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Recent hydro-morphological characteristics of the    intensification during the post-monsoon (Rabi)
             Meghna river around the Meghna bridge have been      season is seriously constrained due to unfavourable
             presented on the basis of measured field data. Deep   soil moisture regime resulting from very little or no
             scour holes have been developed near the upstream    rainfall. The factors that control  the  farmers'
             termination of the left abutment and  around  the    decision process on whether to grow a Rabi crop or
             piers  close  to  the left bank. The non-uniform     to keep the land fallow were studied in a rainfed
             distribution of scour hole in the bridge section has   lowland area in West Bangladesh. Two descriptive
             been  explained  from the measured flow field        models, one on the decision to grow a Rabi crop
             resulting from meander bend and  upstream  sand      and the other on what Rabi crop would be grown,
             bar.                                                 were  developed  on  the basis of a questionnaire
                                                                  survey and discussions with the farmers. The crop
             337 RAHMAN,  R.  (Institute of Water and             water use and water availability from  rainfall
             Flood Management, BUET, Dhaka).  Monitoring          during the Rabi season were also studied. Analysis
             Framework for Poverty Alleviation  due  to  Water    of profitability of Rabi crop has shown that even
             Sector Interventions.  IWFM Res. Bull., 2004, 70-    under the adverse soil moisture.
                                                                  339 SALEH,  A.F.M.  (Institute  of Water and
             Water is a critical resource for poverty alleviation   Flood Management, Bangladesh University  of
             in Bangladesh. There is a paramount need for         Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka);
             management of this critical  resource  in  a         KHAN, M.A.K. & MAZID, M.A.(Bangladesh
             comprehensive and strategic manner. The success      Rice Research Institute, Joydebpur,  Gazipur).
             of a strategy requires a systematic approach to      ANALYSIS     OF    WATER      AVAILABILITY
             monitoring and evaluating the  progress  in          CONSTRAINT FOR CROP INTENSIFICATION
             implementing the strategy. In this paper, linkages   IN  RAINFED LOWLAND RICE SYSTEMS.
             between various water issues and poverty  are        IWFM Res. Bull .,  2001-2002, 3,  79-90.
             discussed. A set of indicators is suggested  for
             monitoring  the performance of water sector          Rainfed    lowland     rice    systems    are
             interventions from poverty alleviation perspective.   predominantly single cropped due to uni-modal
             The set of indicators consists of  input,            rainfall distribution and  inaccessibility  of
             output/intermediate  and  outcome indicators for a   irrigation.  Crop intensification during the pre
             number of water sector interventions in case  of     or post-rice season is therefore constrained due
             flood,  irrigation, erosion, storm surge, wetland,   to limited water availability. In order to study
             pollution and navigation.                            the present status of crop intensification  and
                                                                  water availability for crop growth, a three-year
             338 SALEH,  A.F.M.  (Institute  of Water and         field  study (2000-2002) was conducted in
             Flood Control and Drainage Research,  Bangladesh     Northwest  Bangladesh.  The results show that
             University  of Engineering and Technology (BUET),    chickpea  is  the  dominant post-rice crop and is
             Dhaka); KHAN, M.A.K.  (Irrigation Water              preferred by the farmers because of its drought
             Management Division, Bangladesh Rice Research        tolerance traits.  The  water availability for
             Institute, Gazipur) & BHUIYAN, S.I. (Soil and        growth of chickpea depends upon the pre-
             Water Sciences Division, International  Rice         season rainfall, seeding time, residual  soil
             Research  Institute,  MCPO 3127, Mokati City,        moisture and the seasonal rainfall. Chickpea is
             Philippines).  FARMERS’ DECISION MODEL               grown in an adverse environment as only about
             ABOUT  CROP INTENSIFICATION IN A                     34% and 26% of the crop  evapotranspiration
             RAINFED LOWLAND RICE SYSTEM.  IWFM                   can  be  met in an average and dry year,
             Res. Bull., 2001-2002, 3, 71-78.                     respectively. The yield of chickpea is very low
                                                                  and  is very much dependent on the seasonal
             The production of a single rice crop under rainfed   rainfall.  Without  any rainfall contribution, the
             condition during the monsoon is the dominant         average  yield  is 0.59 t/ha. Economic analysis
             cropping pattern of the lowland rice systems. Crop   has  shown  that chickpea production is highly

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