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rainfall for summer and  monsoon  season  with
             318 KABIR,  M.H.  (Dept. of Computer                 various rainfall intensities for each  station.
             Science and Telecommunication Engineering,           Statistical  analysis of secondary rainfall data
             Noakhali Science and Technology  University,         collected from 45 rain stations of  BWDB  and
             Noakhali). A New DC  Model  for  Transmission        scattered over the Greater Sylhet Region, was
             Loss Allocations in Power Systems.  Bang.J. Sci.     carried out to see rainfall distribution pattern and
             Ind. Res.,  2007, 42 (3),  257-268.                  was ascertained through construction of  isohyets
                                                                  maps. It has been found that a large  regional
             Under open access environment in  the  era  of       difference exists for both rainfall intensity  and
             deregulated power industry, transmission loss        duration.
             allocation to various transactions is one of the
             important issues to be solved exactly. Because of    320  BALA, S.K. & SALEH, A.F.M.
             the non-linear nature of power low and power loss,   (Institute of Water and Flood  Management
             it  is  very  difficult to segregate and to allocate   (IWFM), Bangladesh University of Engineering &
             losses among the participants properly. This paper   Technology      (BUET),      Dhaka).      AN
             presents a New DC method  (NDC)  where  an           EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON DYNAMICS OF
             efficient loss allocation algorithm has been         WATER      INTAKE     RATE    IN    FURROW
             applied. Considering the impact of every line flow   IRRIGATED  POTATO FIELD CONSIDERING
             in a network, the loss allocations to the loads have   INITIAL  SOIL MOISTURE CONTENT.  IWFM
             been computed at first and finally the total loss has   Res. Bull., 2001-2002, 3 , 26-38.
             been allocated to the generators. The effectiveness
             of this procedure has been studied for the  6-bus    Water  intake  parameters in a furrow irrigated
             and IEEE 118-bus model power systems. Several        potato  field of Bangladesh Agricultural Research
             numerical analyses implicate that the proposed loss   Institute,  Joydebpur  have been evaluated with
             allocation  procedure  including the DC load flow    furrow  length  and spacing of 30 m and 60 cm
             model is reasonably acceptable.                      respectively. Advance of wetting front  and  water
                                                                  intake curves methods were used to determine the
             627. 41 : ENGINEERING: FLOOD                         water intake parameters K 1  and α, where influence
                                                                  of  initial  soil moisture content (ISMC) at field
             319 BALA, S.K. & AHMED, S.M.U.                       condition  had  been incorporated. Two average
             (Institute of Water and Flood Management, BUET,      ISMCs - 75% of field capacity (FC) and 81% of
             Dhaka).  Rainfall  Features of North East Region-    FC were taken into consideration. Average values
             The Greater Sylhet Area  of  Bangladesh.  IWFM       of  water intake parameters were determined from
             Res. Bull., 2004, 5, 50-59.                          both the methods and were taken as recommended
                                                                  ones. For ISMC of 75% of FC, average water

             The upper North East region of Bangladesh comes      intake parameters - K 1  and α varied from 2.12 to
             under heavy rainfall, which leads to formation of    2.77 and 0.59 to 0.72 respectively, while for ISMC
                                                                  of 81% of FC, they varied from 1.93 to 2.09 and
             flash flood in the lower area of the region during
             pre-monsoon  period.  To understand the extent of    0.61 to 0.83 respectively. The results found in field
             flash flood in the region,  spatial  distribution  of   study may be used in designing furrow  irrigated
             heavy rainfall as well as estimating average rainfall   crops  with  the similar furrow spacing and soil
             over the area was studied through primary as well    condition and may pave the way  for  economic
             as  secondary  rainfall data analysis. The primary   management of irrigation water.
             rainfall  data, received from 11 auto rain gauges
             scattered over the North East region, were also      321  CHOWDHURY, J.U. & HOSSAIN,
             analyzed to see the rainfall features. The seasonal   M.A. (Institute of Water and Flood Management,
             setting of hourly and daily rainfall was analyzed by   BUET, Dhaka).  Estimation of Available Water
             plotting  all available primary data. The regional   from  the  Jamuna by Developing Disaggregation
             difference of rainfall setting has been clarified by   model  of Dry Season Dependable  Flow.  IWFM
             plotting total hourly rainfall data  and  total  of   Res. Bull., 2003, 4, 13-22.

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