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practice different interculturul operations, and took   in other metal combinations. Both inhibitory and
             control measures against diseases and  insects-      stimulating effects of Cu or Ni were observed to
             pests. Among the 101 respondents, 87 respondents     P. fluorescens. However, significant stimulatory
             cited that damping off causes at a higher extent in   effects  of Cu or Ni on the luminescence values
             nursery and 93 respondents cited that termites and   were observed for  P. fluorescens in Insch and
             ants   caused   severe  damage    in   nursery       Boyndie  soil at higher concentrations. The
             management. The vital problems of nursery            model  indicated that there were overall
             management practices were lack of loan facilities    significant synergistic effects for joint toxicity of
             (67.69%), low market price (58.52%), diseases and    Zn:Ni, Zn:Cu and Cu:Ni to  P. fluorescens in
             insects infestation (44.28%) etc.  Most  of  the     Insch and Boyndie soils, i.e., the joint toxicity of
             respondents felt that training facilities should  be   all metal mixture to  P. fluorescens was greater
             available  on  control of diseases and insects pests   than when present alone. The toxicity of metals
             management.                                          was more prominent in Boyndie soil.

             350 MIAH,  M.R.U.  (Dept. of  Entomology,            351   MIAH., M.Y. (Soil Science Dept., BSMRAU,
             Bangabandhu        Sheikh   Mujibur   Rahman         Gazipur);  QUDDUS, K.G.; MANNAN, M.A.;
             Agricultural University, Salna, Gazipur); PATON,     ISLAM, M.S. & AHMED, R.  (Agrotechnology
             G.I. & WILSON, M.J.  (Dept. of Plant  and  Soil      Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna). Yield Status
             Science, University of Aberdeen, U.K.).  Joint       of High Yielding Rice Varieties Grown on Saline
             Toxicity of Heavy Metals to Lux-Marked Bacteria      Soil. South Asian J. Agric., 2006, 1 (2), 76-79.
             Pseudomonas fluorescens in Two Different Types
             Soils. Bang. J. Microbiol., 2005, 22 (1), 50-54.     A  field  experiment  was conducted during July to
                                                                  December  2002 in aman season to evaluate the
             The  sole and joint toxicity of zinc (Zn), copper    yield attributes of three high yielding rice varieties
             (Cu) and nickel (Ni)  simultaneously  to  the        at different locations of Metropolitan  Agriculture
             bioluminescent     biosensor     Pseudomonas         Area,  Khulna.  The  experiment was laid out in a
             fluorescens 10586r pUCD607 in Insch and              Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with
             Boyndie soil was variable depending on  the          three high yielding varieties BRRI dhan 32, 33 and
             concentration and as well as the soil types.         39, in eight locations coupling urea treatment and
             Among  the mixtures of metals (Zn:Ni, Zn:Cu          replicated thrice. BRRI dhan 32 yielded significant
             and  Cu:Ni),  in Zn:Ni mixture Zn had a              (P>0.01) results on plant height, number of panicle
             significant toxic effect on P. fluorescens only in   per hill and yield. Based on data presented, it can
             Boyndie soil but not in Insch soil. Ni  had          be concluded that BRRI dhan 32  is  a  potential
             significant inhibitory effect on the luminescence    candidate to be cultivated in parts of South West
             of  P, fluorescens neither in Insch or Boyndie       Bangladesh in saline soil.
             soil. In Zn:Cu mixture Zn was found to be toxic
             to P. fluorescens in Boyndie soil but not in Insch   352  RAHMAN, M.M.; KHAN, U.M. (Dept. of
             soil.  No  significant inhibitory effect of Cu was   Botany, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka)
             observed for the luminescence response of P.         & HOQUE, S.  (Dept. of Soil, Water  &
             fluorescens in Insch and Boyndie soil. Again in      Environment, Dhaka University, Dhaka). Nitrogen
             Cu:Ni mixture the toxicity of Cu and Ni  was         fixation and respiratory activity  of  Azospirillum
             somewhat  different  from the toxicity of metals

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