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gluten was mainly due to the deamidation induced
388 RAHMAN, M.M. (Dept. of Applied by wheat deamidase at pH 6.9 and 32°C.
Nutrition & Food Technology, Islamic University,
Kushtia); SANA, N.K.; KHAN, M.M.H; 389 TARIQUE, M.H. (Dept. of Agronomy and
SARKAR, B.C.; KUMAR, S.R. (Dept. of Agricultural Extension, Rajshahi University,
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Rajshahi Rajshahi) & PAUL, N.K. (Dept. of Botany,
University, Rajshahi) & HUQUE, E.M. (Dept. of Rajshahi University, Rajshahi). Effects of row
Chemistry, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi). Partial ratios in wheat-lentil intercropping system. Bang.
Purification of Deamidase from Germinating J. Life Sci., 2008, 20 (2), 53-57.
wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Seeds and Its
Application for the Improvement of Functional An experiment was conducted to assess the effects
Properties of Wheat Gluten. J. Bio-Sci., 2007, 15, of row ratios between wheat and lentil on the yield
89-98. and yield contributing characters as well as
economic performance of intercropping system.
Enzyme with deamidase activity was found in the The experiment was laid out in a randomized
germinating wheat seeds. The activity appeared in complete block design with 3 replications. The
the seeds after 24 hours of germination and wheat cultivar "Gaurob" and lentil cultivar "BARI
reached its maximum value alter 48 hours and then moshur 4" were used. The highest values of yield
declined rapidly. Protein deamidase from and yield contributing characters for both wheat
germinating wheat seeds was further purified by and lentil were obtained from sole cropping. Land
salting out with phosphate salts and by subsequent equivalent ratio (LER) increased from 52 to 87%
chromatography on gel filtration and DEAE- over sole crop. The highest wheat equivalent yield
cellulose column chromatography. Polyacrylamide (6.42 t/ha) was recorded from one row wheat
slab gel electrophoresis showed the purified alternated with two rows lentil. This combination
enzyme to be homogeneous. The molecular weight also gave the highest gross return, net return and
was determined to be 59 kDa by gel filtration and benefit cost ratio.
60 kDa, by SDS-Polyacrylamide slab gel
electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The optimum pH 633.18 : AGRICULTURE : RICE
and temperature of the purified enrzyme were
found to be 6.9 and 32°C, respectively. The 390 ALAM, M.J.; SHAH, S.B.; ISLAM,
functional properties of wheat gluten were M.L. (Bangladesh Fisheries Research
investigated after treating with it purified Institute, Khulna) & TUONG, T.P. (Crop,
deamidaso enzyme from germinating wheat seeds Soil and Water Sciences Division, International
at pH 6.9 at 32°C. The functional properties such Rice Research Institute, The Philippines).
as solubility, emulsification and foam formation of Integrated Aquaculture with Paddy in Fresh
deamidase treated gluten were improved greatly as and Saline Water Interface of South-West
compared to that of native gluten. The solubility of Bangladesh. Bang. J. Zool., 2007, 35 (2), 381-
the deamidase treated gluten was remarkably high 389.
in the pH range of 6 to 8, in which the native
gluten was insoluble. It was apparent that the An experiment was conducted to study the
improvement of functional properties of wheat potentaily of integating Genetically Improved
Farmed Tilapia (GIFT) and prawn