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During the period from 1996-2000 a total of 120      such  as  homeless, drug addiction and HIV
             patients of urinary bladder  tumour  of  different   infection."
             histological grades underwent  various  modalities
             of treatment regimen. Males dominated the series     The  resurgence of this disease world wide has
             (M:F=95:25). Age of the patients ranged from 20-     strongly linked to the increased incidence of HIV
             90 years. The patients were followed up  from  3     in fection, the occurance of tuberculosis increases
             months to 5 years (average 30 months).               500-fold in patients with AIDS.

             The patients were divided  into  three  groups       Currently Pelvic tuberculosis frequently observed
             depending on the histological grading of tumour.     in India and Bangladesh. About  10%  of  the
             Trans urethral resection of bladder tumour           patients with pulmonary tuberculosis  also
             (TURBT) was carried out in all cases. Out of 100     develop  genital  tuberculosis, although less than
             patients grade I and II tumours, 50 patients were    1% of salpingitis infection can be attributed  to
             merely followed up and other 50 patients got         micobac-terium tuberculosis. Pelvic tuberculosis
             intravesical chemotherapy (Mitomycin C  or           is really a diagnostic problem. Here tuberculosis
             thiotepa).  Of  the first 50 patients, 40 developed   are presented three case of pelvic tuberculosis
             recurrence of tumour within 3 months to 2 years.     which are very common and  difficult  to
             Out  of  second 50 cases who got chemotherapy,       diagnosis.
             only 5 patients developed recurrence after two       308 AKHTER,  S.  (Dept. of Women  Gender
             years of surgery. The patients  with  grade  III     Studies, Dhaka University, Dhaka) & WOHAB,
             tumour also received postoperative chemotherapy,     M.A.     (Flinders   University,    Australia).
             all of them developed recurrence and three of them   MILLENNIUM  DEVELOPMENT GOAL OF
             presented with secondaries in liver after  1  -  1.5   IMPROVING    MATERNAL        HEALTH      IN
             years.                                               BANGLADESH:  A REVIEW OF CONCEPTS.
                                                                  BRAC Univ. J.,  2008,  V (1), 97-110.
             Good results are obtained if histologically lower
             grade tumours are treated with combined regimen.     Bangladesh is one of the signatories to  the
                                                                  Millennium   Declaration   2000,  of   which,
             618    :  MEDICAL  SCIENCES  :         improving maternal health is one of eight goals.
             GYNAECOLOGY & OBSTETRICS                             Along with the global targets  of  reducing,
                                                                  maternal mortality rate by three quarters between
             307  AFROZ, H. & AVA, N.N.  (Dept. of                1990 aim 2015. Bangladesh has set  some
             Obstetrics  and Gynaecology, Dhaka Medical           additional targets for achieving the goal by 2015.
             College, Dhaka). PELVIC TUBERCULOSIS:                The  main objective of this paper is to make an
             AN       ATYPICAL        GYNAECOLOGICAL              extensive review on selected studies on maternal
             PRESENTATION CREATING DIAGNOSTIC                     mortality, with particular reference to: (1)
             PROBLEM. Bang. Med. J.,  2006, 35 (2), 71-72.        historical and present  interventions  to  avert
                                                                  maternal  mortality, and (2) the six targets of
             Tuberculosis still becomes a  serious  threat  to    MDG  Five  set for Bangladesh. A conceptual
             public health world wide. A recent report from the   framework has been developed where the global
             centers for diseases control and  prevention         target is integrated into the targets set by
             indicated  an increase of 20% in the incidence of    Bangladesh. This paper concludes maternal
             tuberculosis  overall with 44% of these increase     mortality is a multifaceted and broad based issue
             occurring among persons aged 25 to 44 and 27%        to be considered. The inclusion of  additional
             among children under 15 years old. Tuberculosis is   targets in MDG Five for Bangladesh also reflects
             endemic in less develop parts of the world.  The     this complex reality of maternal mortality.
             demographic characteristics of what appears to be
             new "epidemic of tuberculosis reflect the medical    309 ALAM,        H.;    KHANAM,         N.N.;
             and social programs of poverty in urban popula-      KAZAL, R.K. & KULSUM, S.U. (Dept.  of
             tions, with increasing prevalence of  risk  factors   Obstetrics & Gynaecology, BSMMU, Dhaka).

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