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profitable and even with a low  yield  of  0.59      & Technology, Sylhet); BEGUM, A.;  BILLAH,
             t/ha the benefit-cost ratio is  2.6.  The  major     S.M. & MIAH, M.M.  (Soil Science Discipline,
             constraint  to crop intensification in the region    Khulna University, Khulna). Study on Removal of
             is the delay in the harvest time of the preceding
             rice crop which controls to the seeding date of      Chromium  and  Zinc from Contaminated Soil by
             chickpea  and  determines the water availability     Washing Method.  South Asian J.  Agric,.  2006,
             for  crop growth. Being in the rainfed system,       1(2), 5-7.
             the  farmers  have  no control over the harvest
             time, but research on stabilizing and advancing      Heavy   metal   contaminated   soils  can  be
             the  harvest  dates is necessary for further crop
             intensification and sustainable crop production.     decontaminated by the washing method. Washing
                                                                  method  was  conducted for the remidiation of
             340  SALEH, A.F.M.  ( Institute of Flood             contaminated soil in the laboratory. Laboratory
             Control and Drainage Research, Bangladesh            batch  extraction studies were conducted with
             University of Engineering and Technology             contaminated soils with Cr (VI) and Zn separately
             (BUET), Dhaka); KHAN, M.A.K. & MAZID,                to determine the ability of extractants such as 0.12
             M.A. (Bangladesh Rice Research  Institute,
             Joydebpur, Gazipur).  Opportunities of  Dry          M Na 4P 2O 7, 0.1 M NaF, 1.0 M HCl, deionized
             Seeding for Drought Alleviation in Rainfed           water,  and EDTA solution to remove chromium
             Lowland Rice Systems. IWFM Res. Bull., 2001-         from varying soil pH (6.1 -  8.2),  organic  matter
             2002, 3,  62-70.                                     content (1.57% - 1.83%) and clay content (10% -
                                                                  17%). Up to 71 % of total chromium and 61% of
             In South Asia, 15%-66% of the arable  land  is       zinc using 0.12M Na 4P 2O 7 could be removed from
             under rainfed agriculture, where rice is the         the contaminated soil.
             predominant crop. Uncertainty and  variability  of
             rainfall, in time, amount and frequency have
             significantly affected the rice  production.  Studies   342 BEGUM,  A.  (Soil Science Discipline,
             on  rainfed rice systems in Northwest Bangladesh     Khulna University,  Khulna); HUSSAIN, M.S.
             have shown that with the traditional technology of   (UGC, Agargaon, Sher-e-Banglanagar,  Dhaka)  &
             crop establishment by transplantation, droughts are   ULLAH, S.M. (Dept.  of Soil, Water and
             expected at the beginning of the crop season during
             transplanting and near the end of the season during   Environment, Dhaka University, Dhaka). A Study
             flowering and ripening of the grains. Opportunities   of Pedological and Edaphological Aspects of the
             for  drought  alleviation through dry seeding        Manpura  Island  in Coastal area of Bangladesh.
             technology  of crop establishment have been          South Asian J. Agric., 2006, 1(2), 84-91.
             studied during the 1994-2000 wet seasons,  by
             carrying out field experiments and  farmers'
             surveys. From comparative analysis  of  water        A study was conducted to find out the pedological
             availability from rainfall and relative water supply,   and edaphological aspects of Manpura island
             the  dry  seeding technology has been affirmed as    during  December,  1994. Five soil profiles were
             technically  mere feasible for drought alleviation,   studied from the selected locations of the Manpura
             but the socio-economic constraints limiting its      island for pedological aspects. Texture of the soils
             adoption by the farmers need further research.
                                                                  of Manpura is predominantly loamy with an
             631.4 :   AGRICULTURE : SOIL                         average content of 51% silt and 21% clay and are
                           SCIENCE                                very productive with mild alkaline reactions.
                                                                  Sand/silt ratio remains more or less constant with
                                                                  depth which indicates the uniform nature of parent
             341 ALAM, J.B.  (Civil &  Environmental              materials, although there are signs of stratification.
             Engineering Dept., Shahjalal University of Science

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