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in yields of agricultural crops, decrease in natural   with the small income they would earn for their
             fertility and productivity of agricultural  lands,   livelihood.
             decrease in siltation over the agricultural lands etc.
             The positive impacts as identified in the fisheries   330 OKA,  T.  (Disaster Prevention Research
             sector were: increase in fishing areas,  fish        Institute, Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji,  Kyoto
             production and income of the  fishermen,  role  in   611-0011, Japan); AHMED, S.M.U. & BALA,
             partial  fulfillment of fish demand in the country,   S.K.  (Institute  of Water and Flood Management,
             increase in employment opportunity in the fisheries   BUET, Dhaka).  Numerical Analysis of  Flash
             sector,  the  increase  in revenue income of the     Flood in the Monu River Basin Caused by Heavy
             government etc. The negative impacts as identified   Rainfall on June 6, 2001. IWFM Res. Bull., 2004,
             in  the  fisheries sector were: increase in fish     5, 17-25.
             diseases,  overtopping  of fishponds during rainy
             season and increase in social  conflicts  etc.  The   The rainfall runoff into the Monu River on June
             negative  impacts  as identified in the hydrological   5 and 6 was calculated and flooding upstream of
             sector were: water pollution  and  untime/sudden     the  Monu Railway Bridge was simulated. The
             flood, shortage of animal food and hamper in fish    calculated  hydrograph   of   rainfall  runoff
             culture in ponds and Dobas etc. The negative         discharge agreed well with the observed results,
             impacts as identified in the  socio-economical       and  the major rainfall runoff mechanisms were
             sector  were: decrease in employment opportunity     clarified.  The  initial stage of the flooding
             and income of the farmers, damages of educational    process upstream  of the Monu Railway Bridge
             institutions etc. The drainage congestion badly      can be simulated using a two-dimensional  finite
             affected  the  housing, sanitation, electricity and   difference model.
             medical facilities. The negative impacts as
             identified in health sector were: deficiency in pure
             drinking water, malnutrition and health hazards of   331  RAHMAN, M.M. & HAQUE, A.
             the people especially the children;  increase  of    (Institute of Water and Flood Management, BUET,
             water borne diseases, increase of mosquitoes         Dhaka). Local Scour at Sloped-wall Spur-dike-like
             resulting in increase of malaria, dengue fever etc.   Structures in Alluvial  Rivers.  IWFM Res. Bull.,
             and increase of bite of venomous animals and         2004, 5, 1-9.
             insects. Environmental Impact Assessment  (EIA)
             on different sectors showed that  the  total         The  effect  of  side  slope on the prediction of the
             Environmental Impact Value (EIV) was negative        maximum local scour depth around sloped-wall
             by 119. The EIA study revealed that the drainage     spur-dike-like structures  has been  investigated
             congestion is severely hindering the growth ot the   using two existing prediction methods where slope
             socio-economy of the region. The study was useful    factors have been considered, The first  one  was
             to make some recommendations. The drainage           developed from experimental data and is empirical
             congestion in Beel Kuralia is suggested to  be       in  nature while the second one was developed
             mitigated by removing the cross bunds and sluice     using  an analytical treatment by considering the
             gates constructed across the River Baral  and  the   flow concentration in the restricted region of scour
             River Chiknai Dredging of those rivers and other     hole. Both of the above approaches are applicable
             canals,  Jolas etc. connecting Beel Kuralia is       for clear-water scour. With the aid of the analytical
             suggested to be made. To fulfill the fish demand in   model, the slope factors for the empirical formulae
             the locality and for the country as a whole, unused   have been extrapolated for milder side slopes. The
             ponds, borrow pits, ditches along the roadsides etc.   results of the above two methods together with the
             of the Beel Kuralia region are suggested to be re-   maximum  measured local scour depth around a
             excavated and reformed  where  fish culture is       spur-dike-like structure in an alluvial river have
             suggested to be carried out. In this regard, financial   been compared and discussed  with  particular
             supports can be made by the national government      emphasis on the effect of side slope on estimates of
             to the real fishermen, so that they can at least     the maximum local scour depth.
             sustain in their native land, the Beel Kuralia region

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