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insecticides against cotton aphid,  Aphis gossypii   treatments did not vary  significantly.  The
             Glover (Homoptera: Aphididae).  Bang. J. Life.       minimum number of natural enemies was recorded
             Sci., 2008, 20 (1), 69-74.                           in T 2 and T 4 treatments respectively while the
                                                                  maximum number of those was found  In  the
             Cotton fields infested with cotton aphid,  Aphis     treatment T 5.   In T 5  maximum number of insect
             gossypii Glover (Homoptera : Aphididae) were         pests and natural enemies in was obtained. In
             treated with Phorate 10 G, Oxydemeton-melhyl 25      maximum cases, the mean number of insect pests
             EC.  Endosulfan 35 EC, Dimethoate 30 EC mid          and natural enemies insecticide spray and control
             Malahion  50 EC. On The 10  day all the aphids       treatment were not different. The  least  value  was
             disappeared  excepting Dimethoate 30 EC and          observed in insecticide + LCC treatment compared
             Malathion  5OEC treated fields. The efficacy of      to other treatments. The application of Rajdhan +
             insecticides against cotton aphid was assessed.      LCC (T 2) followed by Rajfuran + LCC (T 4) gave
                                                                  better  performance  compared to application of
             366 KHAN,  M.M.H.  (Dept. of Entomology,             insecticides alone and control treatment.
             Patuakhali  Science and Technology University,
             Patuakhali).   EFFECT      OF     DIFFERENT          367 MAHFUZ,  I.  (Dept.  of Zoology, Crop
             MANAGEMENT         STRATEGIES      ON    THE         Protection and Toxicology Lab.,  Rajshahi
             ABUNDANCE OF INSECT PESTS  AND                       University, Rajshahi) & KHANAM,  L.A.M.
             NATURAL ENEMIES IN T. AMAN RICE. Bang.               (BCSIR Laborotaries, Rajshahi). TOXICITY OF
             J. Zool., 2008, 36 (1), 85-91.                       SOME  INDIGENOUS PLANT EXTRACTS
             Comparative     effectiveness   of    different      AGAINST TRIBOLIUM CONFUSUM DUVAL. J.
             management strategies on abundance  of  insect       Bio-Sci., 2007, 15, 133-138.
             pests and their natural enemies was evaluated in a
             T. Aman rice field from July 2004  to  January       The efficacy of seven different plant extracts viz.
             2005.  Among nine species of insect pests, the       Acorus calamus  rhizome, leaves of Datura
             number  of short horned grasshoppers, green          fastuosa, Datura stramonium and  seeds  of  D.
             leafhoppers,  rice bugs and leaf rollers varied      stramonium, Corchorus  capsularis, Aphanamixis
             significantly among different  treatments.  No       polystachea and  Jatropha curcas on  Tribolium
             significant variation was observed on the number     confusum  adult  was studied. Dose mortality
             of long horned grasshopper, yellow stem  borer,      experiments were conducted with three solvent
             rice  hispa,  gall midge and brown plant hopper      (petroleum ether, acetone and methanol) extracts
             among different treatments. The lowest abundance     separately but  J. curcas seed was tested  with
             of insect pests was observed  in  the  treatment  T 2   petroleum ether extract only. Among three
             and T 4 respectively and the highest abundance of    solvents, petroleum ether extract exhibited piquant
             insect pests was found in the treatment T 5 for all   toxic effect against the beetle at all the  intervals
             kinds of observed pest species. Among  nine          although D. fastuosa leaf produces no mortality at
             species  of natural enemies, the abundance of the    24 hours of treatment. Acetone extract of  A.
             populations of carabid beetle, ground beetle, long   calamus rhizome, D. fastuosa leaf, D. stramonium
             jawed spider, lynx spider among  different           seed and C. capsularis seed produced mortality at
             treatments varied significantly. The abundance of    all the intervals but  D. stramonium leaf and  A.
             the populations of tiger beetle, damselfly, lady bird   polystachea seed did not show  any  toxic  effect.
             beetle, wolf spider and wasp among  different

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