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rectangular  pier  under clear-water condition and
             This paper presents models for daily flow forecast,   found that when the group of piles is placed at a
             dependable flow estimation and available flow        distance of twice the projected width of the  pier,
             assessment  for  the dry season period in the        for which percentage of blockage of the pier width
             Jamuna.  Daily  discharge  data of the Ganges at     is 60%, the scour volume can be reduced upto 61%
             Hardinge Bridge, the Jamuna at Bahadurabad and       while  the  maximum  scour depth can be reduced
             the Padma at Baruria for  the  periods  1934-2002,   upto 50%.
             1956-2001 and 1966-2001 respectively have been
             used in the study.                                   323 HOSSAIN,  M.A.  (Institute of Water and
                                                                  Flood Management, BUET, Dhaka)  &  ISLAM,
             Forecasting model for  post-monsoon  recession       M.N.  (Dept. of Physics, BUET, Dhaka).
             flow  and  gradually increasing component of pre-    Application of a Technique of Estimating
             monsoon rising flow at Bahadurabad has  been         Rainfall using GMS- 5 IR Data in the Greater
             developed based on at-site discharge data. Average   Sylhet Region of  Bangladesh. IWFM Res. Bull.,
             absolute deviations of forecasted  discharges  for
             recession and rising components are  less  than      2004, 5, 26-35.
             respectively 8.6 and 9.2% of observed discharges
             in 50% of the years.                                 The low spatial and temporal resolution of GMS-5
                                                                  system  WEFAX  data is not capable enough to
             A probabilistic model based  on  disaggregation      detect the extreme events and makes  the  system
             approach has been developed for the estimation of    unsuitable  for  forecasting of rainfall for flash
             decad-wise dependable dry season flow at             floods.In  most   cases   it   showed    good
             Bahadurabad. The 80% dependable  flow  is            correspondence to the mid peaks. The GMS-5 data
             approximately 11128 m /s in the 1 decad of           is suitable for long time analysis of meteorological
             November, decreases to 3322 m /s in the 1st decad    processes involved in the Sylhet region. The data
             of March and increases  to  15647  m /s in the 3 rd   quality has been a major obstacle in this  project
             decad of May. After satisfying in-stream flow  of    both in case of GMS-5 IR data and  surface  rain
             3000 m /s at Baruria, available water at             gauge data. The spatial and temporal resolution of
             Bahadurabad  for  80% dependable flow is 3773        GMS-5  data  is less than adequate for forecasting
             m /s in the 1  decad of February and decreases to    rainfall with higher accuracy. Moreover most of
             3590 m /s in the 2  decad of March.                  the grid cells were partially covered by the ground
                                                                  rain gauge stations. The calibration could be better
                                                                  with improved and longer length of data.
             322  HAQUE, M.A.; RAHMAN, M.M.;
             ISLAM, G.M.T. & HOSSAIN, M.A.
             (Institute of Water and Flood Management, BUET,      324  HUSSAIN, M.A.; AHMED, S,M.U.;
             Dhaka).  Scour Mitigation at Bridge Piers  using     BALA, S.K. & HOSSAIN, M.A. (Institute of
             Sacrificial Piles. IWFM Res. Bull., 2003, 4, 23-32.   Water and Flood Management, BUET,  Dhaka).
                                                                  Rainfall-Runoff Analysis of Korangi Flashy River
             To mitigate scour around bridge  piers,  sacrificial   Basin in Sylhet Area.  IWFM Res. Bull., 2004,  5,
             piles are economic method where natural processes    60-69.
             are involved. The arrangement should be such that
             scoured materials from the sacrificial piles should   Stanford  Watershed Model, Tank and NAM
             have enough volume to fill the scour hole created    Models were used to simulate rainfall-runoff for a
             upstream of the pier in such a way that sediments    small flashy basin of the  Korangi  river  in  Sylhet
             are trapped inside the scour  hole.  This  concept   area. It is difficult to simulate rainfall-runoff of a
             differs from earlier study  made  with  sacrificial   flashy basin without precipitation data from Indian
             piles  that  mainly  deals to reduce the strength of   part. From model runs, analysis and on the basis of
             horseshoe vortex. To determine the effect of         the results of F-test on  flow  simulation  and  peak
             sacrificial piles for scour mitigation, alternative   value  simulation  and on correlation coefficients,
             arrangements of piles were tested  in  front  of  a   Stanford Watershed Model appears to be superior

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