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from May to October and from July to  October        zooplanktons included the orders Cladocera and
             these lands remain flooded with a water depth of     Copepoda within the class  Crustacea of phylum
             more  than  180 cm to less than 275 cm due to        Arthropoda.
             surface runoff of rain water and  overflow  of  the
             river canals. The area under water during this four   349  MANNAN,      M.A.;    HASAN,     M.M.;
             month period can be  used  for  economic             AHMED,        M.B.;      KHAN,       S.A.K.U.
             applications such as various types of  fishery  as   (Agrotechnology Discipline, Khulna  University,
             well as enhancing the present  recreational  appli-  Khulna) & AMIN, M.R. (Dept. of Basic & Social
             cations. For these purposes the physical, chemical,   Science, Sylhet  Agricultural University, Sylhet).
             and biological aspects of the waler are studied to   Present Status of Nurseries  and  Problems
             evaluate  its suitability for the applications. The   Confronted by the Nursery Owners at Phultala
             study  was  held over the period of July through     Upazilla of Khulna. South Asian J. Agric., 2006, 1
             December, 2006, samples being taken once every       (2), 49-54.
             month.   The    physical  parameters   covered
             transparency, odor, temperature, salinity, EC, TSS,   The main purpose of the study was to ascertain the
             andTDS. The chemical parameters of water studied     present status of nurseries along with the problems
             were pH, DO, BOD 5,  COD, hardness, NO 2 -N,         confronted  by the nursery owners at Phultala
             NO 3 -N, PO 4 -P, SO 4 -S, Cl , Na, K, Ca, Fe, Ni,   Upazilla of Khulna District  of  Bangladesh.  Data
             Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, and Hg. Among the biological         were  collected from randomly selected 101
             parameters 'phytoplankton' and 'zooplankton' were    respondents of Phultala Sadar,  Utra, Gilatala and
             qualitatively identified in microscopic observation   Damodor  unions  of Phultala Upazilla in Khulna
             up to genera. From July to October the water was     District during August 2004 to May  2005.  Data
             transparent and of good odor, temperature ranged     were collected on types and number of fruit plants,
             from 28.2° C to 24.6° C, salinity within  0.58  to   flowering plants, timber plants,  medicinal  plants
             0.83 mg/L, EC within 250 to 608 µ mho/cm, TSS        and mother plants, use of  fertilizer  and  manure,
             0.42  to  0.82  mg/L,  and TDS within 2.8 to 5.2     propagation  practices,  insect  and   disease
             mg/L. Among the chemical parameters, pH ranged       infestation and problem confrontation  by  the
             from 6.6 to 7.4, DO within 6.4 to 6.9 mg/L, BODS     nursery  owners. Among these 101 respondents,
             within 1.5 to 3.28 mg/L, COD within 3.04 to 12.89    46.54% were young (up to 35 years), 47.53% were
             mg/L, hardness 26.08 to 37.5 mg/L, NO 2--N from      nursery owners and business man, 48.52%  were
             undetectable  to maximum 0.562 mg/L, NO 3 -N         educated at secondary level  (6-10),  56.44%  are
             within  0.539  to 2.158 mg/L, PO 4 P 2.35 to 2.75    small family holder (1-5), 61.38% nurseries were
             mg/L, SO 4 -S 0.23 to 0.29 mg/L, C1  1.65 to 6.16    established within 1996-2005, 49.50%  nurseries
             mglL, Na 3.6 to 12.5 mg/L, K 9.7 to 11.5 mg/L, Ca    had marginal land area  (<0.2  ha),  57.43%
             6.52 to 14.82 mg/L, Fe 0.1269 to 0.5062 mg/L, Ni     respondents  had low annual income (up to
             0.028 to 0.050 µg/L, Cu 0.028 to 0.043 mg/L, Zn      Tk.50,000)  and  only 18.81% having high annual
             0.023 to 0.048 µg/L, Cd 0.0023 to 0.0043 µg/L, Pb    income(>Tk. 1,00,000) and 90.10% respondents
             0.043 to 0.093 µg/L, and Hg was not detected at      had low annual expenses (<Tk.50,000) for nursery
             ppb level. Among the biological parameters  a        management. About 47.53%) nursery owners did -
             number of phytoplankton were identified covering     not take training and 42.57% nursery owners were
             the classes of  Bacillariophyceae, Chlorophyceae,    high credit borrower. Among the 101 respondents,
             Euglenophyceae,    and   Cyanophyceae.    The        97  respondents  cited that they used urea and

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