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consideration of length of stolon and yield of were decreased with advancement of age and this
stolon per plant might be effective in further was true for all treatments. Considering nutritive
selection for the improvement of morphological value, it may be suggested to grow cowpea (Vigna
forms. unguiculatu) forage using Rhizobium inoculum
along with 25kg N/ha from urea fertilizer and
382 SULTANA, M.N.; UDDIN, M.M. harvested at the age of 40 days.
(Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent
University, Belgium); KHAN, M.J.; 383 UDDIN, M.M.; SULTANA, M.N. (Faculty
KHANDAKER, Z.H. & SHAHJALAL, M. of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University,
(Dept. of Animal Nutrition, Bangladesh Belgium) & KHANDAKER, Z.H. (Dept. of
Agricultural University, Mymensingh). Effect of Animal Nutrition, Bangladesh Agricultural
Rhizobium Inoculum and N-Fertilizer on University, Mymensingh). Effect of Levels of
Nutrient Contents of Cowpea (Vigna Nitrogen with or Without Phophorus Fertilizer on
Unguiculata) Forage at Various Stages of Oat (Avena Sativa) Forage Production Harvested at
Maturity. Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2005, 34 (1 & 2), Various Ages: ii. Nutritive Value and
93-102. Macromineral Contents. Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2005,
34(1 & 2), 73-81.
The experiment was conducted to study the effect
of Rhizobium inoculum, Rhizobium with N- The experiment was undertaken to find out doses
fertilizer and different doses of N-fertilizer (urea) of N and P fertilizer and cutting age on nutritive
on nutrient contents at 3 (three) stages (40d, 50d value in terms of in vitro organic matter
and 60d) of maturity of cowpea forage. Among digestibility IVOMD), metabolizabale energy
proximate components, crude protein (CP) and (ME) and macro mineral contents of oat forage.
other extract (FE) contents increased but crude The experiment was designed by using three levels
fiber (CF) value decreased non- significantly of N fertilizer (0, 55 and 110 kg urea N/ha), two
(P>0.05 over the control at all stages of maturity. levels of P fertilizer (0 and 10 kg P/ha) and three
Although CP content of the cowpea forage stages of maturity (60, 70 and 80 days after
harvested on day 40 was non-significantly (P>0.5) sowing). The IVOMD (%) and ME (MJ/kg DM)
higher than that of the day 60 but dry matter (DM), contents of oat forage decreased (P<0.01) with the
organic matter (OM), CF and Ash contents of the increased age of plants from 60 to 80 days.
forage harvested on day 50 showed numerically However, the yield of digestible organic matter and
(P>0.05) higher values than those harvested on day ME per hactre increased progressively and
40 Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid significantly (P<0.01) as the stages of maturity
detergent fiber (ADF) content of cowpea forage increased. The stage of maturity had a negative
significantly (P<0.01) decreased with the effect (P<0.01) on Ca, P and K contents, but, no
application of Rhizobium inoculum + 25 kg N/ha effect was found on Na and S contents of oat
and the values were lower than that of the control forage. As the levels of N and P fertilizers
at all stages of maturity. The highest dO increased (from 0 to 110kg urea N/ha and 0 to
concentration of ME and NEI were obtained by the 10kg P/ha) the IVOMD and ME contents of oat
treatment consisting of Rhizobium inoculum along forage also increased (P<0.01). However, no
with 25kg N/ha compared to control at all stages of significant (P>0.05) effect of macro mineral
plant ages but values of all the nutrient components concentrations of oat forage was observed due to