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Total 250 larvae were sampled for examining the
355 ADEYEYE, E. I.; AROGUNDADE, L.A.; morphological and physiological adaptations.
ASAOLU, S.S. & OLAOFE, O. (Dept. of Different appendicular and visceral organs of the
Chemistry, Ado Ekiti University, Nigeria). larvae were considered for examination. The
Fungicide-Derived Copper Content in Soil and examinations were made under SKT binocular
Vegetation Component, Owena Cocoa microscope (4x and l0x magnifications).
(Theobroma Cacao L.) Plantations in Nigeria. Anatomical features of digestive, excretory and
Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2006, 41 (3 & 4), 129-140. respiratory organs were examined by dissecting the
larvae. Adaptability in the larval morphology was
This work reported the results of copper content in found highly significant. The 1 thoracic and 1 ,
the soil profiles of three different aged cocoa 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 abdominal segments bear
plantations subjected to copper- fungicide spiracles. The 3 to 6 and 10 abdominal
application and the various vegetational segments bear prolegs on either side of the body.
components (pod, beans, leaves, trunk bark, lateral The alimentary canal was found developed and
root and twig). Soil copper at various depth adapted to consume a large amount of leaf-
considered ranged from 5.0 -42,0 µgg . Copper biomass. The principal execratory organ composed
contents in both fresh and dry leaves of cocoa and of six malpighian tubules. The neural organs were
banana were consistently high in all the three highly developed. The tracheal system was found
plantations. The copper contents ranged from 56- terrestrio-aquatic in adaptations. The larvae had no
300 µgg (dry wt.) in cocoa trunk bark and 86-161 gills or additional structures. The larval case was a
µgg in banana trunk bark. There was evidence of characteristic air chamber, in which the larva
age-dependent accumulation of copper in cocoa breaths through spiracles.
pod and beans; hence it can be used to assess the
degree of copper contamination. Copper contents 357 BEGUM, S. (Faculty of Agriculture, Okayama
from roots ranged from 408-2, 203 µgg (dry wt.). University, Japan). HABITUATION OF THE
The soil did not appear contaminated by copper but DIAMONDBACK MOTH, PLUTELLA XYLOSTELLA
alternative fungicide is recommended since copper (LEPIDOPTERA: YPONOMEUTIDAE) TO WILD
accumulation in the cocoa beans was evident. HOST PLANT. Bang. J. Zool., 2007, 35 (1), 81-86.
356 BASHAR, M.A.; PARVEN, N. (Dept. of The increased ability of the diamondback moth,
Zoology, Dhaka University, Dhaka) & Plutella xylostella to be habituated to the wild host
QURAISHI, S. B. (Bangladesh Atomic Energy plant was examined by establishing the habituated
Centre, Dhaka). LARVAL ADAPTATIONS OF A lines on the wild host, Indian marcheress, Rorippa
PYRALID INSECT PEST (SYNCLITA indica (Ri) and crop host, young cabbage (Yc) for
OCCIDENTALIS) TO ITS HOST-PLANT IN four and five generations, respectively. The biotic
POND ECOSYSTEM. Bang. J. Zool., 2007, 35 performances were compared between the two
(2), 357-366. lines (Ri and Yc) of which larvae were fed on the
habituated plant and the alternative one. The DBM
Duckweed production is highly hampered due to habituated to the wild host more than the crop host.
the attack of a pyralid insect (Synclita occidentalis) The DBM showed increased biotic performances
in pond ecosystem. The insect attained pest status habituated on the wild host than on the crop in
in its larval stage and continued up to pupal stage.