  of
             confirmation of diagnosis, along  with  routine      patient was   recorded by following  standard
             histological examination,  immunofluorescence        procedures. A raised titre of aim of anti-of  or>160
             study is essential. Tzanck smear may be used as a    with  relevant clinical features as well as other
             rapid diagnostic tool. The  researchers  included    blood parameters were considered significant  of
             here 34 cases of different blistering lesions. Other   having enteric fever.
             than routine Hematoxylin and  Eosin  stain,  direct
             immunofluorescence test was done in 31  cases,       This  study  showed that 42 (87.50%) patients had
             indirect immunofluorescence in 28 cases  and         enteric  fever  based on clinical examination and
             Tzanck     smear    in   33    cases.   Direct       serological test (widal test). It was observed that
             immunofluorescence  stain  was also applied on       prevalence of enteric fever was  high  among  the
             Tzanck smears. The most frequent diagnoses were      patients of school going age (66.67%), habituated
             pemphigus  (n=16), bullous pemphigoid (n= 11)        with impure drinking water (58.33%), junk  food
             and linear IgA dermatosis (n=3). Clinical findings   (72.92%) and raised ESR  (87.50%).  Statistical
             and histological examination were  sufficient  for   analysis showed that parent's education (p<0.001),
             the   diagnosis   of    most   cases.   Direct       occupation  of main earning member (p<0. 01),
             immunofluorescence study is essential in many        patient's drinking water habit (p<0.05) and raised
             cases, and indirect immunofluorescence study is a    ESR    (p<0.001)   had    significant  positive
             useful  method  for diagnosis of some of the         relationships with prevalence of enteric fever.  It
             blistering diseases, especially in pemphigus. Direct   was concluded that prevalence of enteric fever was
             immunofluorescence staining on Tzanck smear is a     high  among  the children of school going age,
             novel technique for the diagnosis of pemphigus.      impure drinking water habit and out food habit.

             290 KHAN,  M.A.S. (Dept. of  Paediatrics,            291 KHANUM, H.; KHANAM, P. &
             Moulana  Bashani  Medical College & Hospital,        FARHANA, R. (Dept. of Zoology,  Dhaka
             Uttara, Dhaka); MURAD, M.A.U.  (Dept. of             University,  Dhaka).   OBSERVATION        ON
             Opthalmology,  International Medical College &       COMMON SKIN AND VENEREAL DISEASES
             Hospital, Gushlia, Tongi,  Gazipur); ULLAH,          AMONG THE PEOPLE OF DIFFERENT  AGE
                                                                  GROUPS AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC  STATUS.
             M.F.(Dept. of Dermatology, BSMMU, Dhaka)             Bang.J. Zool., 2007, 35 (2), 391-396.
             HOSSAIN, M.M.  (Dept. of  Paediatrics,
             Moulana Bashani Medical College &  Hospital,         A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess
             Uttara, Dhaka). PREVALENCE OF  ENTERIC               the   socio-demographic   characteristics  and
             FEVER AMONG THE CHILDREN  IN  A  SEMI                magnitude  of  skin  disease problems on the out
             URBAN AREA OF BANGLADESH. Bang. Med.                 door  patients  attending the Skin and Venereal
             J.,  2007,  36 (1), 7-11.                            Disease, Department of  Dhaka  Medical  College
                                                                  Hospital,  Dhaka. A total of 997 patients was
             In worldwide  enteric fever is one of the common     interviewed,  among them, prevalence of scabies
             major health  problems. It has high mortality rate   was 45.94%, eczema 9.93%, pyoderma 8.23%,
             and  transmission   is endemic in developing         ring worm 3.21% and  psoriasis  7.02%.  Among
             countries. This study was designed to find out the

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